The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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Guard Your Wallet

First let me tell you a few things to be on the lookout for. I must say what follows is less true for the warrior forum than elsewhere. Some of it still applies, but I had to mention that the warriors forum is pretty much a safe haven. Outright crooks don't last too long there. The quality tends to be higher while the risk of being ripped off is lower. Now, here are some things to beware of as a buyer:

Product testimonials and reviews, they can be purchased or bartered for. If you doubt this, just go to the "warriors for hire" section and look around. There are many other internet places where you can get a paid review or testimonial. Yes, you could make money by becoming a testimonial seller, but why would you? You'll be sorry later. If a recommendation comes directly from someone you trust, O.K. If it's just on a sales letter, ignore it. I will say in the rare case you see my testimonial somewhere, rest assured it was not solicited. I said what I meant without reservations and without payment in any form. There are a few others like me, and testimonials such as these are valuable. But, overall they are worthless due to the dilution I described. Now that is not to say they are not to be used or desired by us from the sellers standpoint. In my warning I was speaking to you as a buyer. When you and I are selling, yes we do want them.

Also ignore dollar figures when it comes to how much they made, It's meaningless to you. They are a #3 with a big list and JV partners with big lists. You aren't there yet, so give the numbers no consideration. ZERO, when you are buying. Those screen shots of their Clickbank/Paypal account, or their web stats,ignore them. Remember, they are a #3 and you aren't yet. If your are staring to get the idea a list and JV partners can give you leverage, you are correct. That leverage makes a huge difference in your potential earnings. So don't expect huge profits at first. I'm not trying to burst bubbles, I'm telling you the truth. Stick with it and you'll get there.