Marketing Guru's Lies Exposed! by Michael Kelley - HTML preview

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First Of All I Wanted To Say Hello!

My name is Michael Kelley and like

you I am a real person (with kids and a family).

I love travel, helping people succeed

with their business and one thing for

certain, I am a practical person. I

hope you come to appreciate this in

the next few pages.

A lot of what I see online is pure GARBAGE from a marketing standpoint. I see product launch after product launch of almost USELESS content that does nothing to really help people and in fact, it enslaves them to gurus who then milk them for months, even years with over priced and overcomplicated marketing strategies.

Quite frankly I am pissed off about it and have had enough.

So here is the deal, ok?

What I am about to reveal to you is information that was HARD

WON, took me time to figure out but absolutely will save and even grow your business if you follow this free advice.

I guarantee if you read this short report, it WILL change the way you look at marketing and traffic generation and provide some much needed TRUTH to the chaos and information overload I bet you are going through on how to market and succeed online.

1 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Table of Contents

First Of All I Wanted To Say Hello! .................................................................................................. 1

Here Is What You Will Discover In This Report: .............................................................................. 3

Why You Should Listen To Me? ...................................................................................................... 4

The REAL TRUTH about Gurus ........................................................................................................ 6

How Do I Know This? ...................................................................................................................... 7

The TOP All Time Traffic Scams ....................................................................................................... 8

Bottom Line? ................................................................................................................................. 10

Ad Swaps, Solo Ads and Gurus Mailing Lists ................................................................................. 11

BE VERY CAREFUL! ........................................................................................................................ 12

Blast It Ads, Sell Your Ad to MILLIONS – ....................................................................................... 13

Free Viral Traffic Scams ................................................................................................................. 14

Traffic Getting Software ................................................................................................................ 15

Guaranteed Traffic ........................................................................................................................ 16

The Path to REAL Workable Traffic ............................................................................................... 18

Another BIG Concern . . . .............................................................................................................. 20

The Traffic Dashboard: .............................................................................................................. 21

Search Engine Traffic..................................................................................................................... 22

How It Works – An Overview: ....................................................................................................... 24

Everything you need to know about making money online is here . . . ....................................... 26

How One Website May Hold ALL the Answers ............................................................................. 28

Number One: ............................................................................................................................. 29

Number Two: ............................................................................................................................. 30

Number Three: .......................................................................................................................... 31

In Conclusion… .............................................................................................................................. 33

2 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Here Is What You Will Discover In

This Report:

1. How you are being LIED to by the majority of the GURUS

and also lied to by the “FREE Traffic Niche” people 2. The top traffic BS scams you need to avoid or you will never make any real money

3. How to BREAK FREE from the LIES and information overload and learn exactly how to make your business work 4. How to generate / find real traffic nodes that CONVERT to sales which are the reason you are a marketer in the first place . . .

If you focus on these things you can be earning money literally in days. You don’t need anything else but this information to really supercharge your marketing.

3 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Why You Should Listen To Me?

Over the years I explored almost every kind of marketing that is possible online. I've been an online coach, published numerous guides, started a successful SEO company and currently have over 100 top ranked niches, websites and been involved in numerous product creation and marketing deals and have developed many unique ways to generate website traffic.

I have been hired as a consultant by several fortune 500

companies; I have spearheaded marketing plans that have resulted in successful (million dollar) product sales.

I have published numerous guides on exactly how you can obtain traffic from some pretty amazing places. . .

In addition I am an avid Internet marketer and am excited to reveal to you this information today because you will finally be able to generate high quality totally FREE traffic and END the confusion about marketing.

I work for some of the top marketers helping them promote their products, have published over 40 books on traffic generation, making money online and have worked for some of the top fortune 500 companies.

4 Bought To You By Michael Kelley


I am not telling this to you to toot my own horn,(honestly) rather to show you that you should at least consider what I am going to share with you as some damn good advice.

5 Bought To You By Michael Kelley


The REAL TRUTH about Gurus

It is a land of smoke and mirrors, a carnival of lies that is directed at you for the sole purpose of taking your MONEY.

These gurus want to turn YOU into their affiliate machine, recurring ATM and USE

YOU to make THEM traffic regardless of what they promise to teach you.

The gurus are actually SETTING YOU UP TO FAIL as they know that the MORE you fail, the more you will SPEND out of sheer frustration. You will be given just enough information to get your interest up and then you will be asked to spend more money.

Yet the REAL TRUTH is that these people laugh at you all the time as being too stupid to know any better!

6 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

How Do I Know This?

Recently I attended an internet marketing convention and actually heard some of the biggest names (you would recognize) discuss the best ways to relieve you of your money. I actually heard someone say:

“Sucker punch them with a new lifestyle, dazzle them with ideas and dreams that you and I know they will never achieve, make them believe in all of this and then go for the juggler and wallet!” Yes, YOU are being LIED TO by most of the top gurus. I wanted you to really let this sink in because until you get this you will spend more money than a drunken sailor on leave in a foreign port!

The same is true of the “free traffic generation” Gurus. In fact a lot of these people got their start with the traffic niche as this appeals to almost everyone online who is clueless, the guru’s favorite target.

Some of these gurus were well intentioned and had great ideas for building traffic but they learned it was just easier to resell crappy traffic, almost worthless programs and marketing courses for the easy money, over and over.

The following pages we will take a look at the biggest traffic scams so you can avoid them and focus on real traffic and both conventional AND unconventional marketing methods that really do work.

7 Bought To You By Michael Kelley


First let’s have a look at the top scams so you will NEVER fall victim to these again…

The TOP All Time Traffic Scams

Traffic Exchanges . . . One of the biggest wastes of time If you ever wanted to be a hamster

on a wheel then fell free to join one

of the many traffic exchanges that

exist online.

I know people love traffic

exchanges as they are flashy,

colorful and there always looks like

there is a whole lot going on.

Some of the top exchanges even

have incorporated a social aspect

into them making them enjoyable.

The truth is that these services are only great if YOU own them.

Yet 99% of traffic exchanges are being used by newbies for traffic which means most of the people who see your ads or pages on the traffic exchanges are simply other desperate newbie marketers exchanging equally frustrating failures to one another.

The other 1% are the savvy “vultures” who prey on the 99% by telling the 99% how stupid they are for clicking and failing when they have the answers they need and to come join THEM.

8 Bought To You By Michael Kelley


I have seen people devoting hours each day “clicking” like mad to earn credits and what is equally ridiculous about this is that on the other side of the computer are equally desperate marketers clicking as fast as they can to do the same.

THE TRUTH IS, NOBODY is actually LOOKING at anyone’s offers EXCEPT for the GURUS who prey on the clickers!

The only good way to leverage traffic exchanges is to get people to sign up to ADDITIONAL traffic exchanges and hope they will spend money for credits and you get a few bucks as an affiliate.

You might be one of the few people who can harvest leads from traffic exchanges but for most ordinary people they end up dropping these after a few months of failure.

I was recently online with some

top traffic exchange owners and

marketers and they admitted

their principal business was

selling “hits” for people too

stupid to understand they are

being taken advantage of and

set up by dozens of systems

that exploit their ignorance.

9 Bought To You By Michael Kelley


Bottom Line?

If you love traffic exchanges then buy one; although there are many issues with this as well but at least you will have a captive audience to market your things to.

10 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Ad Swaps, Solo Ads and Gurus

Mailing Lists

Many people have discovered they can build a business selling ads in the form of mailings if they have a good size list to offer.

At first glance, this seems to be a great way to build traffic; pay a little money get a guru to do a mailing for you to their list. You can make money selling your products and even grow your own mailing list at the same time. Brilliant!

While this is possible, beware:


You will probably see clicks and signups but many of these scammers build huge lists of freebie seekers (lowest class of marketing segment) and then resell these “Solo Ads” to people.

They promise many open clicks for your email and usually you can get some sign ups too. The problem is that the real value is to a marketer’s BUYER list. It is easy to get freebie seekers to sign up but many of these tire kickers will not buy anything.

Scam #2 – Low Cost Solo Ads From Over Seas Be careful with deals from overseas areas. You will get sign ups to your offer but sometimes they are all from one place! More than likely the people you just signed up are sitting in “overseas sweat shops” and are paid a few pennies every time they join a list or do something related to this. And they are getting cleverer with this scam with software that rotates their IP’s or multiple proxies.

11 Bought To You By Michael Kelley



This has become big business and unsuspecting marketers (even the big names) fall for this scam all the time.

If you do decide to try this make sure you do your homework on who is selling / swapping a list to. Be wary of overseas list sharing or paid ads and if you see signups coming all from one IP address or geographical location, odds are you have been had.

If you are going to do this try a site called Safe Swaps that is policed by its members and is a paid list building service so there is at least a barrier to entry, a history of swaps and their effectiveness as well as a way to suss out scams.

12 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Blast It Ads, Sell Your Ad to MILLIONS –

This scam has been around forever. You are told for a fee (or your email) you can blast an ad to MILLIONS of websites or safe lists.

What you are NOT told is that these free for all sites simply place your ad on some buried website by a bot and that your ad is never seen by ANY human eyes except perhaps yours.

The same is true for website owners who are trying to get their site either additional exposure or backlinks. (Avoid these, Google HATES these kinds of places and they can even hurt your ranking)

Sure your ad will be either sent to or posted to millions of these kinds of sites – yet if almost no human ever sees these ads . . .

what good are they?

In the case of safe-lists many people have dummy email accounts and never see your ad either and have their email accounts set up to delete ads that arrive in them over time.

This means 99% of ads in safe-lists will get deleted, totally unread. Safe-lists make money by attaching their (the owner of the safe-list) promotions to everybody’s E-mailings.

They know their safe-list members will look at their blast emails (even if no one else is this captive audience scam works wonders as everybody who blasts an ad will check it to ensure it went out) thus the safe-list people know you will occasionally buy upgrades, products and services believing this will work.

13 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Free Viral Traffic Scams

Most are unworkable or just feed your emails to a list that someone will try to sell you crap – and of course you will be stuck promoting other people’s product(s) first before you see any real traffic or forced to “upgrade” to the paid version to make it work.

I have seen this variation in all kinds of marketing. In general you are told your URL will go viral and you add your website to a list of say 5 other people who have done the same. No go somewhere and send this to some people and they will do the same causing your ad / url to be seen by millions . . .

This seems probable and the math makes sense; but the real issue here is human nature – the focus of this tool is supposed to be to get people to look at your site. The problem is just like the traffic exchange issue; NOBODY cares about you or your business unless you give them a really good reason to do so and they only care about their success, thus there is no motivation to seriously consider visiting your site and using your offer!

So again this fails miserably as people are only concerned with themselves and do not care about your success.

The best viral traffic offers that seem to have some promise always include a what’s in it for me aspect but it is the ORIGINATOR of this program that gets the real traffic benefit not the people who add their link and push this to other people.

Again you need to be the CREATOR of a viral traffic idea and make part of this page dedicated to something you know these people can benefit immediately from or this will not work.

14 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Traffic Getting Software

Almost weekly, even daily there are the latest “secret release” about how some dude struck it rich because they uncovered the latest “plugin” or freak algorithmic discovery software, or how some underground internet marketer from Russia broke the traffic code . . . that allows you to hack the internet and drive tons of traffic to your website with the push of a button.

In 15 years of marketing products online (remember AOL?) I have never seen anything software based that actually works like these claims say and are pure hogwash.

The ads make this stuff sound cool and sleek and how fortunate you are to have found this software and how this can’t stay on the market long to protect the product so you had better sign up or else miss out.

Don’t be FOOLED! I guarantee you it is pure bullshit. If you take the time to do your homework you will discover that these kinds of scams set up shop, rip people off and vanish. I have seen this scam done so many times it really shocking to me how many people fall for this. NO software can generate the kind of traffic you need not without a human component.

There are legitimate software offers that can help you generate traffic, but nine times out of ten you can only partially automate the process. Perhaps someday there really will be a “magic bullet” software but don’t bet on it.

Do your research before you buy and search the internet for unbiased places for product reviews (like internet marketing forums where members review this kind of stuff)?

15 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

Guaranteed Traffic

It has been my experience that almost all “guaranteed traffic” sites are little more than frauds. You pay money and they deliver supposed high quality traffic. Here are some of the ways they rip you off:

1. Pop unders that are annoyances and are usually blocked (and hardly visible if they are not) and people click off immediately but counted as legitimate traffic

2. Bots visiting your site every few minutes (no human) until your

“traffic” is delivered and your hit counter or analytics record it 3. Overseas sweat shops that sell clicks (dozens of people sitting in a room in China clicking on ads that have no intention or even the money to buy anything from you even if they wanted to) These can be easy to spot as you will see traffic all from the same IP address. More complex scams have software that rotates their proxies and IP addresses.

Spotting out these frauds is easier if you have a look at your weblogs. Your average visitor will stay at the page for sometime before closing it. So have a look at your logs and see how long people are staying. Take your average user and weigh that against some of the more suspicious ones.

Keep in mind that bots such as Google or Yahoo will identify themselves very clearly in your logs and might have a short visit period. The unique visitor that stays say 5 seconds and seems to stay only 5 seconds visit after visit is most likely part of a scam.

16 Bought To You By Michael Kelley

NEVER pay for traffic except possibly for legitimate and proven media buys or other reliable tried and true sources Increased traffic is useless unless it consists of users who are interested in the products, services or information that you offer. I would rather have a daily visitor increase of 25 targeted users who are interested in my offerings, than 10,000 who are not.

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