What You Need to Know About Your Baby's World and How You Can Help Them Explore by David Elkind - HTML preview

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“When your baby is upset and cranky, it really helps if you remain calm, keep your voice low and soothing and make your actions slow and comforting.”

From an early age infants also respond to our emotions, and are quick to respond to our feelings of happiness or distress. If you find yourself experiencing these feelings during the day, while you should not try and hide your emotions from the infant but you might try and avoid being with your infant, if possible, until your emotions are more settled and under control. Likewise, when your baby is upset and cranky, it really helps if you remain calm, keep your voice low and soothing and make your actions slow and comforting. As your baby begins to widen her emotional spectrum, you can help her by labeling emotions for her. For example, “I can tell you really like that apple sauce, don’t you?”