Mr.T Faces Dirty Bird


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Published: 7 years ago

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Book Description

It's bigger than the Amber Alert. It's the DIRTY BIRD ALERT. When 55 V.I.P socialites get kidnapped one by one for an exact 72 hours this nationwide scare becomes so real that Hollywood has to step up and throw in some dollars to help stop "Dirty Bird" before he beckons for the entire nation to get down on its knees. Homeland security is limited by what they can do because "Dirty Bird" is a nationwide moving target. Is this Lone Wolf really deemed such a threat that they need to summon up the A-Team and pull Mr.T from retirement? Do these Road Warriors have what it takes to stop "Dirty Bird" before the threat becomes larger? How did former actor Kevin Mccallister from the Home Alone movies stumble across Part 1 of Dirty Bird's self published Bible? Is there a part 2?

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