Many Sides of a Murder by Ujjwal Kumar - HTML preview

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The Innocent but Guilty


It was 2:00 am already and Vivaan was still awake. Thinking of what had happened to him in the last 36 hours or so. Time passed but no sign of sleep was on Vivaan’s mind. As the clock turned to 5:00am, he fell asleep.

The day was perfect. The cold breeze blowing and the little warmth of the vanishing daylight as a mixture worked well for the clothes I had put on. Brown leather jacket and a pair of blue jeans with a very thin black tie placed a bit differently on the white shirt was my outfit. Had left for the Marina Club at around 8 in the evening. Said goodbye to dad and saw him advice not to drink and split.

Vivaan was asleep at 5 in the morning. All this which he sees now is his dream. Yes, just a dream.

 Vivaan has this unusual power of seeing things with a clearer perspective when asleep during the day. He doesn’t see anything much more than what has happened in the past. But now, he sees things with a clearer perspective and a sense that’s necessary to make something out of visuals. 

It was the 18th of January and the weather was not as cold as an 18th Jan. Reached there at 8:25 and was then involved in the preparations for the night which were almost done. At around 9:30, everyone had arrived and no one else was left to come. Partying was on full throttle till the gunshot was heard at 11:30pm. It was on the second floor of the Marina Club where no one was present at that time. The silence of the room was such that even the slightest of the sounds could be heard very clearly. This place turned into one with most girls’ scared shouts at around 11:33. And I was the one with the dead body.

He had to make out well. Really well. Because when he was present at the party, he was drunk to his limit and couldn’t make out anything then. But now he had his brain on his side.

When he woke up from this dream, he started to think about all of this. Firstly, he was sure that he had not taken more than two drinks but still he was quite drunk. Secondly, he was taken to that floor of the club by his group of friends and he did not want to go there on his own. And just at the moment when the realization came that a crime has been committed there, everyone arrived and the accusation started.

The time was 5 in the evening when he woke up and was thinking of what he had seen in his dream. Till the end of his complete realization of that night’s happenings, it was time for dinner.

 After having dinner, Vivaan plans to go to the crime scene. Plans to maybe catch a sight of something. Something which might help him to convey to his defense and that could probably prove him not guilty?

The Marina Club has been closed since that night and the “Do Not Cross” tape is placed around that place. Vivaan quietly dodges the two security guards to enter the club. It’s already 2 in the night.

He had always had interests in crime investigation and from his knowledge of the Internet and different crime shows; he has learned the act of taking finger prints and matching them later. So this is his entire plan. He would go to the crime spot and take with him all the finger prints. He takes all the finger prints and with the same quietness walks out of the club and goes home. He also plans to get finger prints of his best friends who were not on his side when the police arrived but had taken the other side now.

The place which was once the light of the town is now shut for the common public and people were seen remembering it and feeling of nostalgia was everywhere around the town.

There is a safer side in the story and as of now, Vivaan is not a part of it.