Focus - The Key to Success by CBTopSites - HTML preview

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Focusisa scary word to most people. What can it do for us? How can it help us? Can we program ourselvesto focus? Focus, confidence and selfdiscipline all workhand in hand with each other.

Learning to focuscan help usin many ways. It can help usrealise what we really want in life, it can help usmake good and informed decisions. It can also help usto accept ourselvesjust the way we are, without feeling the need to condemn ourselvesor put ourselvesdown in any way, shape or form.

Focuscan help us gain confidence, power and happiness. Focuscan also help usremain grounded and stay on track. Focuscan change confusion into absolute knowledge and self-criticism into love for oneself.

Alwaysbe aware that you ARE able to focuson what you want, and to focus your thoughtson anything at all. Try it now by thinking about the dishes, now change your focusand thinkabout your car. Switch focusagain and think about a dog. It really isthat easy to focus on whatever you want to focuson.

We all need to learn to set aside time to be used on the one thing we want or need to focuson. It’snot a matter of “taking the time” to focus, but more a matter of “making the time”. If we are willing to make the time, we will focusa lot better on whatever it isyou want or need to do.

You askme how I can possibly make time to focuswith four demanding children, 3 dogsand a new house?

Easy, I can stay up for an extra hour when all the kids are in bed and the house isquiet, and MAKE the time to focuson what I’m doing with absolutely no distractionsat all.

Oh, that’sright; you worktoo, so you’re too tired to stay up late. How about getting up half an hour early, before the madnessat home begins? Before you go to bed, get everything ready for your earlymorning “focustime” so that you don’t have to run around looking for it when you’re half awake. Of course, this meansyou have to have a plan of action ready beforehand.

Decide when you are going to make time, and stickto it like glue. Don’t let ANYTHING take you away from that time. Make sure you have everything you need all in one place, a room, or even a corner of a room where you can sit in peace. Unplug the phone, turn off the television, and don’t even listen to quiet background music.

Whatever happensaround you will distract you unlessyou learn how to focus. Sometimesit seemseasier to just go along with these distractions than to focuson the end goal. Remember, if you let yourself go along with the distractions, you are losing sight of your goals. Sharpen your vision of what you want or you WILL be at the mercy of your environment.

When you want something you have to decide EXACTLY what it isyou want. If you don’t know what you want, there’sno way on earth you’re going to be able to focuson it. So you want to passthat driving test that you’ve taken and failed umpteen times, or you want to passthat really important exam in school.

You might want to write a book, or build a website, run your own business, be a teacher or any number of different things. The main thing isyou have to KNOW that’swhat you want, and you have to set your aimshigh and demand yourself to focuson getting it.

Once you decide what you want, you have to decide WHY you want it. Visualize yourself in that brand new Mercedesor BMW, or in front of that school deskteaching the kidsgeography. The vision makesyou feel good, right? So that’s why you want it, it feelsgood to do what you want to do, be who you want to be and own what you want to own.

Visualization isa major part in being able to focus. If you can actuallysee yourself in the position you want to be in, then it’sso much easier to focuson the taskof getting there.

The next thing you have to do isto decide how you’re going to actually get what you want. What are you willing to sacrifice in the quest to get those great exam grades? What can you do without in order to start up your own business? How can you make your family life happier and more peaceful?

Sit backand close your eyes, imagining what it will be like to have what you want in life, and thinklong and hard about what you can give up so that you can get there.

Say you want a new sofa, but the only way you can get one isif you quit smoking. Envision the sofa, with you and your partner cuddling up on it. What colour isit? Isit big and fluffed up, or isit a small ultra-modern sofa? Focuson the sofa and want it badly enough, you WILL stop smoking so you can get it.

These are all small thingsand perfectly attainable with a little bit of focus, but what if you want bigger and better thingsthan that? Well then you set goals for yourself. First overcome the exams, once that goal isreached go get that driving licence. Next you get a brand spanking new BMW.

Keep setting goals; assoon asyou reach the first one, move on to the next, staying focused all the time on what it isyou want.

Reaching that first goal will give you an incredible boost of confidence, which in turn will make it so much easier to get started on the next goal. The more goalsyou reach, the more confidence you will have in yourself and that will fuel the successof the next goal, and the next one after that, until there are endless possibilitiesfor you.

Start off by writing down each and every goal you WANT to reach in your lifetime. Then write a daily plan for the goal you want to reach first. Write the plan before you go to bed at night, it givesyour brain time to take it all in and workwith it.

It’samazing what the brain will do when we are sleeping. Also, writing the plan the night before helpsfree up that time during the next day so that you can purely sit and focuson the taskat hand.

Make the plan a numbered list and cross each item off asyou finish it. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you get through it thisway. Once you’ve reached the outcome you want, move on to your next goal following the same pattern asbefore.

If you find your thoughtswandering in your “focustime” take a break, write down your thoughtsand put them away somewhere for future reference. If you find there are multiple thingsyou can do to attain your goals, figure out which of them isthe one most likely to help you get there quickest.

Put the otherson hold, they may come in useful when you’re aiming for that next goal.

If you lockyour focus, and stickwith it for aslong asyou have to, you WILL succeed. If you stickto one thing, one goal and focuson that, it'svirtually impossible to not reap the rewardsof your actions.