How To Turn Your Child Into A Classroom Wizard by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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In so-called modern psychiatry they judge the vacant as if stare of a person deep in comtemplation to be suffering from a mental illness. I have seen photos of two American Presidents both times deep in concentration filled pondering contemplation. The two being John F. Kennedy when President and President Obama.

Also in psychiatry and psychology they will judge a child mentally defective when his or her parents have been concerned over the fact that he or she has only an interest for one particular toy. Their doctors so-called leftbrain only learned judgement tells them this habit of the child is dangerous to the growth of their mental capacity. When in actual fact. These incidences are the child in pure concentration filled contemplation. Now I would like to introduce you to the art form great teachers of the past have utilized. Being association, this is where the mother or father establishes by gainful observation what object (toy, hobby, personal interest etc) their child is using most, in their learning by play. For instance there was a psychiatry case containing a photograph of a boy less than ten years old playing with a fire truck. This actually presented no psychiatric involvement. But rather gave his mother and father an opportunity to turn this child into a genius in whatever field of young adult interest he developed into. The procedure to follow in these cases is simple and straight-forward. But first a note.

There was a man really sick and doctors to try and heal him cut the joining web of the middle part of the brain. Knowing now this man's brain half's were separate from one another. They began two tests. When you look only with your left eye. Your eye is connected to your right C side of your brain, and when you are looking only with your right eye you are connecting your vision to the left E half of your brain. So they told the patient with the two halveso of his brain separate to cover his right eye. And they gave him a pencil. And asked him what he could say about the object in his hand whilst looking at it with his E tone driven left hemisphere of his brain. He could only say it was a pencil. Now they told him to move his hand over to cover his left eye to show the same pencil to his brain's C tone driven right hemisphere.

When asked; what was in his hand. The man could not tell them what it was called but when asked if he could tell them anything at all. The man gave a long list of practical things you could do with the pencil. Such as write words or numbers, or draw, or tap it on the side of your head as if in wonder and so on and so forth about the pencil.

Now I return back to the parents of the boy with his fire truck. Inside human consciousness. Like thoughts attract like thoughts. From this as parents all you have to do to turn your child into a classroom wizard is to slowly but surely fill your own mind with thoughts revolving around the object of your daughter or sons interest. Of course paying attention to the fact that you may feel as though you are giving him or her information beyond their years. Give only hints, clues about the entire world revolving around the fire truck, and fire fighting.

Now it is important to note. That a child's mind by way of their DNA contains the main interest of each parent. By way of their parents DNA held memories of their favorite most loved skills and the activity belonging to these skills at the moment of conception of their child. I was a great dribbler of a soccer ball when very young. My daughter without any training from me other than showing her and her sister how to kick a soccer ball began playing and was immediately embraced my the top high school soccer team; it was in her DNA.

Also the childs mind when born and up until the age of about 13 is like a blackboard with writing on it. This writing is not DNA based. But rather spirutually based. But first a note.

The apparatus for the human voice, the vocal cords are identical physically in everyone. It is a mystery to most as to how every voice is unique. Many people will refer to the word soul as the human component inside their physical body. This being, their uniqueness, and the portion that goes on beyond death. Personally for reasons no more than gut instinct and years of learning and contemplation I do not like the word soul itself. Preferring the term spirit-being.

It is each parents spiritual spirit-being nature, essence and presence (presents, gifts) that plays the vocal cords, creating their unique voice. And the nature of your spirit-being held beliefs writes on the blackboard inside the developing consciousness of your child.

This hidden transfer of information in communication within the child is of paramount importance. As each persons spirit-being from a content point of view is filled by way of attitude. By way of the sum total of thinking done since their birth. And beyond by way of successive years of life prior. Either on Earth or elsewhere. As death in the language of the spirit-being means change. Rather a door closes and another door hitherto closed but waiting opens. This door being the expected place dreamed of in hope and faith of arrival after death. More upon heavens periscope later.

Now back to the fire truck and like thoughts attracting like thoughts. The fire truck, or whatever object of interest has captured your child. Think up everything you know yourself. Surrounding a fire truck. Begin with the real life facts surrounding the fire fighters job, and try hard to escape away from any left-brain list of names of objects only, judgemental thoughts as the left-brain from an energy point of view is negative polarity thinking. The key to right-brain genius classroom wizard, double his or her grades in all subjects is the word doing. Especially mathematics, Now a note about mathematics before I continue forward with notes about the fire truck. But as a final note on judgemental thoughts. Know that when you as a grown up realize these judgemental thoughts of strangers when for instance waiting in line at the supermarket. Know they are pure E tone alone static electricity left-brain only fantasy. And when you know this deep down and refuse to acknowledge them. A door will open for you, and your life, and your childs life, will never be the same. You will become genius subconscious (creative) minds, all of you.

I don't have the space here to give you a full run down on mathematics. However if personally you would like to know more yourself. About what I am about to write here. Go to and purchase my book How to Have That  One Big Idea.

Inside the very beginning of the numbers Phi and Pi. You will find the prime pairs and using the number 2 as a prime also each of these 26 primes has a letter from A to Z of the English Alphabet attached to it. Also deeper inside Phi and Pi you can find the Fibonacci numbers. Which can be found in the seed arrangement of a Sunflower.

Mathematics is a trick. Once you know this trick I am going to share with you yours and your childs grasp of mathematics will be genius level. But bear in mind that I am warning you not to see this trick as too simple or too straightforward. Just always hold this trick in the highest of regard for its simplisity if for no other reason. Remember I have warned you of its brillant simplicity.