countries, there is an important relationship
workers will become more important. Rising
between the incentives for workforce participation
retirement ages also will spur reconsideration
of older workers and the provisions of social
of early retirement provisions. Studies of
security programs. The study highlights the
retirement rules around the globe suggest that
analytical power of focusing on the design of
increasing workforce participation at older ages
national retirement systems and the importance
will require policy changes in national social
of incentives.
security systems. A major ongoing NIA-funded
Figure 11:
PUBlIc PeNSIoN INceNtIveS to leAve tHe lABoR
FoRce FoR meN IN 11 coUNtRIeS
Percent of men age to not working
1 A D L
= > < = 3
Source:.Gruber.J,.Wise.DA,.eds .. Social Security and Retirement around the World. .Chicago,.IL:.
University.of.Chicago.Press,.1999 .
. . . . w H y P o P U l A t I o N A G I N G m A t t e R S : A G l o B A l P e R S P e c t I v e
t r e n d
Evolving Social Insurance Systems
systems .
Expenditures in today’s 25 EU countries consumed
one-eighth of gross domestic product in 2003
(Figure.12) . In the future, the economic wel -being
of older populations wil depend on a combination of
income sources—earnings from continuing to work,
social insurance programs, occupational pensions,
and private savings. Public policies affect each of
these sources, and proposed policy reforms have
both costs and benefits. More empirical research,
including cross-national comparative research, is
needed to inform the development of policy.
Many countries already have taken steps toward
the pensionable age, nearly one-third of African
reforming their old-age social insurance programs
countries that offer social insurance benefits to
(see box on page 23, “The Chinese Experience”).
their older populations have a life expectancy less
One common reform has been to raise the age at
than the statutory pensionable age for men and, in
which workers are eligible for ful public pension
most cases, also for women.
benefits. In 1983, the United States changed
the age at which workers are eligible for full
Another strategy for bolstering economic security
retirement benefits to increase incremental y
for older people has been to increase the
beginning in 2003. Japan raised the pension age for
contribution or tax rate on workers. Twenty-four
men from 60 to 65 and for women from 57 to 65
countries (two-thirds of which are in Europe)
in the past 15 years. The highest current statutory
now have payrol tax rates that equal or exceed
pensionable age is 67 for workers in Norway and
20 percent of wages. While payrol taxes raise
Iceland. Increases in pensionable age have focused
needed revenues, they have the potential to
on women, who as recently as the early 1990s
discourage work in the formal sector. Other
were entitled to draw pensions at a younger age
measures to enhance income for older people
than men in most countries. About 60 percent of
include new financial instruments for private
countries now have the same pensionable age for
savings, tax incentives for individual retirement
both men and women. While the trend is to raise
savings, and supplemental occupational pension
t R e N D : e v o l v I N G S o c I A l I N S U R A N c e S y S t e m S
Figure 1:
A PeRceNtAGe oF GRoSS DomeStIc PRoDUct: 00
as.wel .
Source:.European.Statistical.System.(EUROSTAT) .eurostat .ec .europa .eu ..
Accessed.January.8,.2007 .
plans. Eight countries already have chosen to make
A trend toward defined contribution plans (in
occupational pension plans mandatory.
which employees contribute a portion of earnings,
sometimes with matching contributions from
Sixteen countries, primarily in Asia and the Pacific,
employers, into investment accounts that they
have a Provident Fund, a compulsory savings
control) rather than defined benefit plans (in
program that is funded ful y with investments
which employers guarantee specified levels of
typical y managed by the government. Most
pension payments in the future) is evident. Among
existing Provident Funds were established in the
private-sector workers covered by an occupational
1950s; very few have been established since 1985.
pension plan in the United States, 40 percent
Instead, countries wishing to achieve a closer link
were in a defined benefit plan in 2000, down from
between contributions and benefits have adopted
84 percent in 1980. In contrast, the number of
some form of individual accounts. Chile, in the
workers in defined contribution plans increased
early 1980s, was the first to introduce individual
nearly fivefold from 1975 to 1998. In the private
accounts as part of a defined contribution plan.
sector, the popularity of defined contribution
More than 20 other countries, mostly in Europe
plans is not driven by population aging but by
and South America, have since fol owed suit. In
increased job mobility, global competition, and
some countries, however, individual accounts are
the growth in the number of smal er firms. An
notional—in other words, no real accumulation
important question concerning this trend is
of wealth exists because workers’ contributions
whether defined contribution plans, which shift
fund existing pension obligations. Depending on
risk and decisionmaking to the employee, will
their design, individual retirement accounts may
provide adequate income security for the duration
be risky for account holders who make uninformed
of retirement.
decisions about diversification.
. . . . w H y P o P U l A t I o N A G I N G m A t t e R S : A G l o B A l P e R S P e c t I v e The.Chinese.Experience:.Rethinking.Social.Security.
Although China is rapidly urbanizing, it
defined contribution individual account. Owing
remains a predominately rural country. The
to the unfunded liabilities of the former system,
majority of Chinese workers are not yet covered
individual accounts have remained largely notional
by any formal pension system. Among those who
as today’s workers pay for today’s pensioners.
have been and are now covered, there has been
a steady rise in the number receiving formal
Social security reforms in China were brought
pensions during the past 25 years. Concurrently,
about primarily because of the restructuring of
there has been a sustained decline in the ratio of
State-owned enterprises and changes associated
covered workers to pensioners in China, a trend
with the movement toward a market economy.
that threatens the wel -being of the Nation’s
However, new pressures have emerged in light of
formal old-age security system.(Figure.13) .
the rapid pace of population aging. Researchers
Fol owing a decade of experimentation, a new
are cal ing for a higher retirement age to counter
framework for old-age security emerged in the
the fal ing ratio of workers to pensioners. The
mid-1990s. The intent is twofold: (1) To replace
Government is also considering converting to a
cradle-to-grave support provided by State-owned
system with a ful y funded component, which
enterprises with an expansion of coverage beyond
raises questions about funding the transition to a
the State sector and (2) to introduce pooled funding,
new system. Another concern with this approach
which deflects risk. The new system includes a
is where to invest funds that wil accumulate in
defined benefit pension providing a 20-percent
individual accounts, given that China’s capital
replacement rate of the average wage and a
markets are relatively immature.
Figure 1:
cHINA’S DeclINING RAtIo oF coveReD woRKeRS
Source:.China.Ministry.of.Labor.and.Social.Security.and.China.National.Bureau.of.Statistics .. China
Labor Statistics Yearbook. Beijing:.China.Statistics.Press,.various.years;.and.China.National.Bureau.of.
Statistics .. China Statistical Abstract. Beijing:.China.Statistics.Press,.2006 .
t R e N D : e v o l v I N G S o c I A l I N S U R A N c e S y S t e m S
t r e n d
Emerging Economic Chal enges
Population. aging. wil . have. dramatic. effects. on. local,.
regional, ..Most.significantly,.financial.
expenditures,, .be.affected ..
In the past 5 years, academics and policymakers
to decline. Some European countries, including
have begun to direct attention to the potential
France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Russia, and the
economic impact of unprecedented demographic
Ukraine, already have seen an absolute decline
change. Currently, however, we do not ful y
in the size of their workforce. And in countries
understand the interaction between policies and
where tax hikes are needed to pay for transfers
economic growth. A good deal wil depend on how
to growing older populations, the tax burden may
wel markets function.
discourage future workforce participation. The
Population aging wil strain some national budgets.
impact on a country’s gross domestic product will
Countries with extensive social programs targeted
depend on increases in labor productivity and that
to the older population—principal y health care
country’s ability to substitute capital for labor.
and income support programs—find the costs of
Less developed countries can shift their economies
these programs escalating as the number of eligible
from labor-intensive to capital-intensive sectors
recipients grows and the duration of eligibility
as population aging advances. Options for more
lengthens. Further, few countries have ful y funded
developed countries may be more constrained.
programs; most countries fund these programs
Because countries age at different paces, it is
on a pay-as-you-go basis or finance them using
possible for the elements of production—labor
general revenue streams. Governments may
and capital—to flow across national boundaries
be limited in how much they can reshape social
and mitigate the impact of population aging.
insurance programs by raising the age of eligibility,
Studies predict that, in the near term, surplus
increasing contribution rates, and reducing
capital will flow from Europe and North America
benefits. Consequently, shortfal s may need to be
to emerging markets in Asia and Latin America,
financed using general revenues. Projections of
where the population is younger and supplies of
government expenditures in the United States
capital relatively low. In another 20 years, when
and other OECD countries show major increases
the baby boom generation in the West has mostly
in the share of gross domestic product devoted to
retired, capital likely will flow in the opposite
social entitlements for older populations. In some
direction. However, these studies rest on the
cases, this share more than doubles as a result of
uncertain assumption that capital will flow easily
population aging.
across national boundaries.
As countries reach a relatively high level of
Traditionally, labor is viewed as less mobile than
population aging, the proportion of workers tends
capital, although migration could offset partially
. . . . w H y P o P U l A t I o N A G I N G m A t t e R S : A G l o B A l P e R S P e c t I v e the effects of population aging. Currently,
Retirement resources typically include public and
22 percent of physicians and 12 percent of nurses
private pensions, financial assets, and property.
in the United States are foreign born, representing
The relative importance of these resources varies
primarily English-speaking African countries,
across countries. For example, a groundbreaking
the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia. The foreign-
study revealed that only 3 percent of Spanish
born workforce also is growing in most OECD
households with at least one member age 50
countries. Over the next 10 years, the European
or older own stocks (shares), compared to 38
experience wil be particularly instructive in
percent of Swedish households.(Figure.14) .. The
terms of the interplay of aging and migration.
largest component of household wealth in many
countries is housing value. This value could fall
The life-cycle theory of consumption and savings
if large numbers of older homeowners try to sell
is that households accumulate wealth during
houses to smaller numbers of younger buyers.
working years to maintain consumption in
retirement. The total of a country’s individual
Financial markets need to be flexible and
life-cycle savings profiles determines whether
innovative to meet the needs of aging
households in that country are net savers or
populations. Undoubtedly, population aging
nonsavers at any point in time. A country with
will create new economic pressures. At the
a high proportion of workers will tend to be
same time, however, it will create exciting
dominated by savers, placing downward pressure
opportunities for expanding our collection of
on the rate of return to capital in that economy.
financial tools to accommodate a changing world
Countries with older populations will be tapping
(see box on page 26, “Expanding Opportunities
their savings and driving rates of return higher
for Economic Growth”).
because of the scarcity of capital.
Figure 1:
(UNIt tRUStS) AND StocKS (SHAReS): 00
+% HlZYZc
% ..
Source:.Börsch-Supan.A,.Brugiavini.A,.Jurges.H,.Mackenbach.J,.Siegrist.J,.Weber.G,.eds .. Health, Ageing and Retirement in
Europe. First Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. .Mannheim:.Mannheim.Research.Institute.for.the.
Economics.of.Aging,.2005 .
t R e N D : e m e R G I N G e c o N o m I c c H A l l e N G e S
Because of fertility declines, nearly all
have contributed between 1 and 2 percentage
countries have experienced, or wil soon
points to income growth between 1970 and
experience, a large increase in the share of their
2000 for most regions of the world. However,
population concentrated in the working ages.
demographic dividends are not automatic; they
This increase should raise per capita income
depend on the existence of strong institutions
and government tax revenues, leading to the
and policies that transform population aging into
first demographic dividend. An analysis of
economic growth. Weaknesses in the governance
228 regions suggests that the first dividend lasted
and management of pension programs—for
30 to 35 years in most developed and transitional
instance, significant tax evasion and unsustainable
economies. It was considerably longer in much of
increases in public pension benefits—can offset
Asia and Latin America, and it likely wil be longer
the benefits of demographic dividends, as can
stil in sub-Saharan Africa. The economic gain
persistent high levels of unemployment and
resulting from large numbers of young workers
underemployment. As a result, governments and
critical y depends on the policy environment. In
employers may be tempted to make promises to the
several countries in East and Southeast Asia, for
working-age population that prove difficult to keep.
example, large birth cohorts reached working
ages with valuable skil s and high educational
A useful tool for understanding dividends and their
attainment, and export-oriented economies were
impact is to estimate production and consumption
flexible enough to put their skil s to productive
over the life cycle.(Figure.15) . Researchers can
uses. In other countries, however, weak educational
use these estimates to account for transfers across
systems and labor market rigidities have resulted
generations, examine savings patterns, estimate
in a youth employment crisis rather than the
spending on public programs, and assess the
hoped-for demographic dividend.
burden of family support for older people.
In the decades fol owing the youth bulge in
Figure 1:
the labor force, as the large cohorts move into
ecoNomIc lIFe cycle oF
their middle and later working years, a second
A tyPIcAl tHAI woRKeR
demographic dividend is possible. This is because
the peak productive ages in a modern economy
Annual per capita labor income and consumption (in baht)
are also peak ages for saving, and in a modern
economy, savings can be mobilized for productive
investment. With an unusual y large proportion of
the population consisting of workers in their 40s
and 50s, countries should be able to increase their
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