Star dust, we are all connected.


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Book Description HTML

In “The Mind This Enigma”, we support the existence of a quantum component in the brain, interacting with the memory, the consciousness and the unconsciousness partially relocated. But what could be the ultimate nature of the mind? In order to better understand its structure, we will study here the emergence of the consciousness and the memory in the course of the evolution and even more in detail in man. We will then look at the consequences of its delocalisation out of our space-time:-Does it involve communication between minds?-Is there a pre-birth and an afterlife?-What about the human individuality?-What might be the origin and the form of a non-local mind? By linking these different points, we will be then able to propose a broader vision and its meaning.

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Dr Martinho Correia

Ph D with a curious mind and restless reader. Varied career path: basic and applied research, product development, launch and project management in different European countries. My main interests are philosophy, neurosciences, astrophysics, photography, writing and outdoor sports.

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