The Latte Millionaire and the Residual Income Lifestyle by Ron Taylor - HTML preview

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The Chance of a Lifetime

Several blocks from my home is a beautiful park nestled among a stand of cottonwood trees.

A pagoda sits next to a fountain in the park, and in the early mornings following my exercise routine I often find myself gravitating towards the gurgling water of the fountain and the comfortable oak benches under the pagoda.

It seems like only yesterday, but less than three years ago a chance meeting with a young entrepreneur changed my life. I remember he was sitting on my favorite park bench. His back was turned towards me and I could see that he was typing on a laptop computer.

I hesitated, and turned to walk away. Water gently lapped into the small pool beneath the fountain. I looked over my shoulder to the young man on the bench and shrugged my shoulders in resignation.

The events that followed changed my lifeā€¦
