GPT Riches by Shawn Tester - HTML preview

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GPT, or “Get Paid To”, sites can be found all over the Internet. At one point or another, you have probably received junk mail encouraging you to complete tasks online - such as surveys - and get paid.

That being said, is it really all junk mail? The answer is no. Many of these sites offer valid ways to bring in extra income with very little work. So, how do you know if a GPT site is legitimate? Research is the key solution. Take the time to find out as much information as possible about a particular site. Read the details noted on the site itself, paying close attention to any rules, regulations, or terms of service.

One of the easiest ways to determine the validity of a site is by searching the name of the site, along with the word “scam”, in Google. If other people have posted complaints about a specific site, they will show up in your search results. Be sure to read the details of each posting to make sure the site was at the source of the problem, not the customer. Sites that have received just a couple of complaints may still present great opportunities.

Various sites can be found online that give information about dishonest sites, such as and You can also check the database found at to search the contact information and location of a site. Be weary of any site that appears to give false information.

Once your list of reliable sites (like a few of the ones I mention in this e-book) starts to grow, you’ll be able to sit back and reap the rewards.