How God Created the Universe


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Book Description

This book presents the view that the universe is not inexplicable and can be explained by metaphysical inquiry. Providing a provable solution to the central question of metaphysics (why does something exist?) is just the beginning of the explanation of the universe provided in this work. The book argues that this is achievable from a single first principle and incontrovertible fact along with a few other basic, universally acknowledged and self-evident facts. In addition to the metaphysical cosmology presented W A Dunkley presents the view that reason can provide the only successful foundation for the advocacy of freedom. Reason is the only path to freedom but it must be a reason that is empowered by the discovery of its God.

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W A Dunkley

W A Dunkley is an independent philosopher who holds the intellectual establishment in disdain and regards them to be intellectually and morally bankrupt. He presently lives as a nomad traveling mostly in Mexico, Central, and South America. His book "How God Created the Universe: A Testament to the Supremacy of Identity" presents ideas that he has been formulating for five decades.