Mom Knows by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Chapter one



When God created the world, he observed that your dad would not be as effective as he should be so he fashioned out a way to help dad. He decided with other heavenly bodies, he said let us create mothers. Bill Watterson declares that mothers are the necessity of inventions. God made dad go to sleep and got a rib from which he made mom. Since that time until now, moms have been effectively carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

God gave mothers special duties, to be helpers and supporters of fathers in bringing his purpose and desire to kids around the world. God knows your mother. He knows you just fit into your mother’s plans. Whether your mom is fat or thin, short or tall, sick or healthy, rich or poor, God gave her to you to be a blessing. He appreciates that your mom is a perfection of his creativity.

Every year, children celebrate Mother’s Day, a day set aside to celebrate mothers worldwide. It’s a day set aside to extol the virtues of motherhood. Is a day enough? An anonymous writer noted, “There should be more than one day to celebrate the women who raised us."

Your mom deserves more than a day of celebration. God was not wrong when he decided to bring you to the world through your mom. He knew very much that your mom has the best features to be a great mother to you. A Jewish proverb puts it this way “God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers”.

God has given mom the responsibility to see you reach the top. Your mom is special and different from every other mom as much as you are special too. You need a special mom for a special you. Your mom is a special gift. He imparted into her everything that you would require. Sometimes many kids make the mistake of trying to compare their mom to other moms. They wouldsay,“John’s mother is better and nicer than my mom is or Mary’s mother is more beautiful than my mom is.” They even compare the wealth status of another mom with theirs. This is very wrong. God knew your mom suited his purpose as the perfect match for your dad to make you the best. God gave you your mom. She is just perfect. She is off this world. She is great and deserves so much respect. If you disrespect your mom, you are invariably saying that God was wrong giving her to you.

God wants your best and He is using mom to fit those plans for you. All the superstars and great persons we know are great because they kept faith with the mothers God had given them. God is always angry when a child for whatever reason chooses to insult or say swear words against his/her mom. He shuns at it. This is because he believes in your mom to give you all the best training she can give you to be everything you want to be. He trusts your mom’s ability.

Disability may encumber your mom, but God sees the ability in disability. He has championed your mothers cause and all she can do is ensure she champions your cause too. Remember, every great child has a great mother and that mother is from God.

In Ben Carson’s book, Gifted Hands: He writes in glowing terms how his mother had engineered his rise from the last man in class to the best surgeon the world has ever known. God knew Ben Carson would be a great surgeon someday and he chose to give him Mrs. Carson because He knew Mrs. Carson could bear the pains of mentoring Ben Carson from a failure to a great success. This is because Ben Carson’s mom knew the best Ben Carson must be. Through the storms of a sometime unhappy failure called Ben, Mrs Carson saw only possibility. She saw a genius, a specialist. Teachers were a discouragement yet she strived on. Ben must be great, Ben must be a champion, she would always say to herself. Where everyone failed including the teachers at school, Mrs Carson blossomed.

Your mom is like Mrs Carson. She believes in your absolute success. She is answerable to God and she would not like to disappoint God. Della Reese asserts, “My mother was a personal friend of God. They had on-going conversations.” Your mum is God’s remarkable gift to you. No other person can replace her. Her thoughts, pattern of life, hard work, and self-determination, God placed in her to ensure you come through, and the best you can be.

Why do you think God allowed you survive nine months in her womb? It was no fluke. God allowed it to prove he loved you and that mother was just perfect to bring you to this world. She bore all the pains of a striving you. Finally, at that shriek of cry you busted into earth. She sure proved her love over your tender years. She is worth so much more. Cherish God’s gift in your life. Hold your mom, respect her, and love her because your mom can only shape you into the best through God.