Anatomy of Doom by Tėvas Bor - HTML preview

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The Beggining


It all happened Black Saturday. The day Jesus died. By Easter Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead, everything that meant to me was out of the house before lunchtime. It was just last week but it was all a haze and for the life of me, I cannot remember anything… This was the day my music died. The day a totally big piece from inside of me was ripped out leaving a gigantic void. Gone was my wealth. Albert (After Einstein. He is really smart) and Billy (After Crystal. A true performer). And of course, my wife.

Imagine the start of a typical day without the love of my life, my boys. I really have no idea how this will end but I am sure that you the readers may at least get best practices and lots of smiles and soft sarcastical laugh while reading this. I don’t mean to sound as if one would actually enjoy the perils of my life but I am the type that makes the everyday people I interact with smile to the least and my greatest joy, making a total stranger laugh.

This is my story….