The Ten Commandments
of Earning Money Online
...every internet marketer should live by
By: Gary Hicks
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I. Thou Shalt Have The Right Attitude
II. Thou Shalt Identify a Market
III. Thou Shalt Offer the Market Whatever it Wants IV. Thou Shalt Give Free, High Quality & Relevant Information
V. Thou Shalt Get Targeted Traffic
VI. Thou Shalt Effectively Convert Traffic Into Sales VII. Thou Shalt Build a List
VIII. Thou Shalt Not Spam
IX. Thou Shalt Gain Credibility and Authority
X. Thou Shalt Outsource and Automate
How To Make Easy Money With This Free Report
If you seriously want to earn a REGULAR, SUBSTANTIAL and LOW
RISK online income working the hours of your choice from home, this report is for you!
Internet marketing offers great opportunities, even for the complete newcomer, but to succeed, certain things MUST be done correctly.
As a publisher and marketer of more than 20 years experience and having studied the strategies of many other successful marketers, I can honestly say these 'commandments', as I've called them, are the most critically important things you MUST do if you want to make REAL money online.
On a scale of importance, from 1 to 10, where 10 is the most important, these commandments are all 9 or 10! Follow them and you'll soon have your very own bullet-proof online income.
Regardless of whether you want to sell your own products or services, someone else'sproducts (affiliate marketing) or run a membership site, newsletter or blog, your ability and willingness to accept and follow these 'commandments' will have a huge influence on the level of success you enjoy.
Without wishing to sound overly dramatic, EVERYTHING you read here can play a VITAL part in YOUR success and I'm sure if you ignore ANY of these commandments you will, at best, be missing out on a ton of potential income, and at worst, suffer complete failure and bitter disappointment.
Sadly, many internet marketers either fail to make as much money as they'd hoped, or worse, they actually make next to nothing or even lose money and give up before achieving the success they deserve -
often despite coming tantalisingly close to it.
The common theme, among ALL these people, is that they made one or more FUNDAMENTAL mistakes, which, without exception, could have been avoided simply by following these 10 Commandments! I really want you to avoid these mistakes, so please read and absorb what follows!
The ironic thing is, there's nothing here that's especially difficult, expensive or time consuming to follow. Some will need a little more time and effort to implement than others, but they can all be followed by anyone of limited resources and average intelligence and ability.
You just need to know they are important and how to tackle them.
Because if you do, the rewards can't just be counted in cash - they can bring choice and freedom into your life.
These commandments aren't up for discussion - they are not theory or opinion - they are FACTS!
OK, let's get started!
I. Thou Shalt Have the Right Attitude
This is a BIG one - a real killer for the unwary.
This first point is so critically important and interlinked to your success, it doesn't just apply to internet marketing; it applies to every aspect of your business and even personal life!
What goes on inside a person's mind is far more important than most people will ever realise.
If you have mental blocks, doubts or hang-ups about your ability to succeed, you will certainly fail.
As Henry Ford said:
"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
I'm sorry if you've heard that quote many times before, but it's just so true!
Having a 'can-do' attitude is key to your success. 'Can't-do' attitudes are nearly always based on misconceptions, myths, lack of knowledge, lack of self belief or just plain silliness.
An all too common complaint that's heard with regard to making money on the internet is "I can't do it" in one form or another.
So the first thing I'm going to do here is explain just why this comment is nonsense and put to rest some other negative thoughts and doubts that may hamper your prospects of success before you even get started.
Practically anyone can tap into this amazing source of earnings, including students, part-time home workers, work at home moms and retired persons.
Saying or thinking "I can't make money from internet marketing" is like saying "nobody can make money in business".
OK, so before I go any further, let's shoot down in flames some silly doubts and questions that might be lingering on in your head, particularly if you are a newcomer to online marketing...
"I don't know a thing about computers"
Ha-ha, do you think I do? I've been working online for many years now and I still know very little about HTML, CSS or other technical aspects of computing, and I'm by no means unusual in being a 'non-techie' internet marketer.
The fact is, you need to know very little, if anything about technical issues in order to be successful in internet marketing A marketer is successful because he or she learns how to be a good marketer and puts that knowledge into practice, not because they have any particular technical skills.
You need only a basic understanding of computers and the internet to make money online.
Anything else can be easily and quickly picked up as you go along or very cheaply outsourced to others.
Throughout this report I'll be revealing the things that REALLY matter when doing business on the net. You can now create your own blog with virtually no computer skills or knowledge.
Children are now building websites, for goodness sake!
"Will someone copy my ideas?"
Well, they may do, but it DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY DO!
Here's a key point about internet marketing that may surprise you: You don't need an original idea to make good money online.
There are very few purely original ideas. Most businesses, offline and online, are based on re-packaged ideas from someone else. Making money and having someone copying your ideas is better than making no money!
Plus, if you do things properly, you won't be affected by competition.
Get in the game - then worry about things like competition, tax, accounts etc.
"Can I make an easy few thousand in my first month?"
I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, but I'm afraid it's the truth, and I'm not going to be peddling any half truths or fairy stories here. If you prefer to read fiction, pick up a novel!
As with any other (legal) form of earning money, internet marketing needs some thought, time and effort.
Many people do make a lot of money via the internet - some even make 6 and 7 figure incomes. But to get into a position to be able to do so requires some knowledge, thought, work, patience, determination and focus. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are probably being 'economical with the truth' and trying to sell you something!
On the other hand, the great attraction of internet marketing is that unlike a traditional business, it's FAR less risky and expensive to start out. You can maintain a simple website for a few dollars a month and a blog for free.
But what's REALLY great about internet marketing is that if you do things right and persevere, given a little time, the rewards can FAR
OUTWEIGH the amount of time and effort put in on a daily basis.
Unlike virtually all other business models, internet marketing CAN
yield enormous sums of money - totally out of proportion to the amount of time and effort put in - but you do need to put SOME time and effort in first.
That's the reality. The internet holds great potential for newcomers -
as long as they are prepared to learn a little & don't view it as a get rich quick scheme.
"I've been reading a lot about how to get started earning
money online but I'm still not sure which system I should
follow and if it will work for me anyway?"
One major problem is there's just SO MUCH information swirling around, and much of it is unclear, contradictory or even just plain WRONG.
Beginners can very easily become overwhelmed and feel confused, not know where to start, and be distracted from the task in hand.
They suffer from what's known as 'information overload' or 'analysis paralysis'. I should know because it's something I've struggled with in the past!
Yes, you should research, read, use some judgement and common sense, but sooner rather than later YOU MUST TAKE ACTION.
Also, you should understand there are many different online marketing strategies, and a strategy that works well for one person might not be suited to someone else, and there's really no way of knowing in advance which system will work best for you, so you need to make a start and TRY SOMETHING OUT.
As the slogan goes, JUST DO IT (after reading this report ;>) If it works, great. If it doesn't, don't beat yourself up over it, learn from any mistakes, try something else and DON'T GIVE UP!
KEY POINT: People eventually succeed because they don't allow failure to get the better of them and quit, not because they never fail at anything.
"How will my website stand out amongst the millions of
others out there?"
Now we're talking!
This will be covered in the rest of this report. In fact, as you'll see, making your site stand out is only half the battle. I'll soon be revealing what you need to do to convert your visitors into buyers, once you have their attention.
I don't blame people for being negative, confused or tentative.
The proportion of websites that actually make significant money for their owners is actually quite low, because most people don't follow the fundamental principles of internet marketing - principles that are laid out for YOU in these Ten Commandments!
The fact that not many people 'get-it' is a HUGE opportunity for you.
In time, many people will look back and wonder what all the confusion was about, but until then, a few people (YOU & ME) can greatly capitalize.
Read the rest of this report and you'll soon know which direction you need to be heading in to quickly create a low risk, substantial and reliable internet income. And when I say reliable, I really am talking about something you can rely upon, month after month.
II. Thou Shalt Identify a Market
If there is such a thing as a 'secret' to earning money online through internet marketing, it's the realisation that marketing is not about you or what you want to sell - it's about what your customers want.
Key Point: Every single enterprise you embark on should be based on evidence that a particular market wants something.
That may sound like an obvious, common-sense statement, but it's remarkable how many so called 'marketers' are 'product led' - in other words, they focus on finding or creating products and THEN try to find a market for them.
That's the hard, 'wrong way round' way to trade.
The smartest, most successful marketers, on the other hand, first find a market - a group of people with a common interest (preferably a passion), and a demand or need for something. Then they identify or create a product or service to fulfil that need.
To make an analogy, you need to go find some hungry 'fish', and then find some 'food' to feed them with.
This makes things easy, not hard! Once you find a market, there won't be a question about WILL people want a product, as much as
"HOW MUCH will they like it?"
So how do you find online markets?
1. Free Keyword research tools such as Google AdWords Keyword
Tool and Wordtracker reveal how often specific keyword phrases are searched for at the search engines. This makes it very easy to uncover potential hot markets.
Interestingly, many great niche (specialised) markets are nowhere near as obvious as you might expect, which is why keyword research tools are so useful.
2. Visit Amazon.com, eBay.com or internet directories such as
dmoz.org. Click on the categories and then the sub-categories. Does anything catch your interest?.
3. Do you know anyone who seems to be pre-occupied with something, almost to the point of obsession? Think about this - I'm sure you do! For example, fishing, finding a partner, making money, weight loss, anti-ageing etc.
4. Try to spot trends anywhere online or in any media which might highlight a potential market opportunity.
III. Thou Shalt Offer the Market Whatever it
Having identified a market, you may still not know what it wants to buy, if anything! The 'market' may be just too small or there may be WAY too much competition from other marketers. Heck, the market itself may not know what it wants! So how do you find out these things?
1. Go back to the keyword tools mentioned above and check how many people are searching for keywords within your market. Look out for questions people are asking, product names, brand names etc. Check how much advertisers are bidding for keywords within the niche. Higher bids means higher profit potential.
2. Try to identify what type of products or services people within an area of special interest are definately buying. For example, search products for sale within your chosen market in Amazon.com,
eBay.com or Clickbank.com, paying particular attention to product or brand names and model numbers.
Search for affiliate programs that are operating within the niche. You can also do an online search for affiliate programs by searching
'name of niche+affiliate program'. Lots of affiliate programs means lots of opportunity to profit.
3. Visit online forums relating to your chosen subject and observe what people are talking about, what questions they are asking, and what problems they might be encountering. You can easily find relevant forums by Googling the term: 'forum +name of your market'
4. Take a direct approach - ask the market what it wants! For example, use a blog or questionnaire to ask your niche market what their biggest problem or question is, listen to what they say, and use this inside knowledge to identify problems and potential ways (products & services) that can