The Spanish Student by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - HTML preview

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The Spanish Student
Dramatis Personae ............................................. 3
ACT I................................................................. 4
ACT II.............................................................. 26
ACT III ............................................................ 58

Dramatis Personae

VICTORIAN HYPOLITO, Students of Alcala.
BELTRAN CRUZADO, Count of the Gypsies.
PANCHO, Alguacil.
FRANCISCO, Lara's Servant.
CHISPA, Victorian's Servant.
BALTASAR, Innkeeper.
PRECIOSA, A Gypsy Girl.
ANGELICA, A poor Girl.
MARTINA, The Padre Cura's Niece.
DOLORES, Preciosa's Maid.
Gypsies, Musicians, etc.


SCENE I.--The COUNT OF LARA'S chambers. Night. The COUNT in his dressing-gown, smoking and conversing with DON CARLOS.


Lara. You were not at the play tonight, Don Carlos; How happened it?


Don C. I had engagements elsewhere. Pray who was there?

Lara. Why all the town and court.
The house was crowded; and the busy fans Among the gayly dressed and perfumed ladies Fluttered like butterflies among the flowers. There was the Countess of Medina Celi; The Goblin Lady with her Phantom Lover, Her Lindo Don Diego; Dona Sol,
And Dona Serafina, and her cousins.

Don C. What was the play?

Lara. It was a dull affair;
One of those comedies in which you see,
As Lope says, the history of the world
Brought down from Genesis to the Day of Judgment. There were three duels fought in the first act, Three gentlemen receiving deadly wounds, Laying their hands upon their hearts, and saying, "O, I am dead!" a lover in a closet,
An old hidalgo, and a gay Don Juan,
A Dona Inez with a black mantilla,
Followed at twilight by an unknown lover,
Who looks intently where he knows she is not!

Don C. Of course, the Preciosa danced to-night? Lara. And never better. Every footstep fell As lightly as a sunbeam on the water. I think the girl extremely beautiful.

Don C. Almost beyond the privilege of woman! I saw her in the Prado yesterday.
Her step was royal,--queen-like,--and her face As beautiful as a saint's in Paradise.

Lara. May not a saint fall from her Paradise, And be no more a saint?


Don C. Why do you ask?

Lara. Because I have heard it said this angel fell, And though she is a virgin outwardly,
Within she is a sinner; like those panels
Of doors and altar-pieces the old monks
Painted in convents, with the Virgin Mary On the outside, and on the inside Venus!

Don C. You do her wrong; indeed, you do her wrong! She is as virtuous as she is fair.

Lara. How credulous you are! Why look you, friend, There's not a virtuous woman in Madrid,
In this whole city! And would you persuade me That a mere dancing-girl, who shows herself, Nightly, half naked, on the stage, for money, And with voluptuous motions fires the blood Of inconsiderate youth, is to be held
A model for her virtue?

Don C. You forget She is a Gypsy girl.


Lara. And therefore won The easier.

Don C. Nay, not to be won at all!
The only virtue that a Gypsy prizes
Is chastity. That is her only virtue.
Dearer than life she holds it. I remember A Gypsy woman, a vile, shameless bawd, Whose craft was to betray the young and fair; And yet this woman was above all bribes. And when a noble lord, touched by her beauty, The wild and wizard beauty of her race, Offered her gold to be what she made others, She turned upon him, with a look of scorn, And smote him in the face!

Lara. And does that prove That Preciosa is above suspicion?

Don C. It proves a nobleman may be repulsed When he thinks conquest easy. I believe That woman, in her deepest degradation, Holds something sacred, something undefiled, Some pledge and keepsake of her higher nature, And, like the diamond in the dark, retains Some quenchless gleam of the celestial light!

Lara. Yet Preciosa would have taken the gold.


Don C. (rising). I do not think so.

Lara. I am sure of it.
But why this haste? Stay yet a little longer, And fight the battles of your Dulcinea.

Don C. 'T is late. I must begone, for if I stay You will not be persuaded.


Lara. Yes; persuade me.


Don C. No one so deaf as he who will not hear!


Lara. No one so blind as he who will not see! Don C. And so good night. I wish you pleasant dreams, And greater faith in woman. [Exit.

Lara. Greater faith!
I have the greatest faith; for I believe Victorian is her lover. I believe
That I shall be to-morrow; and thereafter Another, and another, and another, Chasing each other through her zodiac, As Taurus chases Aries.

(Enter FRANCISCO with a casket.)


Well, Francisco, What speed with Preciosa?

Fran. None, my lord.
She sends your jewels back, and bids me tell you She is not to be purchased by your gold.

Lara. Then I will try some other way to win her. Pray, dost thou know Victorian?


Fran. Yes, my lord;


I saw him at the jeweller's to-day.


Lara. What was he doing there?


Fran. I saw him buy


A golden ring, that had a ruby in it.


Lara. Was there another like it?


Fran. One so like it


I could not choose between them.

Lara. It is well.
To-morrow morning bring that ring to me. Do not forget. Now light me to my bed.

SCENE II. -- A street in Madrid. Enter CHISPA, followed by musicians, with a bagpipe, guitars, and other instruments.

Chispa. Abernuncio Satanas! and a plague on all lovers who ramble about at night, drinking the elements, instead of sleeping quietly in their beds. Every dead man to his cemetery, say I; and every friar to his monastery. Now, here's my master, Victorian, yesterday a cow-keeper, and to-day a gentleman; yesterday a student, and to-day a lover; and I must be up later than the nightingale, for as the abbot sings so must the sacristan respond.

God grant he may soon be married, for then shall all this serenading cease. Ay, marry! marry! marry! Mother, what does marry mean? It means to spin, to bear children, and to weep, my daughter! And, of a truth, there is something more in matrimony than the wedding-ring. (To the musicians.)

And now, gentlemen, Pax vobiscum! as the ass said to the cabbages. Pray, walk this way; and don't hang down your heads. It is no disgrace to have an old father and a ragged shirt. Now, look you, you are gentlemen who lead the life of crickets; you enjoy hunger by day and noise by night. Yet, I beseech you, for this once be not loud, but pathetic; for it is a serenade to a damsel in bed, and not to the Man in the Moon. Your object is not to arouse and terrify, but to soothe and bring lulling dreams. Therefore, each shall not play upon his instrument as if it were the only one in the universe, but gently, and with a certain modesty, according with the others. Pray, how may I call thy name, friend?

First Mus. Geronimo Gil, at your service.


Chispa. Every tub smells of the wine that is in it. Pray, Geronimo, is not Saturday an unpleasant day with thee?


First Mus. Why so?

Chispa. Because I have heard it said that Saturday is an unpleasant day with those who have but one shirt. Moreover, I have seen thee at the tavern, and if thou canst run as fast as thou canst drink, I should like to hunt hares with thee. What instrument is that?

First Mus. An Aragonese bagpipe. Chispa. Pray, art thou related to the bagpiper of Bujalance, who asked a maravedi for playing, and ten for leaving off?


First Mus. No, your honor.


Chispa. I am glad of it. What other instruments have we?


Second and Third Musicians. We play the bandurria.


Chispa. A pleasing instrument. And thou?


Fourth Mus. The fife.

Chispa. I like it; it has a cheerful, soul-stirring sound, that soars up to my lady's window like the song of a swallow.
And you others?

Other Mus. We are the singers, please your honor.

Chispa. You are too many. Do you think we are going to sing mass in the cathedral of Cordova? Four men can make but little use of one shoe, and I see not how you can all sing in one song. But follow me along the garden wall.

That is the way my master climbs to the lady's window, it is by the Vicar's skirts that the Devil climbs into the belfry. Come, follow me, and make no noise.



SCENE III. -- PRECIOSA'S chamber. She stands at the open window.

Prec. How slowly through the lilac-scented air Descends the tranquil moon! Like thistle-down The vapory clouds float in the peaceful sky; And sweetly from yon hollow vaults of shade The nightingales breathe out their souls in song. And hark! what songs of love, what soul-like sounds, Answer them from below!

SERENADE. Stars of the summer night! Far in yon azure deeps, Hide, hide your golden light!

She sleeps!
My lady sleeps!

Moon of the summer night! Far down yon western steeps,
Sink, sink in silver light!
She sleeps!
My lady sleeps!

Wind of the summer night!
Where yonder woodbine creeps,
Fold, fold thy pinions light!
She sleeps!
My lady sleeps!

Dreams of the summer night! Tell her, her lover keeps
Watch! while in slumbers light She sleeps
My lady sleeps

(Enter VICTORIAN by the balcony.)


Vict. Poor little dove! Thou tremblest like a leaf!

Prec. I am so frightened! 'T is for thee I tremble! I hate to have thee climb that wall by night! Did no one see thee?

Vict. None, my love, but thou.

Prec. 'T is very dangerous; and when thou art gone I chide myself for letting thee come here Thus stealthily by night. Where hast thou been? Since yesterday I have no news from thee.

Vict. Since yesterday I have been in Alcala. Erelong the time will come, sweet Preciosa, When that dull distance shall no more divide us; And I no more shall scale thy wall by night To steal a kiss from thee, as I do now.

Prec. An honest thief, to steal but what thou givest.

Vict. And we shall sit together unmolested, And words of true love pass from tongue to tongue, As singing birds from one bough to another.

Prec. That were a life to make time envious! I knew that thou wouldst come to me to-night. I saw thee at the play.

Vict. Sweet child of air!
Never did I behold thee so attired
And garmented in beauty as to-night!
What hast thou done to make thee look so fair?

Prec. Am I not always fair?

Vict. Ay, and so fair
That I am jealous of all eyes that see thee, And wish that they were blind.

Prec. I heed them not;


When thou art present, I see none but thee!


Vict. There's nothing fair nor beautiful, but takes Something from thee, that makes it beautiful.


Prec. And yet thou leavest me for those dusty books.

Vict. Thou comest between me and those books too often! I see thy face in everything I see!
The paintings in the chapel wear thy looks, The canticles are changed to sarabands, And with the leaned doctors of the schools I see thee dance cachuchas.

Prec. In good sooth,
I dance with learned doctors of the schools To-morrow morning.

Vict. And with whom, I pray?


Prec. A grave and reverend Cardinal, and his Grace The Archbishop of Toledo.


Vict. What mad jest Is this ?


Prec. It is no jest; indeed it is not.


Vict. Prithee, explain thyself.

Prec. Why, simply thus.
Thou knowest the Pope has sent here into Spain To put a stop to dances on the stage.

Vict. I have heard it whispered.

Prec. Now the Cardinal,
Who for this purpose comes, would fain behold With his own eyes these dances; and the Archbishop Has sent for me--

Vict. That thou mayst dance before them! Now viva la cachucha! It will breathe The fire of youth into these gray old men! 'T will be thy proudest conquest!

Prec. Saving one.
And yet I fear these dances will be stopped, And Preciosa be once more a beggar. Vict. The sweetest beggar that e'er asked for alms;

With such beseeching eyes, that when I saw thee I gave my heart away!


Prec. Dost thou remember When first we met?

Vict. It was at Cordova,
In the cathedral garden. Thou wast sitting Under the orange-trees, beside a fountain.

Prec. 'T was Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees Filled all the air with fragrance and with joy. The priests were singing, and the organ sounded, And then anon the great cathedral bell.
It was the elevation of the Host.
We both of us fell down upon our knees,
Under the orange boughs, and prayed together. I never had been happy till that moment.

Vict. Thou blessed angel!

Prec. And when thou wast gone I felt an acting here. I did not speak To any one that day. But from that day Bartolome grew hateful unto me.

Vict. Remember him no more. Let not his shadow Come between thee and me. Sweet Preciosa! I loved thee even then, though I was silent!

Prec. I thought I ne'er should see thy face again. Thy farewell had a sound of sorrow in it.

Vict. That was the first sound in the song of love! Scarce more than silence is, and yet a sound. Hands of invisible spirits touch the strings Of that mysterious instrument, the soul,
And play the prelude of our fate. We hear The voice prophetic, and are not alone.
Prec. That is my faith. Dust thou believe these warnings?

Vict. So far as this. Our feelings and our thoughts Tend ever on, and rest not in the Present.
As drops of rain fall into some dark well,
And from below comes a scarce audible sound, So fall our thoughts into the dark Hereafter, And their mysterious echo reaches us.

Prec. I have felt it so, but found no words to say it! I cannot reason; I can only feel!
But thou hast language for all thoughts and feelings. Thou art a scholar; and sometimes I think
We cannot walk together in this world!
The distance that divides us is too great!
Henceforth thy pathway lies among the stars; I must not hold thee back.

Vict. Thou little sceptic!
Dost thou still doubt? What I most prize in woman Is her affections, not her intellect!
The intellect is finite; but the affections Are infinite, and cannot be exhausted.
Compare me with the great men of the earth; What am I? Why, a pygmy among giants! But if thou lovest,--mark me! I say lovest, The greatest of thy sex excels thee not!
The world of the affections is thy world, Not that of man's ambition. In that stillness Which most becomes a woman, calm and holy, Thou sittest by the fireside of the heart, Feeding its flame. The element of fire
Is pure. It cannot change nor hide its nature, But burns as brightly in a Gypsy camp
As in a palace hall. Art thou convinced?

Prec. Yes, that I love thee, as the good love heaven; But not that I am worthy of that heaven.
How shall I more deserve it?
Vict. Loving more.

Prec. I cannot love thee more; my heart is full.

Vict. Then let it overflow, and I will drink it, As in the summer-time the thirsty sands Drink the swift waters of the Manzanares, And still do thirst for more.

A Watchman (in the street). Ave Maria Purissima! 'T is midnight and serene!


Vict. Hear'st thou that cry?


Prec. It is a hateful sound, To scare thee from me!

Vict. As the hunter's horn
Doth scare the timid stag, or bark of hounds The moor-fowl from his mate.

Prec. Pray, do not go!


Vict. I must away to Alcala to-night. Think of me when I am away.


Prec. Fear not!


I have no thoughts that do not think of thee.

Vict. (giving her a ring).
And to remind thee of my love, take this; A serpent, emblem of Eternity;
A ruby,--say, a drop of my heart's blood.

Prec. It is an ancient saying, that the ruby Brings gladness to the wearer, and preserves The heart pure, and, if laid beneath the pillow, Drives away evil dreams. But then, alas! It was a serpent tempted Eve to sin.
Vict. What convent of barefooted Carmelites

Taught thee so much theology?


Prec. (laying her hand upon his mouth). Hush! hush! Good night! and may all holy angels guard thee!


Vict. Good night! good night! Thou art my guardian angel! I have no other saint than thou to pray to!


(He descends by the balcony.)


Prec. Take care, and do not hurt thee. Art thou safe?

Vict. (from the garden).
Safe as my love for thee! But art thou safe? Others can climb a balcony by moonlight As well as I. Pray shut thy window close; I am jealous of the perfumed air of night That from this garden climbs to kiss thy lips.

Prec. (throwing down her handkerchief). Thou silly child! Take this to blind thine eyes. It is my benison!

Vict. And brings to me
Sweet fragrance from thy lips, as the soft wind Wafts to the out-bound mariner the breath Of the beloved land he leaves behind.

Prec. Make not thy voyage long.

Vict. To-morrow night
Shall see me safe returned. Thou art the star To guide me to an anchorage. Good night! My beauteous star! My star of love, good night!

Prec. Good night!

Watchman (at a distance). Ave Maria Purissima! Scene IV. -- An inn on the road to Alcala. BALTASAR asleep on a bench. Enter CHISPA.

Chispa. And here we are, halfway to Alcala, between cocks and midnight. Body o' me! what an inn this is! The lights out, and the landlord asleep. Hola! ancient Baltasar!

Bal. (waking). Here I am.


Chispa. Yes, there you are, like a one-eyed Alcalde in a town without inhabitants. Bring a light, and let me have supper.


Bal. Where is your master?

Chispo. Do not trouble yourself about him. We have stopped a moment to breathe our horses; and, if he chooses to walk up and down in the open air, looking into the sky as one who hears it rain, that does not satisfy my hunger, you know. But be quick, for I am in a hurry, and every man stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet. What have we here?

Bal. (setting a light on the table). Stewed rabbit.


Chispa (eating). Conscience of Portalegre! Stewed kitten, you mean!


Bal. And a pitcher of Pedro Ximenes, with a roasted pear in it.

Chispa (drinking). Ancient Baltasar, amigo! You know how to cry wine and sell vinegar. I tell you this is nothing but Vino Tinto of La Mancha, with a tang of the swine-skin.

Bal. I swear to you by Saint Simon and Judas, it is all as I say.

Chispa. And I swear to you by Saint Peter and Saint Paul, that it is no such thing. Moreover, your supper is like the hidalgo's dinner, very little meat and a great deal of tablecloth.

Bal. Ha! ha! ha!


Chispa. And more noise than nuts. Bal. Ha! ha! ha! You must have your joke, Master Chispa. But


shall I not ask Don Victorian in, to take a draught of the Pedro Ximenes?


Chispa. No; you might as well say, "Don't-you-want-some?" to a dead man.


Bal. Why does he go so often to Madrid?


Chispa. For the same reason that he eats no supper. He is in love. Were you ever in love, Baltasar?


Bal. I was never out of it, good Chispa. It has been the torment of my life.


Chispa. What! are you on fire, too, old hay-stack? Why, we shall never be able to put you out.


Vict. (without). Chispa!


Chispa. Go to bed, Pero Grullo, for the cocks are crowing.


Vict. Ea! Chispa! Chispa!


Chispa. Ea! Senor. Come with me, ancient Baltasar, and bring water for the horses. I will pay for the supper tomorrow.




SCENE V. -- VICTORIAN'S chambers at Alcala. HYPOLITO asleep in an arm-chair. He awakes slowly.

Hyp. I must have been asleep! ay, sound asleep! And it was all a dream. O sleep, sweet sleep Whatever form thou takest, thou art fair, Holding unto our lips thy goblet filled
Out of Oblivion's well, a healing draught! The candles have burned low; it must be late. Where can Victorian be? Like Fray Carrillo, The only place in which one cannot find him Is his own cell. Here's his guitar, that seldom Feels the caresses of its master's hand. Open thy silent lips, sweet instrument! And make dull midnight merry with a song.

(He plays and sings.)

Padre Francisco!
Padre Francisco!
What do you want of Padre Francisco? Here is a pretty young maiden
Who wants to confess her sins! Open the door and let her come in, I will shrive her from every sin.



Vict. Padre Hypolito! Padre Hypolito!


Hyp. What do you want of Padre Hypolito?

Vict. Come, shrive me straight; for, if love be a sin, I am the greatest sinner that doth live.
I will confess the sweetest of all crimes,
A maiden wooed and won.

Hyp. The same old tale
Of the old woman in the chimney-corner,
Who, while the pot boils, says, "Come here, my child; I'll tell thee a story of my wedding-day."

Vict. Nay, listen, for my heart is full; so full That I must speak.

Hyp. Alas! that heart of thine Is like a scene in the old play; the curtain Rises to solemn music, and lo! enter The eleven thousand virgins of Cologne!

Vict. Nay, like the Sibyl's volumes, thou shouldst say; Those that remained, after the six were burned, Being held more precious than the nine together. But listen to my tale. Dost thou remember The Gypsy girl we saw at Cordova
Dance the Romalis in the market-place?

Hyp. Thou meanest Preciosa.

Vict. Ay, the same.
Thou knowest how her image haunted me Long after we returned to Alcala. She's in Madrid.

Hyp. I know it.


Vict. And I'm in love.


Hyp. And therefore in Madrid when thou shouldst be In Alcala.

Vict. O pardon me, my friend,
If I so long have kept this secret from thee; But silence is the charm that guards such treasures, And, if a word be spoken ere the time,
They sink again, they were not meant for us.

Hyp. Alas! alas! I see thou art in love.
Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak. It serves for food and raiment. Give a Spaniard His mass, his olla, and his Dona Luisa--
Thou knowest the proverb. But pray tell me, lover, How speeds thy wooing? Is the maiden coy? Write her a song, beginning with an Ave;
Sing as the monk sang to the Virgin Mary,

Ave! cujus calcem clare Nec centenni commendare Sciret Seraph studio!

Vict. Pray, do not jest! This is no time for it! I am in earnest!
Hyp. Seriously enamored?
What, ho! The Primus of great Alcala Enamored of a Gypsy? Tell me frankly, How meanest thou?

Vict. I mean it honestly.


Hyp. Surely thou wilt not marry her!


Vict. Why not?

Hyp. She was betrothed to one Bartolome, If I remember rightly, a young Gypsy Who danced with her at Cordova.

Vict. They quarrelled, And so the matter ended.


Hyp. But in truth Thou wilt not marry her.

Vict. In truth I will.
The angels sang in heaven when she was born! She is a precious jewel I have found Among the filth and rubbish of the world. I'll stoop for it; but when I wear it here, Set on my forehead like the morning star, The world may wonder, but it will not laugh.

Hyp. If thou wear'st nothing else upon thy forehead, 'T will be indeed a wonder.

Vict. Out upon thee
With thy unseasonable jests! Pray tell me, Is there no virtue in the world?

Hyp. Not much.
What, think'st thou, is she doing at this moment; Now, while we speak of her?

Vict. She lies asleep,
And from her parted lips her gentle breath Comes like the fragrance from the lips of flowers. Her tender limbs are still, and on her breast The cross she prayed to, ere she fell asleep, Rises and falls with the soft tide of dreams, Like a light barge safe moored.

Hyp. Which means, in prose,


She's sleeping with her mouth a little open!


Vict. O, would I had the old magician's glass To see her as she lies in childlike sleep!


Hyp. And wouldst thou venture?


Vict. Ay, indeed I would!


Hyp. Thou art courageous. Hast thou e'er reflected How much lies hidden in that one word, NOW?


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