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Chapter 3:

Building Your Friends List

MySpace Marketing Secrets

3.1 Using Adder Robots

When making money on MySpace, you may want to consider employing an adder robot to aid in the building of your friends list. Currently, there are several different software programs available on the market that wil do this to varying degrees.

So what is an adder robot? Quite simply, it is a software program that allows you to set certain parameters that relate to MySpace and adding friends. The “bot” wil then spider its way through MySpace, adding friends until it has reached the quota you set for it.

There are a number of important things you should take into consideration, however.

The first is that MySpace has changed the number of friend invitations it al ows per day.

If you pass this limit, they wil more than likely flag your account for a potential banning.

To stay safe, you wil probably want to invite less than 100 per day, even though the general y-accepted cut off value is much higher than that (300).

The other important thing you wil want to take into consideration is the quality of the friends the adder bot is adding to your list. If they fal into the right demographic group, they may be entirely worthless prospects.

In fact, they may be more inclined to report you for commercial activity than they would be to buy a product or check out a site.

Last, you wil want to consider the features each individual adder robot offers users.

Some adder robots are inexpensive and simply add friends to your list.

Other robots include more extensive features, as auto private message-sending features. This would al ow you to contact each prospect in a more personal manner, but without sending out individual private messages.

Currently, a number of adder robots al ow buyers to use a trial version for 30-45 days before they purchase it. I personal y suggest testing out Badder Adder, which you can find at the fol owing URL which is free: See if you're satisfied with the quality of the program before you buy it.

MySpace Marketing Secrets

3.2 Expanding to Networks Other than


By now, you are aware that MySpace is the largest of al networks; however, that does not mean that you should rely entirely on MySpace for al social network-related marketing campaigns. In fact, expanding to other social networks can have a significantly positive effect on your business.

One of the reasons why this works so wel is that you can use simple replication to decrease the amount of time you spend working on each profile. For instance, if you create a profile on MySpace, you have to take the time to come up with descriptions, pictures, videos, and boilerplate private messages and bul etins. If you spread to 2-3

additional networks, you have al of this material pre-made for your new profiles. The only thing you need then is to build friends lists, which you can actual y automate on many of these social networks.

One thing you wil want to look for specifical y when considering other networks are

“niche networks,” which are networks designed for specific groups of people. Golf Spinner, for instance, is a community of al people who are interested in golf. It al ows people to communicate as they would in MySpace, but it has other features, such as mechanism for setting up golf outings or comparing results with certain equipment.

These new social networks exist for a number of other niches, too. Aviation, footbal , and writing are just a few examples of some of the types of niche social networks that have already been created. More than likely, if there is not a niche network for what you are sel ing, there wil be soon.

So don't rely entirely on MySpace for building social networks. Look specifical y for other niche networks, as wel as other large networks, such as Friendster and FacE-Book. Al of these social networks can provide some benefit to your business; and since you can simply replicate when you did on MySpace and automate the friends list creation process, setting up these additional profiles wont be time-consuming.

MySpace Marketing Secrets

MySpace Marketing Secrets