Dad Knows by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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When big Dad God gave dad the mandate of producing you into the world, God knew dad could not do it alone. He thus had to look for mum. God had to give dad mom. He brought mom close to dad. Your dad saw your mom and loved her. She was just a perfect, helping mom. Off course mom brought you through her womb into the world. Nevertheless, God knew that “you” that will be born had to come by your dad finding your mom wherever she was. Dad took his time to find mom and he is ever grateful for this.

As you came into the world, God had satisfied your dad with so much wisdom in molding you into that great man but dad in his human frailty and weakness may not remember everything. Mom has to come in to meet with these extra challenges. Mom and dad are just perfect each helping the other in seeing the “dream you “come through. Do you know dad had to wait upon God to see mom? Yes he did. He had to be led by God because if he made any mistake, there is a possibility that you will not come through him. Therefore, dad took his time to call upon God.

Your mom and dad work together to see out God’s purpose for you. They pray as a team, talk out on issues concerning you, prepare your meals, and see you through school etc. They may seem to have varying ideas but these ideas corroborate to ensure the winner is you. Dad’s interest is you, and dad had to find mom whose interest too will be dad’s that is why you may observe that mom and dad look and act alike sometimes especially as regards your affair. They both want your best and are sure that the best is God’s perfect desire for you. God works hand in hand with them.

Your mom is God’s gift to dad and she is more than a gift to you. Thank God for dad, you have a great mom. There is a central agreement concerning you and between your mom and dad. Dad knows he has to reach a compromise with mom in ensuring you get the best. You remain central to their heart. Sometimes dad may get the process wrong, but mom is always around to support dad all the way. What a great pair they are? You would love to take advantage of their partnership.

You will enjoy them most when they are together. If they are apart or separated, you may not be able to share in the joy that this brings. That is why you must always pray for the continuous unity of your family. The best for you is when the pair is together working, hand in hand for your good. Divided home means divided interest and certainly, you will not be part of that interest.

Dad seeks the best of the absolute you. He wants to be called the dad of Mr. and miss so and so. He would love to hear “that is the son or daughter of Mr.…...” He wants to know the effort is worth the while. This was also the observation of Bertrand Russell who commented on fathers thus; a fundamental defect of fathers in our competitive society is that they want their children to be a credit to them. Dad cares for your happiness. Not just for yours alone but that of your mom. What a great wife he thinks your mom is and what a great child he knows you are. He is satisfied that he truly has a partner in mom for you. This partnership is meant for the total good of the family.

As you strive higher on the success ladder, the constant quest for greatness continuously propels your parents to pray on your behalf. They know you need their prayers as a team. God wants a united family praying together and they know the pace is set when they as dad and mom pray together for your good. What a great person you would be having your family praying for you? How would you feel having Mom and dad kneeling in prayer concerning you? You can achieve so much. Your dad indeed found a prayer warrior in mom. Believe this; mom knew dad would be an effective dad. She did not marry dad to take charge, she married him to support, encourage, assist and help in ensuring the arrow the archer God has in his hand is shot by the bow called dad.

You are rest assured of a great future well ordered by the masterly hands of the master Jesus and the combination of dad and mom. Together as a team, the arrow called you will hit target. How joyful it will be to watch your parents smile at an achieved you? They both want to know they made the right impact. Mom comes with her set of experiences and dad with his to fuel you up beyond the common impossibilities that may stand around your greatness path.

You may not have your family together may be because of a disagreement between your parents. This should not make you give up on your path to greatness. No matter how far apart your parents are, they still deserve to see you the best they want you to be. Mom is hoping and dad is thinking to see a better you. All you should do is pray to see the family one piece again. No matter what happens God is still capable of bringing about unity in family.

Do not forget the great dad is altogether thinking the best of you. Be rest assured that he has better plans. Dad and mom can only key in to this plan. Dad is trusting on God’s judgment. As he succeeded in getting dad the right mom, he is sure to give you a hand in taking you along with dad and mom towards uncommon achievements.