Passions to Profits by Don James - HTML preview

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Welcome to Passions to Profits!!

I created this guide because I get a lot of questions around how to get started in this business - that is, how to make money online. I think if you read my email reports at and the you discovered some ideas about online marketing but maybe not where to start or a way to bring this all together. Many people have some passions, interests, skills or knowledge but don't have any online experience that could take these to the next level.

That's what this guide is all about - the very first step into trying to earn money online without worrying about the tools and technologies - that can come later. What you need first, is your own inspired preparation.

DISCLAIMER: I can’t guarantee that you’ll make millions, thousands or even hundreds of dollars - but, if you stick to the plan outlined in this free guide you should be able to find your way to some form of online income. If you keep driving it forward, who knows - you might be the next internet millionaire!

REDISTRIBUTION: This report is absolutely free. You may give it away only as a free added bonus of your own package or ebook. I encourage you to do so especially if you are offering your own report on internet marketing. All I require is that this report not be modified in any way.

So, let's get started!

Chapter 1: Why an Idea is Worth a Million Dollars

Can you make a million dollars online? Absolutely! It has been proven over and over. Is it easy? Absolutely not! But why not?

If there was a simple answer to this question we would all be millionaires now. Nevertheless, you can still make money online - it is just a matter of your ideas, tools, passions and long term focus. If you're able to build on that you can reach the top.

What people fail to recognize is that the world is hungry for information
- and I'm not talking about encyclopedic information - but information about common interests. You know, things like hobbies, skills, job related education and even experiences. You have within you some knowledge, idea, experience, hobby that someone else shares or wants to learn.

The reason the online gurus that you see today are making millions of dollars is because they've mastered the technique of combining an idea that is tied to common interests with products and services. Multiply this times the number of worldwide users on the internet and you have a massive market right at your fingertips. The goal you have as an internet marketer, or, as someone who just wants to make some extra money online is to tap into this.
So, sit back and find a comfortable chair so you can find out how to get started.

Chapter 2: How People Get Rich Online

The concepts to earning money online are very basic. I like to call it the EPIC principle. Let me explain.

The EPIC principle means the following: basic Education, Passion, your key Idea, and focused Control. I'm telling you right now that if you follow this principle you will succeed! Just by getting one simple education guide (E - Education), understanding what you love to do (P Passion), going online with one idea (I - Idea) and staying focused for a duration (C - Control) the dollars should start to appear. But, it is up to you!

You see, 95% of those trying to break into earning online either give up too soon or have too many options at their door which causes the 'work on many but focus on none' syndrome. When you look at some of the success stories I've mentioned in my email lists or at my own site, The , their success was almost exclusively based on this principle.

So, how do you implement the EPIC principle into action steps? As I mentioned in the Internet Millions Wealth emails there are six basic steps: building a website foundation, adding original content, adding advertising, building membership, selling your own or someone else's product, and then repeated promotion. That's it!
Sounds simple, I know - but what is it exactly that is making people money online? There are four popular ways you can do this:

1. Sell someone else's product - typically known as affiliate marketing the seller gives you a percentage of each sale. There are thousands of affiliate products out there from real, physical ones like to information products such as ebooks sold at Typically you place a link on your site to a product with an ID so that the main seller knows the sale came from you. Then you make anywhere from 3% to 75% depending on the product.

2. Sell your own product - this is selling your own physical product (which can be difficult with inventory and shipping), using drop-shippers (they own the delivery) or your own information product such as a how-to guide. Here you name the price and expand sales if you want affiliates to help you. The potential earnings can be very large if your product is good.

3. Advertising - by placing ads on your site you receive a small percentage of the advertising based on how many people click on the ad. If your site is popular and the ad is well positioned this can pay very well. Some people rely solely on this form of income. However, you must have a large amount of traffic to earn serious money. Typically ads are used as supplemental earnings combined with a product. 4. Lead Generation - much like affiliate marketing in #1 you receive a cut for every lead you sign up. Insurance, banks and survey companies are trying to funnel in as many leads as possible. By front ending the lead capture you can earn based on volume. Health insurance lead capture, for example, is a huge market but very competitive.

These are only some of the more popular ways you can start. To realize this you just need to apply the EPIC principle with the six basic steps outlined earlier.

The best out there have mastered these principles and have, in fact, hired a staff to build this for them. Once they have mastered these techniques on their own they then can afford to accelerate all of their work using paid staff (which is not as expensive as you would think). By then the money is rolling in and they're on to bigger and better ideas.

So, what do you need to do? Before you get into setting up websites, writing ebooks or figuring out advertising you need this first an idea you really care about.

Chapter 3: Finding Your Passions

Before you begin your EPIC action steps I really want you to get inspired. You may be desperate for money which tends to blind you from looking down the path to your own passions that could sustain you going forward.

Don't give in to desperation! That trap will send you down an unsustainable path, which lead to mistakes.


Let me start by giving you some concrete examples of real profit sites:

Microsoft Access Reporting Cooking Photography
Sedu Hairstyle Products Ice Dam Removal
Small Stock Investing
Specialty Auto Parts
Collecting Antique Furniture

I tell you the more I encounter sites like these the more I'm amazed at what can make money online.

Before you jump into your own idea you should take a moment and walk away from this guide and your computer. The reason is to stop and think about what topic or area of interest you would like to start online with. This is very important - in fact, the single most important step. Finding something that motivates you and drives you to keep pursuing it.

Then I want you to sit down, grab a pen and paper and write down every one of these interests and skills that you've learned in your life. Remember, sometimes the smallest interest can be an amazing online idea!

Simply list them all out on a notepad - it can be anything from a very topic or informational based idea to an entirely practical idea. You should be looking to add any ideas associated with a craft, skill or step by step understanding. These types of ideas can easily be used to create your own products in the future. Remember, your goal is to find a topic that can be used as a source of information to place online people are hungry for it especially if it relates to their own needs or problems.

Let's explore this a bit differently. Let's say your real interests are golf, drinking coffee, and reading non-fiction books on science. Besides that, you are an expert auto mechanic and have a plethora of knowledge on that subject.

Your goal is to find interests that fit a particular niche online (more on that later). In other words, you're trying to find a place on the internet for a website devoted to your idea that has just the right amount of search volume. If the volume is too high - say, for example, something on dieting - your site will be lost in a sea of other sites. But, if your site is something a bit more specific - such as midwest birding photography - it has a much greater chance of getting noticed.

The end goal is to have your site gain enough traffic from search engines and other sites so that you start earning money from selling your own online guide, ebook, advertisements, etc. The more traffic you get, the more you can earn online. Just remember that it will be ten times easier for you to add original content to anything that you really care about.

Please remember this - don't pick something you have no knowledge of or you think will make you lots of money. Why would you put up a website on lazik eye surgery if you love golf, coffee, science and auto mechanics? I'm not saying that trying to make a profit is bad - all I am saying is that doing work only for profits will surely burn you out.

(Another word of warning - whatever you do don't use this guide to try to break into internet marketing as your first attempt online - use what you know, job skill, hobby or a beginners guide. I bet it is right at the tip of your nose - it could be a kind of food, a software tool, some sort of fabric design, maybe just a love of biking...remember, the sky's the limit for ideas!)

The last thing I want you to do when forming your ideas is to read any, and preferably, all of these books. The reason for doing this is to move you to action with the inner belief that you can do this. Plus, I want you to get thinking about how to market yourself in a way that stands out. When you have some time pick up copies of the following:

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki The Purple Cow by Seth Godin

I've added personal reviews of these at the end of this report so you can understand why they're important for your own inspiration. You need to keep these handy because I guarantee that you are going to reach a frustration point which may lead to giving up. If you remember the old adage that bringing any idea to fruition is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration you'll be better prepared when you start hitting small roadblocks.

Chapter 4: Internet Keywords - Monetizing Your Ideas

Part of the work involved in getting yourself online, requires a bit of research on key terms people use to search for information surrounding your idea. The reason for doing this is to find a way to get your website noticed amongst a smaller list rather than millions of others.

Let's say your passion is photography. As you probably know there are quite a few photography sites out there and if you take a quick look in Google you'll see that by just using the search term 'photography' there are literally over 500 million results.


That's great that it is such a popular subject. However, part of the monetizing effort to get your own idea noticed is to break down the topic to specific sub-topics or niches (a term you'll hear a lot of in this industry). If you try to have a general photography website you'll find it extremely difficult to get noticed.

The best thing to do is to jot down sub-topics that relate to your main goal. For example, using photography again, there are many sub topics:

Food photography
Product specific photography (such as Canon, Nikon, Olympus, etc) Portrait photography
Photographic techniques
Theme based photography
Bird photography

You get the picture. The narrower the market the easier it is to get noticed. Now some topics are pretty narrow to start. But, the best way to figure this out is to use Google as your guide. Just enter the term you're searching for and take a look at the number of hits on the upper right side.

Ok, let’s try an example. Say the topic you're passionate about is food photography - go ahead and enter this search term in Google.


00004.jpgYou can see that compared to photography the number of results have dropped dramatically from the original term photography.

My rule of thumb is that your interest keywords should show about 500 thousand to 1 million results to be a reasonable starting point. Anything higher and it becomes more difficult to get your site noticed sooner.

Don't be afraid of mixing your key terms around or narrowing them down even more. Since food photography is still too broad at over 9 million results let‘s try food photography tips instead.


As you can see this is much better! This is a reasonable amount of competitive results to get your site ranked using these keywords. If you pick up some of the tools and techniques mentioned at the end of this report, you‘ll learn how to apply these keywords within your site.

Play around with the terms to see what fits your interest. If your interest keywords are too narrow then try to broaden it. On the other hand, interests in golf, cooking, photography, computing, etc. are going to be very popular and must be narrowed down.

Another great way to get noticed online is to have a skill that people need in an emergency. For example, I purchased two ebooks on ice dam removal and trapping squirrels in my attic. Why? I had both situations (thankfully not at the same time) which needed my immediate attention. I never would have looked for those topics. But, when I needed them I had to have them now. If you have a skill like that then I would suggest focusing on it first.

Chapter 5: Don't Be Short Sighted - Focus on the Long Term

The reason many don't succeed or make any money online is because of human nature. Most people are looking for the quick fix, the short term success. In this business you must hold out for the long term and stick to your vision. The reason there are only a handful of internet millionaires out there is because everyone else gave up! It takes time to see the fruits of your labor.

I won't deny that some have been able to generate income online (and you've probably seen some of these) in 24 to 48 hours, but, those are experienced online marketers who are spending their money to earn it back - where they hold the advantage is understanding the risks involved.

Your own success will be directly proportional to the amount of work you put into it over time. I believe it is safe to say that if done correctly, and, strictly using the formulas found in the guides (see below) I have been promoting - you will start generating income for yourself in one to four months.

Now I know that seems like a very long time, especially if you are desperate for cash now. But, look at it as experience - something you can build and repeat. As you progress you'll see the income grow!

If you keep building on what you've started, you'll start to understand how things can accelerate suddenly to a level where growing streams of income become the norm - isn't that a great thought!

So, to recap I want you to think about doing the following things:

Step 1: Go out and get the books I mentioned earlier - Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad - Poor Dad, and The Purple Cow. Learn from these guys about success - take notes. You can get these books extremely cheap at Amazon - I have a links in the appendix below if you want.

Step 2: Get away from your computer and television and write down all of your interests, hobbies, job experiences, talents, life lessons and things you want to learn. Prioritize this list based on your interests and what you think the popularity of that interest is (don't worry, you can guess here - for example, anything health or fitness related is probably going to be more popular than, say, telescopes). Don't rule anything out!

Step 3: Take your top five items from your list and create some search term keywords for them from my examples in Chapter 4. For example, if my interest or experience is in yoga I would create terms such as yoga mats, hatha yoga, beginner yoga, yoga fitness, etc.
Step 4: Review that your ideas are really things that you have a passion for and are ready for the long term.

Step 5: Guess what? You're now ready to start your online business take your best idea and run with it! Be sure to stay focused - and don't lose your energy. The books and guides I mention in this report will help you sustain it.

Chapter 6: Now What - Where Do I Go Next?

I imagine you're asking 'what next'? Now that you've found your inspiration it is time for the perspiration. You now need the tools and technologies online to start generating your own revenue streams.

If you are absolutely brand new at this and need the real step-by-step guide to get yourself online then I strongly suggest you pick up a copy 'Newbie Cash Machine' at ( ). Ewen Chia is an online millionaire who understands the person who's never done it before with detailed screen shots, listing of the very basic tools you need, and low cost ways to start. The ultimate beginner’s guide!

RECOMMENDATION FOR NEW & INTERMEDIATE READERS However, if you're more ambitious to understand how to take your own idea and build it as your own product, plus, get the basic tools needed to work online then I strongly suggest you pickup a copy of 'Honest Riches' ( ). Holly Mann has taken this very idea and made hundreds of thousands online. As a single mom living in Thailand helping orphans there is no better, or more honest online marketer out there. I met her when she first started out and she's truly amazing. She’s always willing to help you if you ask. Highly recommended reading!

If you want to augment these guides with a real internet millionaire who uses even more advanced techniques and tactics then I recommend that you pick up a copy of Ryan Orrell’s 'Internet Millions' ( ). Ryan was able to use his knowledge of the insurance world to build an online lead generation business that made him a millionaire in five years.

Remember, if you stick with it, learn, grow and think in the long term I promise you won't regret it! The rest is up to you!


(Be sure to check out the Bonus Chapter below!)


Have a great day!

Don James, The Agile Marketer

P.S. - Don't forget if you want more advanced advice on how to make money online be sure to read and subscribe to my personal site - The Agile Marketer.
P.S.S. - Also, stay tuned for my newest ebook coming out soon. I'm a big fan of low cost, virtual no-cost ways of getting started online. If you’re tired of spending money this will be the guide for you! If you’re on the mailing lists you’ll hear more soon!

Bonus Chapter: How I Created This Ebook for Free!

I just wanted to write a quick section on how I was able to use entirely free tools (on a PC - I can’t speak for Mac users) to create this ebook. I used what came with my PC combined with free online tools. It is pretty amazing that you can do this.

1. Writing - I only used Microsoft Works word processor version 7.0 to write the text within this report. This usually comes with most PCs but if it is not on yours you should be able to get the latest version very cheap on Ebay.

2. Cover Graphic - I’m a big fan of ! They provide royalty free images for your websites and other projects. The picture on the ebook cover is from them. A very special thanks to them!

3. Photo Paint - I was able to create the text on the free image for the ebook cover using the free paint package called Paint.Net. I love this software! Simply go to to download it. Note that you must install Microsoft’s .NET 2.0 or higher to use the software.

4. Ecover Generator - There’s a simple, free tool online that lets you upload your images to create the cover at . I can’t believe how well this works for quick reports like this! 5. PDF Generator - Simple, easy to use - PDF995 is my choice at . Just install and print your report as if to a printer. PDF995 will create the PDF file on your file system.

That’s all you need to create your own free report!

Appendix: Books You Should Read

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Before you do anything, buy anything or build anything your education needs to start with the proper mindset. There's probably no better place to start than with Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich". First written in 1937 it is still considered a classic coining the phrase "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

Hill's research started when Andrew Carnegie (the steel tycoon who was then the richest man on earth) gave him the assignment of organizing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Hill, who was a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter from Carnegie, set out to interview over five hundred successful people including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M. Schwab. The amazing result of this inquiry was a Philosophy of Personal Success and a 13 step process to success.

A positive mental attitude and the burning desire to not only build your online business but also for achieving your financial goals, reaching your highest potential, and ultimately creating a life that brings you great personal happiness is the core benefit of Hill's book.
If you need inspiration or just want to read one of the best motivational books of the 20th century then "Think and Grow Rich" is the book for you!

Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Being wealthy may not only be your state of mind but also part of your upbringing. Robert Kiyosaki has become a modern superstar based on this premise; that your past training about weath is wrong. The question is not how to get rich but the know-how to get rich - the modern methodology you can follow to forge your own path.

Using the comparison between his own Poor Dad who held a steady job, tried to save and was scraping dollar after dollar with his Rich Dad, a friend who understood that you must make money work for you, Kiyosaki advocates for a kind of "financial education" that's never taught at home or in schools. Getting away from traditional jobs and moving toward multiple income-generating streams is his main focus for building wealth over time - something financial institutions do as basic practice.

As an internet marketer this is something you need to understand as your own business grows. Millions are not just made by you directly but by a team working for you that can grow exponentially! The Purple Cow - Seth Godin

Vision and strategy can inspire you to get started, but it takes an understanding of new marketing concepts to complete your own internet marketing direction. The world has changed and how we market to it means you have to throw away much of what you know and believe. Ask yourself this - is my product or service widget really a widget or a Purple Cow? Seth Godin turns marketing on it's head to try to answer this question.

The Purple Cow is all about getting noticed. Standard practices with products and services don't apply anymore. The old ways of common TV commercials and large newspaper ads just don't have the impact they used to because there are so many messages and prospective buyers have completely tuned them out. Purple Cow describes the way to something completely counter to common sense, amazing, exciting and flat out unbelievable. Every day, consumers come face to face with a lot of boring stuff-a lot of brown cows-but you can bet they won't forget a Purple Cow.

The result for the marketer is to change the approach - style and brand are now more important for marketing than just products. Although Seth Godin's Purple Cow does not answer the question directly he does provide a creative and informative path that my inspire you to create your own Purple Cow.

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