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An e-book gives you an opportunity to expand on the concepts discussed in

the interview. You can bring additional case studies and examples into the e-

book to illustrate various ideas and points.

You could have several interviews on the same or a similar topic to increase

the size and value of your e-book and what you are packaging together.

The e-book should be well written, formatted and indexed. An index will allow

customers to glance through the content and easily pick up on the points

which are of most interest to them personally.

Once again, if you don’t have the skills to create the e-book yourself, then

you can outsource this task to a professional writer. All you need to do is

send them the interview and provide an outline for the e-book. Bingo! You

will have an e-book on its way to you within a few weeks.

Create Shorter Blog Articles from the Transcript

Use the transcript and your “Top Tips” guide to create individual blog articles.

Each blog article should cover a different point of the interview and should

ideally be a stand-alone article. Create a captivating introduction and keep

the tone conversational and informal. Remember to have a strong conclusion

that leaves readers with something to think about.

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As a guideline, the blog articles should be between 500 and 700 words, have

paragraphs, sub-headings and bullet points. Make sure that the content is

informative and relevant.

Where possible, include keywords so that the articles get picked up by search

engines. You won’t be able to sell blog articles, but they can be instrumental

in helping you promote your other interview products.

Create Your own Newsletter

A newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with your customers and keep

them up to date on information on interviews and products that you have

available or coming up. You can either feature the articles as part of the

newsletter or simply provide the relevant links in the newsletter so that

customers can read the articles online.

Create an Online Magazine

If your business focuses on a specific business niche, then an online

magazine is a brilliant way to feature several interviews and products. You

can feature past interviews, current interviews as well as upcoming


There are a number of software applications available that provide templates

and guidelines to easily creating your own online magazine. If you feel that

trying to figure this out for yourself would be too time consuming you can

outsource the task to a professional designer or copywriter.

Click on this link to see the template that I use for my online magazine

Please copy this template and use it to create your own online magazine, (a

free gift for you).

Edit together several similar interviews and sell them as a packaged product.

It’s most likely that you will have interviewed various experts that operate in

a similar business niche. With some creative editing, you can batch those

interviews together so that you have a product that provides a broader and

more detailed perspective on a particular subject.

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If you plan to do this, it is a good idea to contact the various people you will

be featuring and get their consent first. It is important that the experts are

aware of the association that you will be creating with other experts and that

they are agreeable to this association.

If done correctly, a compilation interview product is one that can be sold as a

premium product at a much higher price. If customers are interested in one

interview on a particular subject, then a packaged product on the same

subject is likely to be very attractive to them.

This compilation package can also be a showcase of all the expertise that you

have gained access to through your interviews. It has the potential to elevate

your public profile as an authority in a particular business niche. You should

therefore carefully select the interviews you want to feature and make sure

that the editing is professional and polished.

Host a Webinar to Promote your Interviews

Webinars are essentially web-hosted seminars where people from all over the

globe can tune in at a certain time and hear you talk or host a discussion. A

webinar (or online seminar) is a very effective promotional tool that you can

use to introduce the subject matter of your next interview.

In it, you can share some background information on the expert that you will

be interviewing, why you believe they are an expert, what they teach and

some of the benefits that you’ll be discussing.

Set up a Podcast of the Interviews on iTunes

By taking the audio and editing it into shorter audio clips, you can create

products to use as promotional tools. Download these clips to iTunes or other

similar portals to reach as many potential customers as possible.

Create a Membership Site

A great way to start earning consistent monthly income is to have a

membership site where people subscribe to on a monthly basis to receive

interviews each and every month. The idea is that members sign up and pay

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a monthly membership fee to receive new interviews, content or products

every month.

The subscription fee should be affordable to make it attractive to customers

and your focus should be on obtaining high volumes of subscribers over time.

Try starting out at $27 a month. You should find that this will work well for

you if you are providing x10 the value.

For example:

A membership at $27 gets an Interview, a Transcript, a Top Tips Guide and a

free Webinar.

A membership at $47 gets an Interview, a Transcript, a Top Tips Guide and a

free Webinar, free monthly Magazine, plus 2 Archive Interviews which have

never been released before.

A membership at $97 gets an Interview, A Transcript, A Top Tips Guide, Free

Webinar, free monthly Magazine, plus 2 Archive Interviews which have never

been released before, personal email access To You, an Advanced Strategies

Webinar and a Private One-On-One Question Session with The Expert.

Do you get the idea here?

The important thing to remember is to constantly look for ways to add much

more value, with little or no cost to you. This way, if your content is good,

your subscriber list will grow.

Create a Video and Post it on You-Tube

To make a video, the first choice is to use video footage of the interview if

you have it. But, even if you don’t, you can create a video.

Find relevant pictures, illustrations or graphs or create a PowerPoint

presentation that shows the main points of the interview. Make sure you

have the copyright of all material which you use. This is a creative and easy

way to create products that you can post on You-Tube.

~ I don't like work - no man does - but I like what is in work -

the chance to find yourself. Your own reality - for yourself,

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not for others - what no other man can ever know. ~

Joseph Conrad

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How to make these Products Work for You

Let’s look at a practical example of how you can turn an interview into profit

for your business. If you were to target the niche of health and fitness, here’s

an example of how you can make money from the concept.

Choose a specific topic to focus on; for example: weight loss. Your goal

would then be to find several experts on the subject and ask to interview

them. Aim to have at least 12 different interviews on weight loss.

This could include interviews with medical doctors, nutritionists, fitness

experts, herbalists, organic food producers, chefs etc.

Each interview should cover a different angle on the subject of weight loss.

The interviews will provide you with your resource material and access to

your interviewee’s lists (If they agree).

From the interviews you can create:

1. A series of 12 video or audio clips from the interviews. Clients can

purchase these clips individually or as a package.

2. A step by step workbook that complements the interviews and works

through the various topics discussed. For added value you might

include eating plans and recipes for clients to follow.

3. A calendar that has a daily, weekly and monthly health checklist that

clients can use to check their progress.

4. A monthly membership subscription where clients can get a newsletter

and health-related information.

Now, package all of this together and offer it to clients for between $197 and

$497, depending of what level of package they want to purchase.

To create these products will most likely cost you between $1000 and $1500.

To recoup your costs, even at the lowest price package you will only need to

sell eight products. Everything after that is clear profit.

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The chances are that, if you have access to your interviewee’s lists and if you

promote the interviews effectively, you can sell tens and even hundreds of

these products.

Can you start to see how easy it is to make money from interviewing?

~ Death is not the greatest loss in life.

The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. ~

Norman Cousins

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Consider breaking up longer interviews into two or three parts. This is an

easy way to increase the price from a 90 min plus interview.

Create a Workbook to go with the Audio Recordings. This complements the

interviews and works very well as people like to learn in various formats,

don’t they? Reading, Listening and Visual.

Create a Top Tips Guide that covers the Main Light-Bulb Moments of the


Produce Articles from the transcript and post on article submission websites

such as

Create a Report.

Create an e-book which is a more detailed version of the Interview.

Create Shorter Blog Articles from the Transcript.

Promote your interview via social media by posting articles and videos. Ask

experts to submit your article as a guest blog post.

Create your own Newsletter.

Create your own Magazine.

Edit together Several Similar Interviews and sell them as a Packaged


Host a Webinar to promote your Interviews.

Set up a Podcast of the Interviews on iTunes.

I highly recommend that you create a Membership Site.

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Real Proof This Works

~ Control Your Own Destiny Or Someone Else Will. ~

Jack Welch

Success Stories

~ An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the

pessimist always run to blow it out? ~

Michel De Saint-Pierre


In earlier chapters I shared with you some of my story and why I am so

passionate about the business model of using interviewing to create wealth.

We have also worked through the 7 step process showing you how to

create successful interviews for yourself.

Now, I want to show you how many different people, from different

continents and backgrounds, have all used this to create great levels of

personal wealth.

This is not a new concept. People like Napoleon Hill used interviewing

as a tool for wealth creation as early as the mid 1900’s. It’s one of the

simplest and most effective ways of becoming an authority while increasing

your personal wealth.

In this section, I share with you the stories of several ordinary people who

have achieved remarkable levels of success using interviewing as one of the

tools for wealth creation.

It is my hope that these stories will inspire you and show you that it really is

possible. I have experienced success and so have each of these other

success stories.

Your name could be the next to add to the list.

Each person applied the concepts of interviewing in a unique way. Each

person has a specific niche that they are focused on. But all have been highly

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successful. And you can be too. You can be living that life you dreamed

of. You can have your own business and work on your own timetable. You

can enjoy the same kind of success that all of these people have enjoyed.

We will explore their stories in three phases:

First, we will look at their background and what they were doing prior to

setting up their own businesses.

Second, we will hear about their journey to success. We will hear what their

major learning experiences were and what you can also take away from their


Third, we look at how this applies to your situation and your life. I will share

some personal comments on why these people inspire me.

~ Follow your desire as long as you live;

do not lessen the time of following desire,

for the wasting of time

is an abomination to the spirit. ~

Ptahhotpe 2350 B.C.

Ahead Of His Time – Napoleon Hill

~ Every man has his own destiny:

the only imperative is to follow it,

to accept it, no matter where it leads him. ~

Henry Miller

Life Changing Opportunity

Napoleon Hill is the acclaimed author of the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’.

Written in 1937, it was one of several books on the subject of personal

development and wealth creation written by Hill.

Even today, more than 30 years after his death and more than 80 years after

the book was written, it remains a top seller and influential read.

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Modern authors such as John Maxwell rate it on their lists of must-reads.

Leading publications such as Business Week still today rate it as one of the

top 10 best-selling business books available.

Napoleon Hill was a man well ahead of his time. He was one of the first

people to promote and write about positive thinking and self-belief as a way

to better a person’s lot in life.

Even though he had been born into poverty, Hill became an educated and

influential man. Key positions included being advisor to President Franklin D.

Roosevelt from 1933 to 1936. His positive approach to life and his work was

his trademark. Yet, the meeting that was to change the direction of his life

was not serving in the President’s office. Rather, it had occurred almost three

decades earlier.

In 1908, Napoleon Hill was commissioned to do an interview with Andrew

Carnegie. The interview was to form part of a series of feature articles on

successful businessmen. This was to prove to be the most influential meeting

of Napoleon Hill’s life.

At the time, Andrew Carnegie was deemed to be one of the most influential

industrialists in America. Carnegie believed that there was a clear-cut

formula to achieving success. He believed that a simple formula could be

found that almost anyone could apply to their life.

During their discussions, the two men discovered that they shared a similar

belief when it came to success, even though they had very different


Carnegie then approached Hill to explore this prospect further and document

his findings in a course and workbook. With Carnegie providing introductions,

Hill was able to interview more than 500 top businessmen and

influential thinkers of the day. In each interview, Napoleon Hill asked for the person’s wisdom and gained insight into their secrets for success.

Some of the people Hill interviewed included famous inventors such as

Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. He also interviewed

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business moguls such as John D. Rockefeller, William Wrigley Jr. and F.W.


As a result of the interviews and his studies on the subject of success, ‘The

Philosophy of Achievement’ was published in 1925 as a book titled, ‘The Law

of Success’.

It was a joint project between Carnegie and Hill and was sold as a ‘rags to

riches’ type formula for the ordinary man in the street. It was a way for

anyone and everyone to achieve the ‘American Dream’.

Journey To Success

“The Law of Success” was to be the foundation of Hill’s later work. Inspired

by what he had learned in his many interviews, Hill continued to develop his

studies on personal success.

He believed firmly in the power of positive thinking and having a major

purpose in life.

As a result of his studies, Hill claimed that almost 98% of people had no firm

belief or purpose in their life and, because of this, success was beyond their


Napoleon Hill is often quoted by modern teachers when illustrating the

influence that a person’s mind-set has on their success.

Here is a quote from him that illustrates this:

"The subconscious mind makes no distinction between constructive

and destructive thought impulses. It works with the material we feed

it through our thought impulses. The subconscious mind will

translate into reality a thought driven by fear just as readily as it will

translate into reality a thought driven by courage or faith."

~ Napoleon Hill

In his lifetime, Napoleon Hill served on the staff of two US Presidents. His

personal achievements included authoring at least ten published books on the subject of personal success and positive thinking.

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How You Can Benefit

If you have not already, I would strongly urge you to read some of Napoleon

Hill’s books. My first choice would be the famous, ‘Think and Grow Rich’.

When you start to understand the link between your personal beliefs and

thinking, you open the door to achieving personal and business success.

Napoleon Hill’s life clearly shows how interviewing experts can provide you

with all the tools and wisdom you need to achieve success . He had no model

or seven steps to follow like you do, yet he managed to create products

from his studies and interviews that have impacted the world for more

than 80 years.

He took the expertise and wisdom that he gained from each interview and

used it to develop a model that other people could use and apply to their



Napoleon Hill’s book