Denying Pinocchio Nose by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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I waited for you to grow

Year after year,

You never wanted to let me go,

I’m your old Teddy bear.


I watched you making

The first steps into life!

When you were waking

In the morning I felt a knife


In my little wool hard if you were crying!

Now you are eighteen years

Old and I felt like really dying,

True have become my deepest fears


When your mother said one day

That she must clean the room,

I  was just like nothing to her. You must say

If  it’s maybe to soon


For me to go

On the street, in the coldness in the blowing wind.

I don’t want you to grow

If my fate will be that you’ll put me behind,


You, if you’ll forget all those years

In which you loved me

And cried with big tears

To have me, to be


Next to me

All the time

Can’t you see

That you’ll always be mine?