Video Creation Scientist by Mikel Ben - HTML preview

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Introduction to Video Creation Scientist

Video creation is one of those things a lot of people seem to believe you have to be a super genius mad scientist to be able to pull off, but nothing could be further from the truth. Absolutely anyone who can use a computer can create a video with the tools and resources that are available today.


A lot of people who feel video creation is extremely technical are those who have seen software like Adobe After Effects and other software that is complex to use. However, you don’t need to add these high end effects to your average video. You’re not looking to create the next Lord of the Rings movie. Marketing videos should be simple and to-the-point.


Because you only need relatively simple videos, you can use simple software. There are tons of resources you can use to create videos, and many of them are so easy to use that even children are able to use them successfully.


In this report, you’re going to learn about some of the tools and resources you can use to create amazing videos that look completely professional and get results without spending a fortune on complicated software or outsourcing the creation and spending hundreds of dollars.


So let’s get started.