The Silver Fortune Report - How to Profit from the Biggest Wealth Transfer in History by Thomas Herold - HTML preview

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Portfolio In Just Three Years

' 'Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes

the conditions perfect.'' - Alan Cohen

Four years ago my wife and I moved from Hawaii to California. Many people

asked us why we would leave such a wonderful place like Hawaii. The answer is

simple – we needed change. As wonderful and indulging Hawaii can be, if you live anywhere for several years, even in paradise, you may come to no longer

appreciate what you have.

That happened to us and we soon began to want to start something new. Our new

dream life would involve some sort of business that could help people achieve

prosperity and abundance in their lives.

We arrived in California with two suitcases each and a few thousand dollars in our savings account. As we didn’t know where we wanted to live, we cruised around

for several months living in cheap motels as we explored different areas.

Our savings dwindled quickly and we decided to switch to renting a room in areas that we wanted to check out more thoroughly. That turned out to be a good

decision as we met more people and spent less on room and board.

It was during the time The Secret had come out and we loved it. We loved it so much that some of its ideas sparked the creation of our own vision board as a way to give substance to our dreams.

12 - Chapter 1 - From Pinching Pennies to a Six-figure Portfolio In Just Three Years The Silver Fortune Formula - How to Make Extraordinary Profits from the Silver Bull Market Our first idea was to do an actual physical version of a vision board but we soon realized that this would be very limiting so we decided to create a software

application that would allow anyone to create one on their computer.

We were excited. . .