14-Day Accelerated Fat Loss Program by My Fitness Hut by Mark Dilworth - HTML preview

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2. Basic Nutritional Guidelines


Cut out these type foods: sodas, sugary fruit juice drinks, candy, cookies, donuts, fried meats and fried foods, fast foods, ketchup, mayonnaise


Add these type foods: oatmeal, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, low-fat dairy products, low-fat yogurt, fruits, veggies, unsweetened tea, water, lean meats (baked, broiled or grilled), olive oil, cinnamon, mustard. You get the idea!


Try your best to get the nutrition you need from the food you eat! Save your money! Many people take supplements because their diets are lacking certain nutrients or they are trying to reach some exercise goal. When choosing supplements, always look at the active ingredients on the label. Also, some herbal supplements have side effects. So, what's a good plan to follow regarding consumption of supplements?


--Discuss the supplements with your doctor. Don't try to treat serious medical conditions with supplements.


--Look at the GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) supplement list published by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


The supplements that I take and recommend to clients are multivitamins, fish oil and green tea. Notice that these supplements are great for health benefits and have nothing to do with weight loss!