The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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Outsource As Much As Possible As Soon As Possible

The corollary to following your passions is do whatever it takes to spend the least amount of time possible doing that which you either don"t like, can"t do very well or simply don"t need to be doing.

For example I absolutely hate keeping track of bookkeeping matters and I really don"t like cold calling.


I"d be a fish out of water as an accountant or telemarketer but I"m happy as a pig in mud (they ARE happy aren"t they?) as an entrepreneur.


So I recommend that as soon as possible you outsource as much of the personally distasteful or at least personally uninteresting aspects of your business as you can.


Life is too short to do otherwise. And you"ll have that much more time for the important things in life.


Setting Goals: Having An Overall Strategy


A lot has been written about goal setting and I won"t belabor the discussion here. Instead I"ll just cut to the chase and give you my distilled version of goal setting.

! You need to set goals. They should be lofty but not so “out there” that in a million years you wouldn!t reach them. If you think you!ve set a good financial goal for example it!s probably too comfortable. As one of my mentors Bob Proctor likes to say, once you!ve set your financial goal add another zero to it and you!re probably closer to where you need to be aiming.

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