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Traffic Strategy #2: Press Releases


A Press Release is a news story that either announces an event, an award, discounts, sales and even newsworthy items relating to your company.  With Press Releases, you are able to reach out to a larger market than many other forms of advertising, and in most cases, word will begin to spread within hours of your press release being approved and distributed.


Before your Press Release can be circulated to your target market, it needs to pass the approval of editors, which means that your press release should be structured so it appears to be newsworthy, rather than a blatant advertisement. Traditionally, a well-structured press release should not consist of more than a single page.


A Press Release that addresses the fundamental aspect of what people are looking for (how it benefits them) will outperform any other kind, so keep it trimmed, comprehensive and highly targeted so that it communicates directly with your customer base.


Here is the basic anatomy of a successful press release:


The introductory of your press release typically includes the words: “For immediate release” and should include a specific date as to when publication is expected. You could use the “For Release Before…” date or “For Release After…” date. Most people use the “For immediate release” option.




This will be the most important part of the press release, so plan to spend a great deal of time on it. You want to grab the reader instantly with it, so they’ll be interested in reading the rest of the release. Try to focus on incorporating power, action driven words within your headline, such as:


  • Announcing!
  • Secret
  • Free
  • Discover
  • Strategies
  • Success
  • Shocking




The summary simply offers a snippet of what your Press Release is about. It’s like  taking your entire press release and describing it in four sentences or less.  It  should work in a similar way that your title does, in terms of catching their attention and luring them in, so keep it direct and strong.




The body content of your press release serves as the information lifeline that  provides all of the information needed for your reader to clearly understand your message. 


The thing to remember is that your press release should be designed in a similar format as a journalistic style news story, so that the most important element is featured first.


The reason for this is that you’ve pulled in your readers with the headline, and now you need to keep them there, so they’ll read through the rest of it or read the most important facts before moving on. The last couple of paragraphs within the body of your press release should tie everything together. It reminds your readers about the point of the press release.


At the end of your press release, you want to signify that’s there no more. It would look like this:





Press Release Creation Services:


Press Release Writers:


Press Release Distribution Channels: