The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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Then you provide a call to action and a link to your blog, a sales page for a product related to this question or some other offer. So rather than blatantly sending the visitor directly to an offer, you answer the question that intrigued them in the first place, then provide them with a solution should they wish to learn more.

Your Facebook ads should be relevant to your target audience, attention getting and must not be too slick (“salesy”).

Facebook visitors get to vote on ad quality. Anything perceived to be “salesy” or “spammy” will get negative feedback and will not be shown. In the worst case scenario your account will be banned.

BIG No No’s on Facebook
Improper punctuation or use of abbreviations and symbols
! Incomplete thoughts in ads
! Incorrect grammar, spelling, use of slang words or wrong spacing
! Irrelevant images
! Anything deemed to be even a little offensive to the community (Facebook is very politically correct)


Facebook still has only a fraction of the number of advertisers that Google has but that relative number is increasing rapidly.


Facebook Ad Design Factors

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Headline: Asking a question is best, gets a much higher response than a statement. Your headline is limited to just 25 characters.