Internet Marketing Strategies by Nicholas Ritchey - HTML preview

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idiot when I think about my student debt. When I want to waste time doing things that don't matter, I get angry at myself for not working on what will bring me to my goals. I realize that many people spend their lives working jobs that never provide them with the freedom they desire nor the appreciation they deserve, and I see myself in that position. You may be frustrated with the lack of clients you have for your great product, so use this to fuel you on. I dramatize it a bit because it keeps me putting my best foot forward. Just like in powerlifting where it's a matter of lifting or being crushed, I psych myself out and get it done.

When used together, keeping the rewards of Internet Marketing in mind while I properly channel my rage is an incredibly motivating force. If you are also considering this as a living, or as a way to generate more business, take time to get a clear vision of where you want to be. Keep those goals in mind every day, and get mad about not yet being there. Channel your anger, and keep with it. I think Edison must have been a very angry man as well because he hit the nail on the head over and over: 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration