When Champagne Has Been Imbibed by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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Inspector John and Ramsey contacted the service providers of the network on which the other Donald’s number was operating. Someway, somehow, they were able to get his address. Inspector John and Inspector Ramsey went for the other Donald.

(At the house where the other Donald lived)

“Good afternoon.” said Inspector John

“Good afternoon. Who are you and how may I help you?” a woman said.

“Please, does anyone by the name Donald live in this house?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes; and that is my son. What is the matter with him?” said the woman.

“Is he home?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes, he is. (Calls on her son). Donald! Donald!!”

(Donald comes to meet his mum)

“I am here mum. (Looks at the police officers) Mum, what is happening here? Who are these men?” said Donald.

“Looks like they are here for you. This man here asked after you.” said his mum.

“Are you Mr. Donald?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes, I am.” said Donald.

(They bring out their Identity cards and show it to them) “I am Inspector John and here is Inspector Ramsey from Efficient police station. Mr. Donald, we want your appearance in our station. We just want to ask you some questions.”

“In your station? What is the matter? Please, tell me. I am his mother. And why can you not ask him questions here?” said Donald’s mum.

“Madam, I am sorry, we cannot interrogate your son here. He is coming with us to the police station.” said Inspector John.

(Holds her son). No, my son is not going anywhere. If you cannot ask him questions here, he is not going with you.” said Donald’s mother.

“Madam, please respect yourself. He is coming with us to the station. We just want to ask him some questions. That is all.” said Inspector John.

“I said my son is not going with you.” Donald’s mother insisted.

The police officers tried to make Donald’s mother release her son, but she was adamant. After several attempts and Donald mother remained adamant, Inspector John looked at Inspector Ramsey and signaled with his head passing a message across. Ramsey understood and pulled out his gun and pointed it at them.

“Do you think we are here to joke? Release him now! Mr. Donald, move now!” said Ramsey.

Donald’s mother let go of her son.

“You can have him oo. You can have him. Take him away.” said Donald’s mother.

The police officers got hold of Donald and were taking him away.

“Mum, they are taking me away.” said Donald.

“Don’t worry son. I will call your uncle. I will call some other people. Something will be done.” said his mother.

The two policemen took Donald away.

(At the police station)

“Mr. Donald, do you know of any lady by the name Belinda?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes, I do. She is a friend of mine.” said Donald.

“Just a friend?” asked Inspector John.

“Yes, just a friend.” replied Donald.

Inspector John and Inspector Ramsey look at each other. Just a friend?

“Where were you on the 3rd of this month at night? On a Sunday night it was” asked Inspector John.

“I was in a hotel. I was at a bar then I later went into one of the rooms in the hotel with my girlfriend.” replied Donald.

“Which girlfriend of yours is that and in which hotel were you?” asked Inspector John.

“I was in George’s hotel and I was with my girlfriend Nancy and that is the only girlfriend I have.” said Donald.

“You mean you were not in Ruby hotel and you were not one of the guys with Belinda on the night she was attacked?” asked Inspector John.

“Attacked? Was Belinda attacked? And by the way, I don’t even know why I am coming into the issue. I was not at any Ruby hotel and I was not with anyone that night except my girlfriend.” said Donald

Inspector John signaled to Ramsey and Ramsey presented Belinda’s phone to Donald.

“Mr. Donald, how do you explain that which is appearing on the screen of Belinda’s phone?” Inspector John said.

Donald looked at the phone and after awhile, he bowed his head to the table in regret.

“Mr. Donald, no matter how much you try to conceal the truth, the truth will eventually come out to the open. As a matter of fact, in your own case, the truth was already in the open before your lies; but it was not clear. Now it has become clear by your reaction. I hereby put it to you that you were the one who attacked Belinda on that night; an attack which caused her memory loss.” said Inspector John.

Donald looks up. “No, that is not true.” Donald said.

“What is not true? Did you not just show remorse? Did you not just give a regretful reaction? What does your reaction depict? Are you acting a movie or playing games or what? If it is not true, then what is true?” said Inspector John.

“I was drunk that night. I had already had champagne prior to having that conversation with Belinda.” said Donald.

Inspector John and Ramsey looked at each other and said in unison, “CHAMPAGNE?”

“Yes, champagne. That was what I took in the bar that night.” said Donald.

“Meaning that you were truly with Belinda and the other guys that night and you were having champagne with them?” asked Inspector John.

“No.” said Donald.

“What is no? Then what do you mean by you were drunk. What has that got to do with the issue?” asked Inspector John.

“I was drunk and I did not know I was talking to Belinda that night. I thought I was talking to my girlfriend.” said Donald.

(John looked at Donald and heaved a sigh) “Mr. Donald, we want you to help us and also help yourself. Tell us all what you think we need to know about what happened that night.” said Inspector.

“That night, I was at a bar in George’s hotel and was drinking. I was alone. After drinking for awhile, I became drunk and was aroused and I felt like being with a girl that night. I grabbed my phone and spoke with my girlfriend Nancy on the phone asking her to come meet me at the hotel where I was. After some time of waiting for her and she did not show up, I dialed her number again. It rang but she did not answer. I dialed it repeatedly by she did not answer the call. After awhile of waiting and she still did not show up, I then went to the receptionist to book a room in the hotel. Then I went into ChatPlace to send her message that she should come meet me in the room I booked upstairs when she arrives. And I got a reply soon after I sent the message. After I saw the reply, I went into the room I had booked to go wait for my girlfriend. I did not know she was not the one I sent a message. It was until the next day when the drunkenness had gone and I check my phone that I realized that I was talking to someone else.” said Donald.

“When your girlfriend arrived, how then did she know where you were?” asked Inspector John.

“When she arrived and she did not find me at the bar where she thought I was, she called me and I told her to come upstairs.” said Donald.

“And why do you think Belinda would reply to you if she was not the one you really intended to talk to?” asked Inspector John.

“Maybe she was also drunk that night.” said Donald.

“Mr. Donald, are you telling the truth about what you know or you are hiding something from us?” asked Inspector John,

“I am not lying to you.” replied Donald.

“Is there anything that you know or have to prove what you have said?” asked Inspector John.

(Donald thought for a while) “Yes, I remember. Check that conversation and you would notice that I mentioned Nancy’s name in my message which shows that I intended to address my message to Nancy, my girlfriend. If I knew Belinda was the one I was talking to or if I had intended to address the message to her, I would not have mentioned Nancy’s name in my message. Belinda is only a friend to me and I would not have asked her to come meet me in a hotel room. My relationship with her has not gotten to that level. We are only friends. Besides, I have my own girlfriend and we have not broken up. If I want to be with a girl, she is the one I call and no one else” said Donald.

John and Ramsey looked at the message and yes, it was there. The name Nancy appeared in the message Donald sent to Belinda. The attacker was not yet!

The phone of Inspector John rang. Someone was calling. Inspector John picked the call and the voice of Belinda’s mother was what he heard.

“Hello. Inspector John, please come to the hospital. There is another development.” said Belinda’s mother.

“Really? Okay we will be there soon.” said Inspector John.

“Okay, I am expecting your arrival. Thank you very much.” said Belinda’s mother.

“Who was that?” asked Inspector Ramsey.

“Belinda’s mother. She has asked us to show up in the hospital. She said there is another development.” said Inspector John.