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Celebrities have everything to gain by looking their best. Looking good is part of the job description in Hollywood, and actors and other performers can miss out on parts, have a hard time getting through their stage performances, or even get fired if they show up on set looking overweight and out of shape.

And the non-celebs I work with are also very inspired—sometimes desperate—to achieve specific goals by certain deadlines. Looking good on your wedding day, on a first date, or at a class reunion is important—as big a deal as a role is to a television or film star.

You cracked open this report, so I'm sure that you're motivated, too. But you might need an extra push, particularly after you've gotten started. I'm not going to lie to you. Sticking with any exercise and eating program, no matter how bad you want to lose weight and get in shape, is not easy, as anyone who's ever tried it knows—including me.

But I made it, with my Express Fat Loss program that literally saved my life as well.

In April 2007, I was diagnosed with throat cancer. Believe me, I was floored. I feared not only for my personal well-being but for my pregnant wife. Confused, scared, and depressed, I Copyright © ExpressFatLoss.com. All rights reserved.

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decided to make a life change that ultimately saved my life and gave me a positive, healthy outlook on life.

You see, you have to be ready—ready to make an effort—and you have to want to achieve your goal. If you don't really want to lose 10 pounds or fit into that size 8 dress or walk into your twentieth-anniversary party looking fit and fabulous, then there's nothing I can say or do or teach you that is going to change that.

The definition of motivation is simple: "Having the desire and willingness to do something." In other words, it's on you. I'm not some psycho drill sergeant who's going to bark at you (in print!).You don't need that. This report is in your hands because you're a self-starter with a goal in mind.

I'm your coach and your trainer and what I can do for you is offer specific, personalized tools that will make it easier for you to succeed. I will build your confidence by helping you create a program that's right for you and help you track your results so that you can see the progress you've made and be motivated by your success.

What I will also do is remind you, from time to time, yes, you can!

Martin Bolduc, CPT, ACE, BCRPA

Bolduc Fitness Solution, Inc.


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Special Report on Express Fat Loss

Inspiration, Perspiration, Dedication

Because I‘m a numbers person, it has been important for me to understand inspiration, motivation, success, and failure from an intellectual standpoint. In other words, I like data, research, the facts. So I looked at the results of a survey of trainers and also conducted a study of my own to find out what makes some people stick to a plan, while others drop out or never get started.

I was also interested to understand why people thought they were in the condition they were in. In other words, how had they reached a point where they needed me? I surveyed 800

women and men on my website and asked them, ―Why do you think you are overweight and/or out of shape?‖

Here‘s what they said…

 43%: Lack of motivation

 42%: Laziness

 5%: Lack of time

 5%: Lack of exercise/bad eating habits

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 3%: Illness

 2%: Pregnancy

Since lack of motivation was the number one reason people ended up out of shape and overweight, I decided to look closely at what caused people to lose motivation. From a survey of trainers, coaches, and other professionals who work with clients, here are the top seven reasons clients don‘t stick to the program:

1. They don‘t know what to do to get good results or are bored by the program.

2. They don‘t like working out.

3. They don‘t have the discipline to stick to it.

4. It‘s too expensive (gym memberships, home equipment, etc.).

5. They‘re too busy.

6. It‘s too hard (inconvenient) to get to the gym.

7. They‘ve tried losing weight before and failed.

Finally, and most important, I looked at the positive—what does motivate someone to work out and eat well, or at least to begin making changes? Here‘s what respondents said…

• 44%: Someone‘s holding me accountable.

• 41%: I love feeling good.

• 10%: I‘ve got a big event coming up.

• 4%: I don‘t like how I look or how clothes fit.

• 1%: My doctor said I had to.

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Special Report on Express Fat Loss

Get Started, Stick To It: The Ten Best Ways

All right. So far, here‘s what we know. The best kind of program is interesting, varied, and somewhat fun; it is convenient, isn‘t too time-consuming, makes you feel good, shows your success, doesn‘t cost a lot and, finally, works.

So with this knowledge plus what I know from working with hundreds of clients, I have come up with ten tips for getting motivated and staying committed to an eating plan and an exercise program…

1. Choose a realistic, reachable goal

People often kid themselves: we think we should be able to see dramatic results right away. Fitness books bank on unrealistic goals. ―Lean, flat abs in just 30 seconds a day!‖

―Drop 10 pounds by June 1‖. . . but it‘s May 30! When you expect a result that‘s not humanly possible, you won‘t see success and you‘ll feel discouraged.

Choosing a realistic goal increases motivation by allowing you to have a win. And that goal has to be your goal, specific to you and the way you live. Everybody and every body are not the same. For example, if you‘re muscular already, you might lose weight very quickly. But if you have a family history of obesity, it may take longer.

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So it‘s key to work toward a reachable goal for you. As soon as you begin to see results, you‘ll be pumped up and inspired to work even harder.

2. Ask the hard question—what is ruining you?

How is this extra weight affecting your life? Then use that answer every single day to keep you moving toward your goal.

So if your weight and physical condition are making your clothes too tight, keeping you from walking up the stairs without huffing and puffing, causing people to make fun of you, or getting in the way of your meeting your soul mate, think about these feelings when you don‘t want to work out or every time you want to eat something that isn‘t good for you. This will remind you why you got started in the first place and spur you to go on.

3. Have a clear method for measuring your results

Statistics don‘t lie, but people do. That‘s why I use numbers and graphs. I look at pounds, of course, but I also take measurements, including body fat. So if the numbers have gone down, clearly the program is working. There‘s no gray area. Seeing results—

in black and white—builds confidence and increases will-power.

4. Make sure your program is tailored to your specific lifestyle Your eating plan and workout program have to be comfortable (well, at least for the most part), convenient, and easy on you; otherwise you‘ll want to skip and cheat (try the

Express Fat Loss program).

For instance, if you hit the snooze button five times in the morning and have to drag yourself out of bed, exercising in the a.m. isn‘t going to work for you. Instead, you‘d do better working out at lunchtime and then eating afterward—or having a healthy snack around 4 p.m. and then exercising after work.

Another way to make your program fit into the way you live is to adjust your current lifestyle to make room for exercising and eating right on a regular basis. So instead of getting out of bed and going straight to your computer to check your e-mail—and leaving no time to eat breakfast before running off to work—change things up.

Eat breakfast first to get it out of the way, and then go to your computer. Or check your BlackBerry while you eat. The important thing is to make it work for you.

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5. Create small wins

Come up with targets that are real to you and that you can accomplish in a reasonable amount of time. Like losing 1 to 3 pounds a week, or 2 inches from your waist in two months. Your targets don‘t have to focus on your body.

You might aim for getting in 1 hour of exercise a day, or cutting out the calorie-rich coffee drink and replacing it with a non-fat cappuccino. These kinds of small wins add up and prevent you from feeling frustrated and wanting to quit.

6. Reward yourself

Of course! As you achieve your smaller targets and bigger goals, allow yourself a reward, like new clothes, a trip, jewelry, a movie, or whatever makes you feel good. (By the same token, if you miss your targets, abstain from any rewards or extra fun until you have earned your way back.) The reward reinforces your success. Food, obviously, isn‘t the best reward.

7. Keep the game fresh

Have you ever seen people doing the same workout for years? I have. And they don‘t look any different. They seem almost robotic when you watch them. Change your routine periodically! It‘s best for you and best for your body. You get better results when you put new stresses—good stresses—on the body.

8. Make adjustments when things aren’t working

If the routine, the time frame, and the meals you have chosen aren‘t fitting you, make adjustments so that they do. There is always a way to fix things and get on track.

Believe me, I have seen and heard every problem, excuse, and disaster. And I have always found a way to make it work.

9. Follow-up is key

Keep track of your changes. Be aware of your weight, body fat, number of push-ups or other exercises you can do, and so on. If your goal is to change your measurements or lower your blood pressure, monitor these things.

Make regular visits to your doctor if you are currently on medications for illnesses or conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or thyroid disease. I have seen many people get off and stay off medications after getting on the right eating plan and exercise program. That should be motivation enough!

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10. Make good habits a habit

The changes you make in the way you eat and exercise shouldn‘t be temporary, just to lose weight. Looking good, feeling healthy, and staying in shape is a lifelong process.

Be sure that the changes you make stay in your daily routine and become your new habits. Once your new, healthy ways become routine, they feel comfortable.

The easier you make things, the more you‘ll want to do them.

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Special Report on Express Fat Loss

The Food Formula

Chances are you‘ve tried to lose weight in the past

but either didn‘t succeed at all or lost some but

weren‘t able to keep it off. That‘s the case with

most of the people I work with.

So before we get down to business and start

knocking off your extra pounds—and keeping them

off for good—it‘s important to understand why

you‘re carrying around excess weight in the first

place and why your attempts to lose it haven‘t


When you come right down to it, weight loss is

really all about fat. And I don‘t mean fat in your diet.

I mean fat on your body. The first thing my clients

always say is ―I need to lose weight; I‘m too heavy.‖

But what they really mean is ―I‘ve got too much fat

on my body.‖

This fat is used as fuel for the body, but it is also the type that looks lumpy and ugly under the skin

when we have too much of it.

Now, if you want to lose weight and maintain good health, it's helpful to understand why body fat is an essential part for weight loss and health. But where our fat is stored is even more important - especially for health.

In simple terms, the more fat we have around our middle (like abdominal fat) the worse for our health. An excess abdominal fat has a strong link to "syndrome X," the deadly quartet of high insulin, high sugar, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Even in you who don't have all these problems, excess abdominal fat is associated with high levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol and low levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol. Not to mention you won‘t look good on this shape.

Why You’re Not the Biggest Loser

If you‘ve tried to lose fat but haven‘t been as successful as you‘d like, join the club. There are many, many reasons why people can‘t get rid of their stubborn fat. But the top causes—the ones I see over and over—are eating too much; eating the wrong things; and not exercising enough or correctly. Since this chapter covers food, let‘s focus on the first two.

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1. Eating too much.

Apparently, it may be more complicated than you imagine. Most people are notoriously off base about how much they‘re eating, particularly at one sitting. Portions are often hard to determine, especially in these supersized times. Even people who are trying to do the right thing get it wrong and may be consuming more than they think.

For instance, weight-loss programs describe one portion of protein as being about the size of your palm. But what if you‘re an average-size woman with really big hands?

Also, consider thickness. It‘s one thing to eat a thin-sliced chicken breast the size of your palm and another to eat a palm-sized steak that‘s 4 inches thick. The bottom line is, if you are eating too much—more food than your body can possibly use—you will have extra fat.

2. Eating the wrong thing.

Some people cut back on how much they eat, but what they do eat isn‘t good for them.

For example, many people have told me that they skip breakfast and then eat a big lunch. By 3 p.m., they‘re exhausted, looking for a quick energy fix. So in the late afternoon, they go for the proverbial ―police officer‖ snack: coffee with cream and sugar and a donut.

In science terms, here‘s what happens: the body responds to all that sugary, processed, low-fiber food by producing more insulin. The ―insulin response‖ works this way: as blood-sugar levels increase, the body responds by releasing insulin. Insulin is the ultimate fat-storing hormone—a hormone that moves glucose (sugar) from the blood into the muscles and fat cells for storage. So even if you haven‘t eaten that much, what you did consume is stored as fat.

This kind of eating pattern is unhealthy since the food is low in fiber and generally deficient in nutrients. Plus, it‘s usually accompanied by a ―crash.‖ See, insulin is also called ―the hunger hormone.‖

Once it drops your blood sugar to its lowest, it causes cravings for more high-carb foods, and guess what? You eat more high-carb foods, you store more fat, and the cycle keeps repeating itself.

With the Express Fat Loss program you can find out how to eat and still losing weight!


Go Ahead, Lose It!

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Now we understand the bottom line: If you reduce body fat, you will lose weight. The big bonus is that you‘ll lose inches as well!

For the record, I am not from the ―one diet fits all‖ mentality. I am a firm believer that eating plans must consider individuality because there are so many factors involved in why some people lose weight and others don‘t.

Having said that, there are some specific guidelines that seem to work very well with almost everybody. These are the basis for a good program. From there, you can tweak it to suit your individual needs. So, what does the perfect food plan look like?

It would have these seven things:

1. The magic number of total daily calories for you to lose weight. First, using an online calculator, you‘ll determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR). In English: how many calories you burn at rest. This is the daily caloric requirement to maintain your current weight. Second, you‘ll factor in exercise by calculating your total caloric requirement. Of course, you‘re not doing nothing all day. If you do exercise, the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight will be higher—yeah!

Finally, you‘ll come up with your magic number: adjusted total calories—how many calories you can eat in a day and lose weight and fat. For example, a thirty-year-old woman who is five feet four, weighs 150 lbs, and is moderately active can eat 1,586 calories per day and still lose.

2. The right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in each meal. This is different from the old-school method of ―food combining‖—which meant not eating certain foods, like meat and fruit, together at one meal. Eating the right combination of foods simply means eating meals containing a protein, vegetables (Fibrous carbs), and good source of fat. Eating this way will keep your blood-sugar and insulin levels in check to prevent fat storage.

3. Meals every 2 to 4 hours consistently every day regardless of your old meal-skipping habits.

Consuming several small, balanced meals—plus a couple of snacks—keeps your blood-sugar levels even to prevent your body from storing fat. Plus, your energy level will stay up and you‘ll avoid the kinds of highs and crashes you may have gotten used to but which have been hurting you.

4. No processed, junky foods loaded with refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, or trans fats. Sugar is destructive. Period. Bad fats are destructive. Period. High amounts of sugar in the blood guarantees high insulin (hello, diabetes!), along with high triglycerides and cholesterol—all bad stuff.

5. No alcohol. Unless it‘s your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary or you finally received your PhD, cut out alcohol completely—at least for a while. It has almost twice the number of calories as protein and can cause carbohydrate cravings. Drinking makes weight loss much more difficult. Consuming hard liquor, like vodka or gin, slows the metabolism down for hours, and it also enhances fat storage. Ouch!

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6. Lots of water, instead of sodas (diet or otherwise) or other calorie-laden beverages. You‘ve heard this before, but it‘s worth saying again—you must consume eight glasses of water a day.

Everybody—even my three-year-old son—knows that the body is made primarily of water. The body needs it. Drinking lots of water allows the brain to function, the heart to beat, the lungs to work. Best of all, water aids the metabolic process, which allows your body to process food. So get in the habit of drinking water all the time.

7. A commitment to change. You‘ll need to make serious ―lifestyle adjustments‖ since your current lifestyle isn‘t working for you. This is where Commitment with a capital C is critical.

Your routines and habits have gotten you into the condition you‘re in now. It‘s time to Change (with a capital C).

What’s So Bad About Diet Soda?

Stacks of research have linked drinking regular soda with obesity. But diet soda‘s not the answer either. New research has found that adults who drink regular soda (otherwise known as liquid candy) or diet soda have about a 50 percent higher risk of metabolic syndrome—a condition marked by high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and obesity. All these double your risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Another study, out of the University of Texas, noted that drinking even one diet soda a day increased the risk for being overweight b

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