Pregnancy A-Z by Dalia AL-Rousan - HTML preview

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Once a women knows that she’s pregnant , the equation of her life starts to change, her diet, exercises ,body weight and other changes. Before a women decide to have a baby she needs to take care of her health as she have to concern in her preconception health, e.g) taking folic acids of 400micrograms per-day to prevent the occurrence of spina beifida, poor maternal nutrition has both immediate (e.g; low birth weight) and long term consequences.

The dietary intake and nutritional status of the women affect both: fetal development and pregnancy outcome, in addition the normal complications during pregnancy will affect the nutritional status too, so the nutritional behaviors are important, therefore attention to the weight gain the amount and rate have to be consider in the pre- pregnancy and during pregnancy as its correlated with infant birth weight , which is in turn associated with the infant mortality .
