Alms for the Spirit by Candice James - HTML preview

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Listen to the Rain

© Candice James, Poet Laureate Emerita

New Westminster, BC CANADA



Listen to the rain.

It sobs

In soft subtle tones

And maudlin moods;

Sorrow and tears

Falling from the sky’s eyes.



There is a cleansing to this wet.



Hold hands with the rain.

It smiles

Through sun and wind,

Moon and stars,

Whispers and laughter

Spilling from her parted lips.


There is a rebirth to this wet.


Step into this cosmic rain dance.

Be reborn in the human rain

That falls from the eyes of the soul

Filling the canyons of the mind,

Overflowing the rivers of the heart

And rinsing the spirit clean.


Listen closely to the rain.

Hear its whispers

Infusing the atmosphere,

Sweetening the air,

Whetting the lips of life.