The Making Of An Internet Millionaire by Liz Tomey - HTML preview

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The Skills You Need As An Internet Millionaire:

Your journey towards being an Internet millionaire is made up of knowledge and skills from the following areas of expertise:




It is okay not to be a leader when you are working for someone else, but it definitely NOT okay when you start your own Internet business.

In the world of business, leadership is not an option but rather an obligation, and that applies even to the Internet. Just because you work from home does not mean you do not need to be a leader of some kind.

It does not matter whether you work alone or you have 10,000 people working for you. Being able to tell yourself what to do is important and this is especially crucial when you make a decision that will leave impacts on yourself, your Internet business, and maybe the business associates you network with.

So what constitutes an Internet millionaire with good leadership?

1. The ability to communicate with other Internet business owners, experts, and specialists who are better than they are. This is a skill very important and I believe that this skill is more needed by any budding Internet millionaire rather than the established ones.

The early stage is probably the toughest of all stages in the Internet business and this is where most Internet businesses fail. Most budding Internet businesses fail because they failed to communicate with others who are better than them.

The over-used excuse “Those Internet businesses are successful because they have been established for 4 years” makes no sense to me because the truth is, the established Internet millionaires, like everyone else, also started with virtually nothing on day one of their Internet business. But one of the reasons these successful individuals grow rather contract is because they have the ability to communicate with individuals who are better than they are. And very often, the Internet millionaires instill a certainty or a promising success to the people they network with, even though they were not successful yet.

2. The ability to fix things when they go wrong. Owning your own Internet business means you are in full control. This certainly demands more discipline and control on your part than at a regular 9 to 5 job. When you work in a company and make a mistake, the company pays for it. When you make a mistake in your own Internet business, you have to be able to bear the consequence.

If you do not have any plans of bearing the full consequence, you had better fix what went wrong fast.

3. People care what you have to say. Whether you have 100 or
100,000 people in your mailing list, people do bother reading your emails. And when you send out endorsement letters to products or services you are selling or that you are an affiliate for, people do bother purchasing from you.

Call it your own “fan club” or a “cult” if you want to, but remember that people with poor leadership and communication skills are those no one will ever listen to. This can be a cruel and harsh reality but the good news is that you do not have to be a “guru” but a leader.

Tip: You are now finally given a golden chance to be independent and free by starting your own Internet business. However, if you have been spending most of your life taking orders from someone else, running your own Internet business is going to be a challenge. But the good news is that leaders are made, not born. I believe that if schools can train people to become employees, I am sure that there are also schools that can train people to become employers or entrepreneurs. Therefore, I urge you to invest in a few self-help books on leadership at the nearest bookstore.


If you cannot sell, you cannot make money. You cannot even call yourself a businessman of any kind in the first place. Selling is the No. 1 skill you CANNOT go without even when it comes to online business.

When you write your sales letter, you are selling. When you negotiate with other business people and associates, you are selling. When you talk to your subordinates and professionals, you are selling.

If you hate the idea of selling and you are attracted to programs whit so-called “requires no selling on your part”, becoming an Internet millionaire is probably not in your future.

This is because no matter what ideas or resources you have, without the ability to sell, you cannot turn them into assets. If you have not mastered this skill yet, now is the time for you to learn to sell.

It would not be easy, but it is a skill worth learning and time worth invested in.



Marketing deals with bringing your product or service to a worldwide audience. If you take a look at most of the successful Internet millionaires out there, most of them come from a direct response marketing background. Even the school dropouts and job-quitters learn marketing, in one form of education or another.



The ability to put in your money, time and effort and pull in profits manifold.



Business is about people and no people means no business. Even though you are working from home, and do not need to meet your prospects in person or travel long distances, you still have to communicate.