“The girl is mad or would make me mad.” PSI Murthi shouted , “Where is that girl now? Form where is she?”
“Why are you so hyper about that girl?” PSI Shakina asked.
“A Chinese girl found unconscious on the beach near five caves at this early morning. Thanks god, she is still alive.”
“So what? Is it the first case of this type, in your career of police? What’s wrong with you? And how could you tell that she is Chinese ? ”
“Sis Shakina, She is looking like Chinese.”
“All Korean, Japanese, Chinese or Philippines girls are looking same.”
“Whatever she is, but there are many interesting parts of this story, which makes me mad.”
“What are they?”
“First, she is not in official visitors list from any of such countries. Secondly, she was found half naked. Thirdly, one flute was found near her. Fourthly, we could not found her local address. Fifthly, there is no report of missing any foreign girl. Lastly, she was found on the sea shore unconscious and there are no signs of any clash with anyone.
Who is she? What happened to her? Where is she from? Why is she in India? How she entered in this country? What was she doing at the beach late night, rather early morning? She is looking suspect. Is she entered illegally? Is she involved in smuggling of anything like drugs or arms or a part of any mafia gang or ….”
“Yes, I understand the points you raised. It would be interesting to solve this case.”
“This is not the case Sis, it is a mystery. I smell the big international conspiracy. It may have some dangerous plan to … it may be threat to the top post… I mean… are you getting… I mean the government … I mean the prime minister…”
“Mr. Murthi, please cool down. You know that I would solve the mystery with all angles you raised. Relax now. ” PSI Shakina assured him.
“Thanks my friend.”
“ That girl, what is her name?” Shakina asked.
“No one knows about her. Her photos are already sent to all police stations, all airports and all railway stations, all ports… and we are waiting for any clue.”
“You have options to choose from various activities ...”
Amaya interrupted the lady on the counter at Hotel, “What are the activities available at this time?” Amaya pointed her eyes on the wall clock of the reception. It was showing 12.39 AM.
“The night is still young and you may hang out yourself with many activities as our Hotel never sleeps.” The young lady replied with proud and smile.
“Oh, really, it’s wonderful and interesting too.” Amaya showed some interest. Her words encouraged the lady receptionist to talk further, “We have café, we have music lounge, we have shopping options, and we have gym and spa and…”
Amaya found the list was going long. “Any natural place, to escape?”
“Of course, yes.” Receptionist replied with enthusiasm,” We have grass lawn on the right hand side while on the left, there is a fountain. If you want to wander in the moonlight, there is a track straight.” Smile was on her lips.
“What would you suggest my dear friend? May I call you a friend?” Amaya laughed, ”What is your name my friend?”
“My name is Nisha, while her name is Varsha.” She introduced her colleague.
“Hello Miss Amaya. How are you?” Varsha involved herself in the conversations.
“Hi, Varsha and Nisha, your name sounds beautiful. I know the meaning of your names. Varsha means the rain, Right?” Amaya smiled.
”Oh yes. What about Nisha?”
“Nisha means a night, correct?”
“That’s also correct. It’s wonderful. You are from Japan. How did you know the meaning of Indian names? Do you know any of Indian language?” Asked in amaze.
“Yes, I know little Hindi.”
“How did you do that?”
“One of my friends on facebook taught me some words of Hindi. But, more interesting fact is that the meaning of my name is the combination of both of yours.”
“What is that?” both Nisha and Varsha asked in surprise.
“My name is Amaya; it means night rain, Nisha and Varsha.”
“It’s pleasure coincidence.” Varsha said.
“Miss Amaya, where do you want to dissolve yourself?” Nisha asked.
“I guess, I should go back to my room and take a long sleep.” Amaya concluded.
“Your wish. Have a sound sleep. Good night Miss Amaya.” Varsha greeted her.
Amaya left the counter and turned to lift to get in to her suit. The lift stopped at 8th floor. She moved to room no 809 and locked herself.
Amaya was so tired that she wanted to relax and rest. She took the shower and changed the dress. She was in solid black night gown
She looked her reflection in the mirror. She liked it. She left the mirror and settled on the sofa. TV remote was in her hand. She used it, to check and change all possible channels. Within half an hour, she found nothing interesting on the screen. She turned off the idiot box.
The room filled with silence. She enjoyed the silence for some moments. During the silence, she recapped the whole journey from Tokyo to Mumbai. Mumbai was not in the list or route at all.
Amaya took the Qatar Airlines flight no QR 5541 from Haneda Airport, Tokyo. The flight landed in time at Hongkong. From Hongkong she caught a flight no QR 817 for Doha Qatar and expected to reach at Doha by 23.25 local time, after a long journey of more than 9 hours. Her final destination was Cairo, Egypt for which she has to catch another flight from Doha Qatar.
There was a sufi music concert at Cairo and Amaya was invited to perform with renowned international artists. It was a great opportunity for her to enter the world of music at greater platform. She was very much excited and happy for such a big event.
Amaya has to play guitar with the troop. She could play flute too. But guitar was her first love, first choice and first passion. She was master in both, at the younger age of 21.
There was no music background in her family nor was she trained formally. Still she could play two beautiful instruments. She did not know how she got the knowledge of music. People were saying that it was a God’s gift to her.
She had uploaded many Videos of her music performance on you tube. Thousands of people liked and shared her videos. These videos reached to the sufi forum of Cairo, Egypt and the forum was very much impressed. They invited her to perform with them at an international concert.
Everything was fine and good until the flight NO 817 crossed the eastern border of India. On her seat no 26 k, she was resting comfortably. The announcement from the Captain’s cabin knocked her ears and she came out of the sleep.
“We are passing over India and the flight has to reach the destination within 3 hours. But, there is an important announcement for all of us. I request you all to fast the belt and concentrate on the instructions from our crew team.
There is nothing to panic as we are very safe in the hands of our Captain Mr. Brad. Due to some technical fault, the fuel is going to exhaust faster than expected. There may be some leakage in the fuel chamber. We are in touch with Mumbai Airport and we have requested them for emergency landing to take fresh fuel.
We are happy to announce that our request has been considered and very soon we would be safe on Mumbai Airport. We would fly again as soon as the fuel …”
Rest of her words went in vein. Everyone was panic and frightened. She kept appealing to keep calm while all passengers kept behaving like immature children.
Amaya was calm and cool. She helped the crew members to control the passengers. After 9 minutes, crew was able to settle down them cool.