How to Avoid Success at All Costs by Pastor Bobby Keating - HTML preview

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Teamwork is an important part of success

Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support. There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in taking advantage of these opportunities in forums if it is done correctly and ethically.

The newsletters and ezines were updated yesterday, so it is time to see if there are some new developments happening in the market that you can update your list on. This will be written as new content, which will be distributed to your customers tomorrow.

This same content is also an important tool in keeping up to date with the newly introduced products or strategies that are working so as to keep your list informed of recent developments. This helps to build trust and credibility with your readers.

It is time to show some appreciation to those who have helped you in your promotions or sales. Nothing like mentioning a person, their sites and the process they used to get real results. As they say, the proof is in the pudding, so it helps credibility if you can prove what you
are teaching actually works by using real life examples.
