Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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Learn the Secrets of the Mind and Reality. Discover the Secret Knowledge that governs every aspect of life, reality and destiny.


This is the Key Book to get. The ideas within are waiting for you to discover and discuss with as many people as possible. You will experience a profound change in your life, reality and awareness when you integrate and allow the knowledge to change your world view into a different, higher and more conscious one.


The deeper the knowledge, the more powerful the knowledge. The more powerful your knowledge, the easier it is to achieve success, because deep, powerful knowledge is the key to inspired thinking and finding intelligent solutions to problems.


Why a "FREE E-Book"?

The knowledge in Mind Reality – The Universe Is Mental, is priceless and should be available to all who truly seek it. It is always a tough balancing act to deliver material beyond value but require people to pay for it as a method to circulate it to the world.


My desire is to spread these ideas, thoughts and vision to the world as far and as greatly as possible. All who posses the strong desire for awareness, should be given access to this knowledge. The aim is to create a revolution in consciousness and awareness. To help people achieve higher awareness in living and experiencing life. To impact the world in the biggest way possible. To change lives and to create possibility.


To revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality. Because that is what governs every area of life, destiny and the universe. To provide the highest value to the greatest number of people. Mind Reality is the avenue to make the greatest contribution to the world.


The bigger the thought, the bigger the effect. Dare to think big. Hold on to your biggest thoughts for they are the causes of the biggest effects in yourself and in your world.


You have permission to give this book away as a free gift. Share the Magic. Tell a Friend. You are allowed to use the content within as long as you provide a credited link back to http://mindreality.com or http://blog.mindreality.com or to the Article URL itself.


Want to publish an article non-digitally or in a "for sale" product? Contact me at http://mindreality.com/contact.html  with the details and to request a joint-venture or inclusion permission.


If you have feel you have benefited from Mind Reality and would like to contribute whatever amount you’re comfortable with to bless us in support of our work in inspiring and empowering the world, you can do so at http://mindreality.com/giving.html


May you get what you desire most in life! Best


Enoch Tan – Creator of Mind Reality