Internet Marketing Strategies by Nicholas Ritchey - HTML preview

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I also like the analogy because the more dots you connect, the clearer the picture becomes. When you start out, you may guess you're drawing a flower, but instead it turns out to be a bumblebee. As you make more and more connections, you get to see the bigger picture and have to focus less and less on the details. This is like any endeavor that you study and work hard at; the more you learn about and work with something, the more clear the process becomes.

This may all seem a bit abstract to many people, so here's another analogy. Most of you probably have some idea about how your local supermarket works. Let's look at your favorite box of cereal. There is a company that developed the cereal, mass produced it, packaged it, branded it, found suppliers (like your grocery store), and then did a bunch of marketing to let you know about it. It became of interest to you at some point (you didn't always know about this cereal), and you went to the store, bought it, liked it, and are now a repeat customer. In the case of the things you like, there is no trickery involved; you simply tried something that looked good, and now it's an integral part of your life.

The process is exactly the same for Internet Marketing, except rather than a large corporation, it's probably just you to begin with. Just like the company, you go out and develop a product (information) based on some market research you have conducted (keyword analysis), package it (organize information into an eBook), brand it (make a pretty cover graphic to represent the book online), find suppliers (newsletters, websites, online stores, other Internet Marketers interested in selling it), and then do a bunch of marketing (SEO, article directories, Facebook, Twitter, Word of Mouth, Websites, Free Promotions, Joint Ventures, etc.). Essentially, you either develop a product or are a product affiliate, try to get your product on (online) stores shelves, and then do some smart marketing (find the people that want your product & connect them to it).