Changing Paradigm by Ken Nakamura - HTML preview

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Pg 03 - Introduction

Pg 04 - 1º Individualistic and separatist existence for the existence in union

Pg 05 - 2º Opinions create division

Pg 06 - 3º Production overrating

Pg 07 - 4º Wealth

Pg 08 - 5º Spreading of fear

Pg 09 - 6º Dealers

Pg 10 - 7º Protectionism is retardation

Pg 12 - 8º Institutions exist because of us

Pg 13 - 9º Reducing the number of less relevant jobs

Pg 13 - 10º Ending the overrating of the useless and understanding the real value

Pg 15 - 11º Securing the basic right of life

Pg 17 - 12º Change the standardized education based on competition to vocation

Pg 18 - 13º Doing things for everyone and our planet

Pg 20 - 14º Corruption

Pg 21 - 15º Your inner peace

Pg 21 - 16º Not giving a leading role to someone who does not serve as a leader Pg 22 - 17º How to actually change the world?

Pg 23 - 18º Individual consciousness isn’t the same as stifling individuality

Pg 23 - 19º Focusing on what you want and not on what you don't want

Pg 24 - 20º Difference between truth and beliefs

Pg 24 - 21º Changing from the era of suffering to the era of the easy

Pg 25 - 22º Ideas come to the people who can make them reality

Pg 26 - 23º Free education with talent encouragement

Pg 26 - 24º Information integration and sharing

Pg 27 - 25º Taking back your power

Pg 27 - 26º Prediction of the future

Pg 29 - Credits

Pg 30 - Contacts

*The index is just for quick guidance. Page numbering may change depending on your device, smartphone, tablet, laptop etc...




Awakening to a new paradigm

The purpose of this book is to open your mind. My goal would be accomplished if by reading this book you'd say: “Wow, I had never thought like this before”. Since I don't have the intent to establish any opinion, it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree. The fact that you, the reader, start seeing things from a different perspective is already enough to break the ice. When we set ourselves free from the rigid way of thinking, new possibilities open up right in front of our noses. This allows us to rethink our beliefs in a new world which is right around the corner.

      The apparent chaotic situation calls us for an immediate change. Consider the following topics:

● Deforested area: in 13 years, from 2000 to 2012, the world lost 2.3 million square kilometers of forest, an area bigger than the Ocidental Amazon. On the other hand, 800 thousand square kilometers of new forest has grown all over the world in the same period of time.
● Litter production: worldwide litter production will probably have an increase from 1.3 billion tons to 2.2 billion tons until 2025.
● Animal, plant and bug extinction: the number of confirmed extinct species got up to 784 in the last 40 years. This number is probably way higher since not every specie is listed.
● Widespread corruption.
● Out of control violence.
● Dealers take control of our nation.

We're not just helping our planet destroy itself, we're literally destroying Earth and ourselves. In this book, there won't be much relevance to the negative aspects of humanity, instead, we focus on their transformation. How we can leave this path of self-destruction and start interacting in a cooperative way with society and nature. Understanding the origin of the problem, we can set our minds to transform it.

Now is the time to change! Actually, we already left the path of self-destruction, changes around the world are happening. You will notice improvements one after another, a rapid and quick evolution, not only in technology, but also in spirituality, and humanity respecting and taking care of nature too. Still, I keep saying now is the time to change, since it must happen individually, from inside our hearts.


1º Individualistic and separatist existence for the existence in union

We all realize the madness of the world and understand that a radical change is needed. This transformation is happening because everybody started to realize that we are all united. We all live on the same planet Earth and one's decision affects everyone, if one of us suffers then everybody suffers. The first question which comes to mind is: How did we get in this chaos? The cause of this is the individualistic mindset like:

If I am doing well then fuck the rest.

If I and my family are doing well then fuck the rest.

If I, my family and my friends are doing well then fuck the rest.

If my group is doing well then fuck the rest.

This mindset is what creates a society run by greed, corruption, social imbalance, egoism, violence, power abuse, etc. Another question that comes to my mind is: How can we change this greed? One option would be to change, precisely, the individualistic mindset to a more united one, which promotes the well-being of everyone. I'm not suggesting you to stop thinking about your well-being. One unhappy person can't truly help someone out. A united mindset is one which promotes both your and everyone's welfare, in other words, don't harm anyone for your own benefit. Higher happiness and satisfaction levels in the community mean less criminal activity and more improvements. The united mindset focuses on: quality of education; more jobs; lower unemployment rate; support to entrepreneurs; confidence on our governors; better health systems; less violence; more freedom of speech; more tolerance; networks of social help; environmental conservation; progress and everything that benefits humanity's development.

A company with an individualistic goal will do everything in its power to maximize profit. They won't care if they're polluting the environment or if they're using slave labor, produces the maximum of its capacity without worrying about the litter that it's generating to the planet , they buy the ideas and patent them to secure their right to exploit them, restricting advanced technology themselves only. The company with the united mindset exists for the humanity, it's the main goal isn't profit. Their goal is to offer the best for the community, which will benefit themselves in every possible way. Before doing anything, they consider the environment, the community, their workers, the consumers, everything and everyone. We should understand that every progress regarding technology won't be any good if it isn't for the benefit of Earth and humanity.

Union is more.

Union is compassion.

Union is cooperation.

Union is peace and love.

To conclude our offer we need to be precise on the cause of separatism. I think it's because of groups, ironically! We have this idea that groups are made by the united mindset based on some cause. Their creation is what also creates separation between its members and non-members of the group. Doesn't matter the purpose, be it religion, politics, race, gender, social, ideological, economic or patriotic, when we unite around a common objective we automatically set ourselves too apart. On one side we have a group of people with the same opinion, on the other, we have everyone who disagrees.

2º Opinions create division

Defending an opinion initiates divergence and this disagreement generates anger. For the evil, it doesn't matter which opinion you have, as long as you have one. You might think you're defending the good, however from the moment you defend an opinion, it generates discussion and the anger feelings. Doesn't matter how sure you are, in fact, the more you think you're right the worse it will get. Arguments create irritations, these feelings emanate low-frequency vibrations, which only attract more situations of this kind to people who emanate them.

Arguments generate anger, screaming, fights, hard feelings, hatred, more fighting, intolerance, and physical and verbal violence. It's like a magnet, what it vibrates, it attracts. This vibration ends up affecting our planet and creating natural disasters and epidemics. The evil wants more and more people defending their opinions: fights around religion, politics, ethnicities, genders, etc. It doubts things just to create controversy. The questions are usually something like: which side are you on? It seems like we must pick one as if there was only one correct answer. Be Careful when people ask these questions. Pay attention to positioning that generates division. I'm not saying the person who asks it is evil, but he/she got hit by the vibration and is now being controlled.

What do we do when we have a different opinion? We can explain it without defending it and listen to the other side of things. The fact that you are trying to convince someone already put you looking down on someone, this is a division. When you think you're better than the rest, you’re setting yourself apart. Don't disagree, even if you don't share the same idea. Get your point across, listen to the other person and finish the topic right there. I've seen several heated discussions , a lot of them which had points thrown around that neither of the participants believed in, only to win the wrangle . The initial objective of getting to a better solution was completely lost during the argument. The feeling of anger created there makes people go completely blind, making them miss the whole point of the deliberation . A war-like vibe is established and none of the participants wants to accept the other's point. Someone who's right can't understand that the other person is in war mode and thinks he's mad or inferior. The point of arguments is not to decide who's smarter, but to get to a solution.

What's important is to acknowledge that almost everything has advantages and disadvantages, for example, if we should or shouldn't leave the window open. If we close it, no bugs or anything will get it. On the other hand, if we leave it open it will freshen up the house. When you defend only one point of view, you fail to see the other. Careful with siding:

I am a vegetarian.

I'm a supporter of the X party.

I'm a fan of this team.

I'm a transgender.

I'm a catholic, spiritualist, evangelical, etc...

      Positioning with one side usually makes us ignore all of the others. Arguments, fights, and wars start because of siding with something. Be careful with extremes.

3º Production Overrating

Production nowadays is being overrated causing littering just out of our control, crazy deforestation, ambition, and exploitation. We shouldn't encourage consuming since littering is already a worldwide problem. We must change this mindset producing only what's truly needed, slowing down deforestation, saving the environment. The ideal solution would be to reuse and recycle materials. The best way would be to give what has been used to those in need. Reusing computers in charities is a good example.

Several companies start their activities with the goodwill of fulfilling market needs. After growing, the initial point is forgotten to maximize profit. They need to keep fulfilling the needs they initially wanted to, in case there is no more need for the product, the production should stops. Persuasive advertising should be avoided. The existence of the company should be according to the humanity. It's crazy seeing companies destroying Earth, deforesting, polluting, exploiting the human being, producing excessive litter and useless stuff, considering they were created by humans and their workers are also human. Someone should wake up and say: Let's stop! This isn't the path we should take. Enough!

Why do people keep producing? I believe there are two main causes. Greed is the condition to those who only care about profit, it's easy to spot it from outside, however it might be a little harder to identify it on ourselves. It's hard to change, even if we know our ambitions. It's hard to let go when you think: this is mine, everything is mine. The second cause is fear, it holds people who work for the company, they fear to lose their job and not having the possibilities to sustain their families. This fear makes them work on almost everything even if it goes against their principles. The thought of losing the capability of sustaining the family is so nasty that it stops them from trying to change, leaving them caged. If the person does not change himself, he also can't make the others change. So even if the workers notice the ship is sinking, they close their eyes and pretend everything is fine.

4º Wealth

Wealth is nothing more than the accumulation of goods and values. There are two main reasons to want to be wealthy: fear and power. Fear usually comes from a trauma of the past. The person could have heard stories from his ancestors of poverty, so he wants to save to make sure he won't go through the same in the future. On the other hand, the power is using the money to manipulate others.

Accumulating goods has some side effects, which I'll explain in a simple an extreme way so it's easier to understand. Suppose there's only 1000$ and 100 people in the entire world. Picture the following: one person gets 900$ and saves it all to himself, while the others have to live with the rest. These people will have to live with 1$ per person, because of the greed of just one person, everyone else has to live in misery. What I want to point out is that there is a value out of circulation. It's not a problem that he gets 900$, the problem is he is retaining and taking out $ 900 of the circulation. If he spent that money, it would keep going around and everybody would have prosperity.

Doesn't matter if it's one or ten people retaining the money, the issue is when you take the money from its normal circulation, poverty pops up. This type of action has brought us to the extreme we're now living, where few are billionaire and billions are starving around the world. The number of people who starve to death is amazingly high. There are people barely surviving in extreme poverty situations. If we stop for a second and think about it, it's crazy that there are actually people living in extreme poverty.

It’s not only the rich who retain money, but also banks, private corporations, the government, religious entities, etc. This private and social foresight is the reflection of a fearful thought regarding the future. They takes money from its usual circulation just to make sure there’s enough money to have a comfortable life after retirement. They do not know the harm this causes to society. The same goes for guarantee funds.

Religious entities accumulate and retain goods and money. The catholic church’s real estate properties’ value is the same as Brazil’s and Russia’s GDP. I took the catholic church only as an example. If everyone put a single coin circulating around the economy, that would mean more selling, more jobs and a better distribution of the money all around. To stop this fear of the future, we should ensure the right of existence and happiness. I’ll go over this topic in Chapter XI.

I want to emphasize that I am not against wealth, nor against the wealthy. Bless them! I really like the world where you can progress and achieve abundance. Congratulations to who got there. I am against retaining money because of this fear of the future. Enjoy your wealth, go out spending money. After all, why did you get rich if you’re not enjoying it? Get the money flowing so more people can experience abundance. I’m also against the bad use of wealth, the abuse of power. Put your money to good use. I am not here to judge anyone, but to advise you to search for the collective benefit. I want your and everyone’s happiness. I wish abundance and welfare to me, you and to everyone who wishes the same. I hope the rich keep their position not because they retain the money, but as consequence of their good investments, which I go over on Chapter X. This creates more welfare and expands it to an exponentially higher number of people. Keep your money flowing.

5º Spreading of fear

The press is part of the media who spreads the most fear. They focus on bad stuff, without realizing they’re being manipulated by the evil. The more they spread the fear, the more they’ll make the people vibrate and even more bad things will fall back to them. War won’t happen if most people reverberate love. To manipulate the vibrations of the people, the evil uses choking news which creates fear. It’s not the journalist’s fault, each one of us chooses what we see. We have the option to turn off the TV and stop watching those choking news. Understand when something takes your inner peace and acknowledge what you’re feeling, is it anger, angst, sadness, wrath, fear, sense of incapacity. Don’t get too close to your bad feelings, understand what was the type of message that caused that and try to avoid it. Even surfing the web, what kind of message are you passing along, messages that spread love or fear? Did you watch any Facebook or WhatsApp video? Did it create a sense of angst, wrath, insecurity, fear or anger? Then don’t pass it along anymore. A lot of people think it’s great to share it since it makes the population more aware of it, the problem is they don’t understand the side effect they are creating. You’re actually spreading the evil.

Guess what would happen if the TV shows the news regarding the machine gun murder in the USA: more of this kind would happen. In the USA, it’s discussed on TV ways to stop this from happening again. It actually has the opposite effect, since the population’s focus is still on fear. Another example is the reporting of a murder of a Brazilian cop, as a consequence, more cops have been murdered. What do you think it will attract if terrorist attacks, wars and suffering news are shown? The press doesn’t understand that they are being manipulated to spread the evil, to create fear in the population and low-frequency vibrations. What you vibrate is what you attract. If we take war from our mind they’ll eventually stop happening.

Before the truckers’ strike in 2018 in Brazil, there was a fictional video showing what would happen if the truckers stopped working for five days. This video was made with the intention of promoting their importance, but it’s not the intention that makes the reality and the video just vibrated the chaos. In Brazil, there’s a popular saying “intention has its own value”. This, however, doesn’t work when applied to threats, because they generate fear.

You can see the purpose was different from the consequence. Where you focus your attention is where the vibration will start, in other words, if you focus in disgrace it will only attract more disgrace, if you focus on violence you’ll attract more violence and so on. We can cite the example of fighting world hunger, the focus is on hunger. It won’t work, it’ll attract more hunger. We have to invert the focus, turn to the excess of food, it’s free distribution and the abundance of harvesting. Spread these ideas in the press. The same goes for drinking water, don’t focus on shortage. Focus on the excess, in the desalination of seawater.

The researcher , Galdino Santana de Limas, found a new method of desalination of seawater using bamboo’s microorganisms, they do it in 25 minutes with little to no waste.

Share this and other new technologies in the media. If you want to change for the best, change your focus to good things, refuse to share the evil, share the good! I’m not judging anyone, just saying that we can choose what we focus on. If I wish you a lot of love, I’ll share it in the media, watch things that bring me joy, satisfaction, compassion, and love.

6º Dealers

Dealers have been the worst in the XX and XXI century. It’s really simple to end their existence. What gives the power to dealers is money, with it, they buy guns and fight cops and army men. To end dealers we just need to legalize drug trading. In consequence, producers of these drugs will be able to sell with better quality and at a lower price making it impossible to sustain illegal drug dealing. Importing is way more expensive than buying from locals. Even if they migrate to the countryside and produce their own drugs, there will be no need for weapons anymore. The market would be legal, ex-dealers would have to register their workers and pay taxes like everybody else. If they don’t understand how farming works, they’ll be dominated by their competition, who actually know better farming techniques and technologies.

In short, legalizing drugs knock out:

1- favela dealers, since they can’t produce drugs in there.
2- the money from drug traffic, making it impossible to sustain criminal organizations.
3- illegal weapon importing.
4- the contact of the drug addicts with crime organizations.
5- the illegal drug dealing corners.
6- underage buying drugs.

      For how long have governors from all over the world tried to end drug use? Centuries have gone by and no success has been seen. Making it illegal did not stop its use, the opposite happened actually. So just make it legal. Obviously by making it legal there should be campaigns to fight drug use, just like with tobacco and alcohol: “Drug ‘x’ causes permanent brain damage” or “If you do drugs don’t drive”. With its legalization, the world’s worst vice can become the biggest target for taxes, which might actually benefit society as a whole. I believe there is a direct correlation between the use of hallucinogenic and unhappiness levels, raising society’s happiness levels will automatically reduce the use of these doping substances .

Making narcotics legal will extinguish the users’ contact with illegal markets. Most crack users don’t die because crack use, it’s actu