Wine of Wrath by Ellen G. White - HTML preview

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I have narrowly escaped there are spies in my camp. Last evening when we were at dinner, wine was offered to me. It was very well-mixed sweet and delicious - but when I gave it to Thoré and he tasted it, he commented on its extreme sweetness, and it struck me that there was too much sweetness in the wine. So I would drink no more, neither allow my friends to do so There is no end to the list, Madame; and then add to it all those who died at her command at the St. Bartholomew. It is a long list of murders, Madame, for one woman to answer for." Even for an Italian woman," she admitted. "Ah, Madame," you have spoken truly. I hope that one day, there will be slipped into her wine that morceau Italianizé. That is what I wish, Madame. It is the wish of all of Paris. She came away smiling. Better to win their hatred than their indifference. She wanted to laugh aloud. The Queen Mother ruled France. She was glad they realized that.

Chapter 3

Queen Jezebel: A Catherine de Medici Novel

Jean Plaidy