Have Fun, Be Good, Be Happy by Peter Hoult - HTML preview

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Welcome to the “Have fun, be good, be happy” guide to parenting. This book has been a long time in the making. It did not take long to write, but the practical part of education, research and application went on for many years. My decision to write the book was prompted by Anthony Robbins advice that everyone has to make their long-time something they "should do" into a right now they "must do".

The book is not a step by step guide on how to be a perfect parent. There probably never has been such a person, and I don't pretend to have been one. But I had spent nearly a decade studying sports psychology and the psychology of human performance when our first child was born. The aim of this eBook is to provide you with information that I believe is essential for a parent to know, with some suggestions for strategies you can employ to help in the development of your children. I sincerely believe they were valuable in the development of mine.

Your children will look like one or both of their parents. That is genetic; their looks will be based on what they inherit from your genes. But their personality will not be genetic. Instead it will be formed by the programming of their subconscious mind starting from the time they are born, if not before. YOU will be primarily responsible for their personalities.

My daughter is now 31 years old and runs a successful sales and marketing business. She is a brilliant sales person and an outstanding public speaker. Based in Melbourne, Australia, she regularly flies interstate to be a guest speaker at sales conferences. She has run several half marathons and is about to take on her first full marathon.

My son is 28 years old and into the final year of a PhD in civil engineering at Melbourne University. He has been the engineering tutor at one of the live-in colleges at the university, and has also been teaching classes at the university for the last few years. He is highly regarded as well as very popular with the undergraduates he tutors and lives with, and likewise with his post graduate colleagues and lecturers at the university.

They are both happy, outgoing, friendly, confident and competent in the things they do in their lives. They both have many friends and make friends easily. I am very proud of them both. This book is dedicated to my daughter and my son.

