Our Holy Hell: The Causes, the Solutions


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Basically, lies are bad. Ok? Here is where lies go to die. Which will make this book unpalatable for most of you. This book may not be Newton's "Principia Mathematica" or Darwin's "The Origin of Species." But given the problems of the world, it is easily the most important book ever written. Possibly the most important book that will ever be written. This book contains hundreds of quotes from the bible that are either stupid, lies, or are evil to varying degrees. (Though this book doesn't list all such examples) These contain many philosophies that are common to all religions. By taking the approach that I do, you will find out what the right way to look at things is and why. Only a fool or criminal could read this book and deny that religion plays the major role in speeding this planet toward doom. Can you handle the truth? Will you dare to look into this mirror? Or stick with the same old comfortable, destructive lies.

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