October's Shattered Graves by Scott Donnelly - HTML preview

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The Cast of October’s Shattered Graves


Noah Swan – One of the two drama teachers at the Stewart Hollow Regional High School.  His gory demise quickly sends the town back into an all too familiar panic.

Sheriff Ben Carter – Stewart Hollow’s prized Sheriff. He’s a year older, a year wiser and much more confidant this time around. He’s engaged to be married and is looking forward to his future.

Deputy Jamie Dart – The officer who worked his way up to Deputy following the murder of Allan Reed last October. He’s more dedicated this time around and is out to prove his importance.

Doug Roberts – The shy senior who wrote October’s Shattered Graves as a tribute to last fall’s innocent victims.  He has an increasingly obsessive crush on Charlotte Sheldon, and a very overconfident attitude towards everything he does.

Kevin Maida – Doug’s loyal best friend since middle school.  He scored the leading role in the play, per Doug’s request.  He always seems to have his pals back, but sometimes, he’s not sure if he should.

Charlotte Sheldon – An attractive and popular senior who was instantly engrossed by the October’s Shattered Graves script.  She calls it ‘edgy and spine chilling’.

Levi Cole – A popular junior who is more obsessed with who he’s seen with than actually being in the play. He’s on a mission to snag the hottest girl in school – Charlotte – but then again, who isn’t?

Harper Cole – The Sheriff Department’s new, fresh out of college dispatcher, and Levi’s older sister.  She has a knack for not being as bright as her predecessor, Bethany Kidd.

Jude Coffman – The shy junior desperately wants to ‘come out of his shell’ before his senior year by joining the cast of October’s Shattered Graves. But he’s also the first one to drop out.

Libby Hatcher – A neighbor of Doug’s, the unattractive senior joins the cast primarily because there is something she has been desperately trying to tell him since they were little.

Samantha Weber – Charlotte’s best friend has a reason to be upset.  Someone she can’t stand screwed her out of her last chance at performing in a high school production.

Jasper Finch – His best friends are girls - Samantha and Charlotte.  Growing up in an all woman household, you’d think he’d want to branch out a bit.

Thomas Murdock – The other drama club teacher is behind October’s Shattered Graves 110%. He shows this by going through drastic measures to make sure the play is a success, but that also might mean there’s something in it for him.

Principal Molly Bain – The seldom seen high school principal always seems to be the bearer of bad news.  She makes a major decision midway through the killing spree that causes someone to snap.

Bud Lockwood – The creepy, middle-aged groundskeeper at the Hollow’s End Cemetery discovers something on the property that could be of grave importance to the new string of murders.

Mayor Bernard Hopkins – Stewart Hollow’s Mayor is running for re-election in November and he does everything he can to stop the killings. He brings in an old acquaintance from his days in Portland, to assure the town’s safety.

Agent Spencer Holland – The old friend of Mayor Hopkins’ travels in from a Portland FBI hub to prevent another serial killer from walking all over Stewart Hollow – or is he just there to simply make the Mayor look good?

Riley Little - The young woman, who recently welcomed her first child into the world, becomes mysteriously connected to the recent slaughters. 

Amber Gibson – Sheriff Carter’s fiancé came into his life at just the right time.  They have plans for their future together, which possibly includes leaving Stewart Hollow behind.