1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 3 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I spoke a blatantly incorrigible “NO”; when the unconventional society manipulatively cajoled me to leave my poetry and do an obnoxiously mundane office

job instead,


I spoke a congenial “PLEASE”;  when I wanted to be wholesomely with my beloved; wanted to uninhibitedly admire her and infact she wanted to mélange with the

glittering and star studded party,


I spoke a pathetically morose “SORRY”; when I had committed a blunder at home; broken my neighbors glass pane; with the obdurate cricket ball I was tossing

wildly in my hands,


I spoke an audaciously domineering ‘EXCUSE ME”; when I was being irascibly poked in the cumbersomely long queue; and each time I as I felt my number had finally arrived at the ticket counter; somebody else barged in forcibly; disrupting all my fun,


I spoke a compassionate “THANK YOU”; when the things I insatiably desired; were delivered at lightening speeds on my feathered doorstep,


I spoke an inevitable “YES”; when the girl of my dreams; the divinely charisma of my perceptions; invited me to embark on a shopping spree of the contemporarily fabulous city,


I spoke a supremely cordial “HELLO”; when I met a person for the first time in my life; didn’t know the slightest as regards his uncanny persona,


I spoke an inadvertently embarrassing “IDIOT”; when the imbecile donkey standing in the middle of the street; intractably refused to budge an inch to the side; no matter how stringently I blew the horn of my monstrous automobile,


I spoke an overwhelmingly agitated “STOP”; when the battalion of sordid mosquitoes hovering around my ear; unrelentingly buzzed a flurry of pertinently

discordant tunes,


I spoke an ebulliently exhilarated “RUN”; when my friend was just about to commence the race; the bellicose pistol shots punctured still carpets of

air triggering its start,


I spoke a superlatively commanding “SLEEP”; to the innocuously stubborn child; who kept playing with his toy; even well past after wee hours of the midnight,


I spoke a mischievously flirtatious “HI”; at witnessing a voluptuous damsel on the solitary streets; that is after she winked at me with a tantalizingly playful nod of her head,


I spoke a timidly submissive “PARDON ME”; when I couldn’t catch the indispensable words which the professor blurted; the very sentences which could

surely arrive in the next day’s deplorable exam paper,


I spoke a tumultuously volatile “I LOVE YOU”; when the only girl I loved; the queen of my hearts seemed to be drifting far away from me into a land of alien



I spoke a thunderously loud “SHUT UP”; when a cheeky intruder kept interrupting my conversation; disturbed my astronomical bouts of concentration; when I was

blissfully communicating with my Omniscient Creator,


I spoke an infuriatingly abashing “RASCAL”; when the men I had stationed to guard my mother from perilously lurking evil; were found dreamily dozing in the peak

of brilliant afternoon; with a basket of peeled banana skins loitered sloppily around their feet,


I spoke a tearfully dolorous “BYE’’; when my beloved was going for a few days to her maternal home; and an ocean of agony oozed out poignantly from

my heart and eye,


I spoke a convivially eloquent “BON APPETITE”; when I sat with my friend fir nocturnal dinner; with an appetizing fleet of sumptuous delicacies lying right before me; sizzling ravishingly into my eyes,


I said an inexorably euphoric “ENJOY”; when I saw the impetuously flamboyant youngster dancing rampantly on the dance floor; swishing his body in nimble harmony with the seductive moonlight,


I said an unprecedentedly formal “NICE TO MEET YOU”;  when my brief discourse with the Minister ended; and I had manipulatively extracted from his mouth the exact string of words I had actually dreamt of,


And I spoke a mystically Omnipotent “ALLAH”; every morning as I jolted off from heavenly sleep; every night as I bid farewell to the world for a short time;

and all those moments when I was confronted with inexplicable quandaries in life; when life seemed to be a gruesomely unfathomable turmoil.




You might have consumed the most overwhelmingly delectable food today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps expurgate out entirely with unprecedented fervor from your impoverished body,


You might have worn the most pricelessly impeccable of clothes today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps become indescribably sordid; with

particles of malicious dust and preposterously worthless grime floating in the atmosphere,


You might have adorned the most tantalizingly profound mascara today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps resemble amorphous nothingness;

obnoxiously blended with remorsefully decrepit sweat from all sides,


You might have sprinkled the most exquisitely designer and redolent perfume today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps dissolve into vapid oblivion; being entirely massacred by the whirlpool of irascible smoke and adulteration in the malevolently prejudiced society, 

You might have ardently inflated the most exuberantly robust balloons today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps reduce to grotesquely ludicrous

peas of their original selves; being iconoclastically subjugated by the whiplash of storm; wind and rain,


You might have smoked the most aristocratically opulent cigars today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps be nothing but tawdry specks

of infinitesimally horrendous ash,


You might have driven the most insurmountably luxurious cars today; but who knows very next day they might perhaps become an acrimoniously indiscernible

wreckage; suffering the aftermath of gory accident on their polished fronts,


You might have written on the most exotically white paper today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps metamorphose into baseless guttural shit; brutally lambasted by heinously hedonistic dust; blowing from all sides,


You might have philandered on the most pristinely embellished slopes of grass today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps transit into slained battlefields of vindictive blood; with countless laying down their lives in their quest to save the



You might have slurped wine from the most royally sculptured glasses today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps gruesomely disorient themselves into fretfully shattered bits of meaninglessness; egregiously dropping on the obdurate floors,


You might intransigently scrubbed your body with the most efficaciously effusive antiseptic today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps stink more

insidiously than a pigstalk; innocuously tripping into the inadvertently open farm gutter,


You might have relished the most contemporarily swanky watches on your wrist today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps cease to function even an

evanescent tick; as the bewitching battery conked and miserably stuttered without regrets,


You might have brandished the most eternally scintillating swords today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps develop flagrantly hapless innuendo’s of rust; as an appalling gloom of forlorn moisture unexpectedly set in,


You might have slept on the most handsomely expensive sheets of silk today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps become dreadfully tottered and

ominous rags; with moths and rats salaciously devouring them from every construable end,


You might have bathed under the most ravishingly effulgent waterfalls today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps evaporate into wisps of

disparagingly decaying nothingness; under the unendingly truculent tenacity of the ferocious Sun,


You might have miraculously memorized every perceivable scripture of medieval past today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps desert you like light deserting the night; as you suffered from inexplicably delirious aphasia of the highest degree,


You might have irrefutably cleansed your conscience of all its cannibalistic guilt today; but who knows the very next day it might be perhaps irretrievably seduced once again; by bawdy vixens lasciviously exposing their flesh,


You might have breathed the most extraordinarily puristic and holistic air today; but who knows the very next day the fangs of uncannily barbarous death; might perhaps irrevocably asphyxiate your existence without the tiniest of forewarning, 

But if you earnestly dedicated every beat of your heart to the paradise of immortal love today; then not only me but God knows it for sure; that you would

continue to exist as the most blessed organism forever and ever and ever; without any question of “Perhaps” intervening in between.


Till the time I didn’t have a dwelling of my own; I indefatigably kept craving for one in my every wish; irretrievably fantasizing about those moments when the roof above my head would be of compassionate wood; instead of the endlessly impersonal and fathomless sky,

But the instant the Omnipotent Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a castle even better; such was the greedily goddamned  parasite in me !


Till the time I didn’t have a car of my own; I tirelessly kept craving for that majestically four wheeled monster; that magnanimously blissful comfort

which would save the heels of my feet from getting wholesomely extinct,

But the instant the insuperable Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of an aircraft even better; such was the worthlessly goddamned parasite in me !


Till the time I didn’t have quintessential currency notes of my own; I irrevocably kept craving for those glorious bundles of paper; which had the power to celestially mollify my uncontrollably reverberating hunger; in the uncouth world today,

But the instant the invincible Almighty Lord gave them to me; I felt they were nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a world treasury

even better; such was the frigidly goddamned  parasite in me!


Till the time I didn’t have a watch of my own; I dogmatically kept craving for that exquisite designer dial; which would save me the tyranny of everytime looking at the position of the blistering Sun and ghoulish Moon,

But the instant the inimitable Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a politically domineering clock even better; such was the meaninglessly goddamned parasite in me !


Till the time I didn’t have a bathtub of my own; I immutably kept craving for those superbly antiseptic silken foam baths; those splashes of exotically perfumed water that would save me rolling unrelentingly in the criminally unsolicited gutters,

But the instant the unparalleled Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a limitless ocean even better; such was the insanely goddamned parasite in me !


Till the time I didn’t have a jewel of my own; I inexorably kept craving for those moments when there would an infallible twinkle on my skin; and my disdainfully tottered rags would metamorphose into the aisles of mesmerizing paradise,

But the instant the fathomless Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a boundless rainbow even better; such was the hedonistically goddamned parasite in me !

Till the time I didn’t have an integrity of my own; I unceasingly craved for those priceless times; when I would walk with my head held high; arm in arm with

every conceivable echelon of the conventionally civilized society,

But the instant the Omnipresent Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a perpetual heavenliness even better; such was the bizarrely goddamned parasite in me !


Till the time I didn’t have breath of my own; I intractably craved for those cherished moments; when I would inhale iridescently blessed air from the atmosphere; deluge the impoverished periphery of my strangulated lungs with triumphantly impregnable


But the instant the Omniscient Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a countless lives even better; such was the tawdrily goddamned parasite in me !


And Till the time I didn’t have love of my own; I unstoppably craved for those winds of unconquerable ecstasy; those heavens of immortal blessings that would transform me into the most ebullient organism alive; for infinite more births of mine,

But the instant the perennial Almighty Lord gave it to me; it was the very first time in my life when I relinquished every other craving; handsomely contented; miraculously mitigated and forever liberated; O! Yes it was the very first time in my life that the salaciously goddamned parasite in me; forever died !













You might be ripped apart to an infinite pieces of nothingness; by the bawdily conventional and disdainfully ostracizing society outside,


You might be dragged through the aisles of living mortuaries worse than hell; by the scurrilously decrepit and bizarrely baseless society outside,


You might be mercilessly thrashed with whiplashes of ignominiously vengeful abhorrent all day; by the diabolically parasitic and sadistically sinister society outside,


You might be brutally pierced in your tongue and till the very last bone of your philanthropic spine; by the disgustingly dramatic and pompously pulverizing society outside,


But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this commercially sinful earth today; for every benevolent sharing of yours; for every truthful ramification of

your soul; for every symbiotic desire that you nurtured and diffused; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most pricelessly insuperable in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.




You might be salaciously hurled into a dungeon of vindictively stabbing scorpions without a cloth on your body; by the criminally unforgiving and monstrously remorseful outside,


You might be cold-bloodedly divested of quintessential water for marathon days; by the forlornly prejudiced and tyrannically hideous society outside,


You might be made ludicrously infertile; by the murderously insane and

pathetically quavering society outside,