First Aid & Safety Tips 4 Kids by Cheryl Gi - HTML preview

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vNatural First Aid for Summer conditions

Summer brings great opportunity for kids to be outdoors with fun activities. More time outdoors is healthy, but can make children more vulnerable to some hazards– extensive sun exposure, insect bites, poison oak or ivy, and skin exposed to more cuts, abrasions and other injuries. Fortunately, you can protect your child from most dangers without exposing them to more toxic drugs or chemicals.

The most important remedies to have on hand include activated charcoal, aloe vera gel, lavender, tea tree oil, calendula, and black salve.


00004.jpgActivated Charcoal for Insect bites



Activated charcoal is a general detoxifier, and applied to an insect bite, is capable of absorbing large amounts of the offending poison if it can get to it. Activated charcoal is an absorbing agent that comes in capsules or bulk powder. Externally - wet powder and apply as a poultice for itching, bites, stings, etc. This helps draw out toxins and reduces swelling. Internally - use 1-2 capsules (or one teaspoon in a cup of water) every hour or two for problems like diarrhea, intestinal flu, food and chemical poisoning, etc. Charcoal absorbs the poisons that are irritating the bowel. Too much, however, may cause constipation. NOTE: If chemical poisoning is suspected, contact your doctor and poison center hotline immediately.

Aloe Vera



Aloe vera is soothing and healing. It is anti-inflammatory and has an anesthetizing effect on the tissues. Apply generously externally for poison oak or poison ivy reaction, all types of burns, cuts, abrasions and other injuries. It can be applied directly from the plant by slicing the outer skin of the leaf off and applying the pulp within, to the affected area.

Aloe vera is also available in the form of jell and cream for external use and liquid form for internal (drinking) use.


00007.jpgJel inside the leaf


Black Salve– also known as Petro-carbo salve


00008.jpg00009.jpgThe historic healer for cuts, burns, and more.

Petro-Carbo Salve is still a must for every home medicine cabinet and first-aid kit. It's safe and effective for healing cuts and burns and relieving sore, irritated skin. Also works well for drawing out slivers.

Black Salve is also called drawing salve. It’s used externally to draw infection, splinters (slivers), acne, boils and warts. Apply generously and cover with a bandage.