Raising the Next Teen Millionaire by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Our world is financed driven. As much as we eat and live, some paper, coin or some other form of money has to change hands. It will be unimaginable to think that we can survive without the presence of that lucre.

Economies of nations are tied around the amount of wealth generated or made available in the hands of her countrymen. A nation is considered prosperous once there is a large increase in the monetary spending power of her citizens. The opposite is the case when there is less of monetary spending power.

Top big economies of the world are top big spenders of the world. They have the highest number of billionaires and millionaires and an increased number of middle class citizens. They have higher GDP Gross domestic product and make greater budget allocations.

In a world where most are poor, the crave for the opportunity to raise money and increase standard of living is rife. The average man wants to live in the car, home, and society of his beat dreams. However just a few manage to break the divide.

The huge gap between the haves and the haves not is increasing almost every day. Those who manage to break off from the latter to the former have been well fortified with knowledge. They grappled with their difference and determined that they would break the divide and they have. But they had something to help propel that aspiration, they had knowledge.

The popular saying that the rich will continue to get richer while the poor will increasing get poorer isn’t far from the truth. This is because those who have attained the rich height increasing think of having more. They think of the future today and position their kids right from their tender age to be creative and business like in their approach to any opportunity in life. They train their wards to see opportunity and back them up with financial capacity to see that opportunity become reality.

The rich teach their children independence from their little days helping them understand the power of money and the acts of entrepreneurship. The poor are often the employees, always thinking of how to raise money that never comes because often they never get enough. Their kids often show the same dependency attributes. The cycle thus continues generations and generations after.

Understanding money power and how it works is key to living the most fulfilled life one can ever have. Kids and teens that have this knowledge at the back of their heads and apply them could have the most exhilarating experience. A parent won’t have much to worry very soon as his wards develop business ideas upon ideas.

Seriously, the time for a change in thought pattern is rife. If our society is determined to create new jobs and new opportunities for her teaming increasing population, she must return to the fundamental years and have her kids and teenagers understand the power of investing financial resources, managing them and seeing them become huge businesses.

Our dependency on big chip companies is failing us. Our governments often spend quite a lot bringing them in but they fail to realize that the future businesses will be dependent on how much understanding of how money works and the passion for entrepreneurship finds way into the men and women of the future, our teens today.

If there is any chance of us developing homegrown businesses and jobs as we want to see happen, it will require changing the mentality of our young ones who have massive tinkering capacity. It will require a new air of inspiration and motivation to help them find that idea now that they want to see happen in the future and then an enabling environment is created to see through that idea today.

If government and society is able to empower our youths by helping them propel their creative ideas, they can do beyond what can be imagined. We will be creating new businesses in no distant time and propelling the kind of change that we can make happen.

Knowledge is key. Once the right knowledge is available in the hands of parents, guardians, business people etc, they can and will help develop our teens right from their tender years to think proactively towards making their talents and ideas worth investing in and then go about finding that finance.

We have teen millionaires who are rising from almost nothing but backed by knowledge, that knowledge this book strives to expose. This should no longer be the secret of a few rich men. This secret should be in public domain, made available for a majority of those who want and can grasp it.

So here, in this book, you have found a parcel. You must be lucky to have found this at this time in your hands. It’s for you and your teen and that teen you cherish most. You can afford to empower them with this book and you will be grateful you did.

It is hoped that at the end of reading this book, you will think entrepreneurial and will propel your wards to see in the line of thoughts that it hopes to project.

The book will strive to be as interactive as possible with questions at the end of each chapter to determine your degree of understanding. I am also hanging a $10,000 dollars jackpot once your teen is able to get through all the business games inside it with success.

I am hoping to get your comments too as this will help in future editions to even make the book comprehensible to as many persons that will find it.