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Ac knowledge me nts


Page 15 — “The Heart: Young and Old”

Page 36 — “Age and Arteries”

illustration, Levine & Associates

illustration, Levine & Associates

Doug Dollemore

Office of Communications

Page 17 — Water aerobics photos, cour-

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tesy of the National Institute on Aging,

section, courtesy of the University of

National Institute on Aging

National Institutes of Health

Western Australia

National Institutes of Health

Page 18 — “When the Brain Talks to the

Page 39 — Man getting blood pressure

Heart” illustration, Levine & Associates

checked, courtesy of the National


Institute on Aging, National Institutes

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Megan Riordan, Designer

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John Vance, Managing Art Director

photo courtesy of Getty Images, Inc.

Page 40 — “Production of Nitric

Levine & Associates, Inc.

Oxide” illustration, Levine & Associates

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Page 21 — Myocyte, courtesy

of Edward Lakatta

Page 41 — “Young and Old Arteries”


illustration, Levine & Associates

Page 22 — Calcium release in myocyte

Cover — illustration, Levine &

images, courtesy of the James Hogg

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Images, Inc.

and Pulmonary Research, University of

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Page 44 — C-reactive protein structure,

Page 2 — Three generations, illustration,

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Page 23 — “How a Myocyte Contracts”

Harvard University Medical School,

Getty Images, Inc.

illustration, Levine & Associates

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Page 5 — “Anatomy of the Heart”

Page 27 — “Contractile Proteins”

Page 46 — Endothelial cell, courtesy

illustration, Levine & Associates

illustration, Levine & Associates

of Molecular Expressions: http://www., Florida State

Page 7 — Heart woodcut, courtesy

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of the National Library of Medicine,

illustration, Levine & Associates

National Institutes of Health; MRI image,

Page 47 — Exercise, courtesy

courtesy of Dynamic Graphics, Inc.

Page 29 — Christiaan Leewenburgh

of the National Institute on Aging,

photo, courtesy of Christiaan

National Institutes of Health

Page 8 — John Bicknell, illustration,


Levine & Associates, photo courtesy of

Page 48 — Metabolic syndrome graph,

Doug Dollemore

Page 30 — Piero Anversa photo,

Levine & Associates; Angelo Scuteri

courtesy of Piero Anversa

photo, courtesy of Angelo Scuteri

Page 9 — John Bicknell photo,

courtesy of Doug Dollemore

Page 31 — Stem cell, courtesy

Page 49 — Man in kitchen, courtesy

of Piero Anversa

of Dynamic Graphics, Inc.

Page 10 — Edward Lakatta photo,

courtesy of Edward Lakatta

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of Getty Images, Inc.

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