Pyrolysis and Other Fantastic Tales by Henrique Montserrat Fernandez - HTML preview

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Life is as ciclic as an ouroboros - the symbol of the snake which bites its own tail.


These cicles can be observed in our lives, in society, in the civilizations, on the continent coast and, who knew, even in the Big Bang and the big crunch of our universe.


The hindus and spiritists believe in reincarnation. Isn’t it an ouroboros itself?


The ancients seemed to know things that nowadays we try to rediscover. Science has illuminated our path, but unfortunately it can’t explain all that happens around us.


In the stories that come next I face human dilemmas. People are put in extreme situations and they seem not to be able to get rido f them. In moments like these people get rid of their look and have to run over these ciclic realities.


That’s when fear, desamparo, solitude, hold us and oppress us. That’s when our dreams are involved into nightmares and our lives seem not to be real.


Maybe you have already been in a situation similar to the character’s in these stories. Not in the same scene, but with the same feelings of desolation and despair, facing cicles which you can’t get rid of because they are part of your life.



Author: Henrique Montserrat Fernandez


Translated by: Anna Carolina Land, 2012.




William Eduardo Marques