Rediscovering Transcendence


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Book Description HTML

Goals of this book: - Understanding the crisis of civilization: lack of vision, materialistic values, the long descent downwards- Regaining purpose of life: the position of the human being in the world - Finding meaning in a fragmented world - Developing a solid understanding of life - Forming a sound vision of one's role in society- Developing a philosophy of life- Working together to make a transition to a wholesome world: from ego-centric to ecocentric. Note: this is an expanded edition of my previous e-book: “Resonance with the Self”. A new chapter has been added on seven key principles for an integral kind of science, as well as a new appendix on the symbolism of the seven Sacraments. Chapter five has been rewritten and chapter four has been expanded with some new items.

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Martin Euser

Holistic philosopher, with a deep interest in connecting different fields of academic disciplines such as philosophy, psychology and cybernetics. My Youtube channel, now with podcasts, is:

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