11:11 by Doreen Serrano - HTML preview

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Acknowledgments and Dedications


For my sons, Michael and Alex: You guys have been the inspiration for every good thing I’ve ever done. Thank you for giving my life such texture and value and for teaching me to trade hatred for love.

For my sister, Colleen: You are the soul mate I thought I’d never find. You’ve been by my side through all the good and all the bad. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Never stifle your beautiful voice. The world needs to hear it.

For my mother, Lois: You’ve supported me through everything without ever compromising your own values. You raised me with strength and determination and enough love and compassion to believe I could save the whole world. It started with you and I’m sorry it took me so long to see it.

For my father, Dennis: Despite our differences, you have never failed to remind me of all the positive traits I didn’t see in myself. You loved me enough to carry me when I couldn’t walk anymore and to point out when I was wrong.

For my father, Tom: You are the only proof I have ever had that great men do exist. Thank you so much.

For my sister, Julie: I remember your protection and your sacrifices even though you don’t think I do. You taught me to take care of the next person, no matter what’s happening to me. I know you still love me.

For Kory, Casee, and Zachary: I’m sorry I let my anger get the best of me and that I allowed it to touch you. I’ve never closed my heart to you and I never will.

For J.R.: You never let me give up, no matter how much I wanted to. You held my hand through all of this and allowed me to change your role until we found something that worked. You’re stuck with me forever.

For David: You made the transition from ex-husband to family. You drove me around when my head was inside out and on full blast and you didn’t take off running. You tried to save me from myself when I was my own worst enemy. You’re stuck with me forever too.

To Feinstein: For showing me what reality is and teaching me not to fear it. Maybe magical thinking really does lead to magic.

For Stevie: Because of souls like yours, I have faith in the next generation.

For Sharon and Mike: The parents I would have chosen if I didn’t already have my own. I miss you both and I’ll see you again.

For Miandra: You loved me enough to leave me. I know what that means now.

For Erica: Our paths are parallel but the same inspiration calls to us from the end of the road. Thank you for giving me the chance to share my achievements and for allowing me to share in yours.

For Freddie and Alexis: You’re my art and my coffee; my lawn and my son’s haircut. You’re there at every turn and I look forward to seeing your faces for a long time to come.

For Sean: Your warmth and generosity sometimes gets lost in the wind and you forget it exists. I don’t. I see every great thing you’ve ever done. I hope one day you’ll see it too.

For Rusty: My hero who always manages to show up when I’m in trouble. Thank you for making me feel safe.

For Eddie: For putting an end to my time-out.

For Nana and Papa: I still see you so clearly and still love you just as much.

For Gabe: You pushed me when I thought I couldn’t go further and because of it, I believed in myself. I can’t wait to see you again one day. Remember, you promised to be my angel.

For Amy: The only friend I’ve never had a fight with. You’ll never know how much that means to me.

For Gina: You taught me maturity when I didn’t know I was looking.

To Patty: For reminding me friends stay together through thick and thin.

To Linda: For being the one I can always find the bond with again, no matter how much time has gone by.

For Dr. Marilyn Lairsey: You were my mentor and my teacher and I’ve never forgotten anything about your lessons. You are one of the best people I’ve ever met.

For Lisa: You believed in my book and answered all my questions, no matter how much I annoyed you.

For Denise: You taught me the meaning of commitment to one’s beliefs. Thank you.

For J. J.: I gave you my heart but I need it back now.

For Judge Barbas: You remind me I’m not alone in saving the world.

For my cousins, aunts, and uncles: Thank you for not calling me Satan after you read this and for allowing me to have my own beliefs.

For Auntie June: the truest Christian I have ever known. To C: I wish I’d shared my strength with you and pray you’re happier wherever you are.

For Tanya and Rose: My friends who guided me through both laughter and tears. You’re no longer in my daily life but I’ve never kicked you out of my heart.

For Marcia: You believed in me when others didn’t. I promise you won’t regret it.

For Damian: My inspiration and my