Newbie's Guide to Online Fortunes by Henry Gold - HTML preview

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“Learn To Play Soccer Like A Pro In Just 7 Days”

Visitors especially Soccer enthusiasts (but not pros) would definitely stop dead in their tracks and read on to learn more about your product. Notice the upper-cased and highlighted words.

WARNING : Do not give false promises or mention something you cannot or don’t intend to deliver in your sales letter in the attempt to get your customers to buy from you. This is important business practice regardless of any form of business you are doing. For instance, if this product cannot guarantee its students to be a Soccer professional in a week, then the product should be named otherwise or not make into the lights of the day.
The sub-headline will give a spark of hope to Soccer player wannabes who couldn’t help but think that their handicap is stopping them from performing like an Ace on the Soccer field and therefore encourages them to read further.

The sub-headline will encourage your visitors to read further.

Since you’ve already got them interested in reading your letter, the rest of your sales letter must tell your potential buyers about the benefits and features of your product. For instance, you can say that your product is the best out there (assuming that is true). You can back this fact by throwing in testimonials from happy buyers who benefited from your product, and testimonials are indeed powerful.

If you have a free offer that can help you increase the chance of making a sale, don’t hesitate to give! In this case, you can give a free one-minute preview clip of your instructional video for your visitors to watch. Should your visitors decide that this is for them, they would buy from you.

Now, isn’t that awesome?
Set up an online payment processor

If you sell something that you own or have the rights to sell, then you need to have a Credit Card Payment Processor. Credit Card Payment Processors process credit card payments for you and sends you the proceeds on a fortnight basis via wire transfer to your local bank account.

Some reputable Credit Card Payment Processors you must check out are:
2CheckOut -
Clickbank -
iBill -
PayPal - (this is the best one)
Marketing your online business
Now is the time to market to your target market.

Each Internet Business Model is different. Therefore, you don’t market each and every one of them the same way. The truth is, not all Internet Business Models depend on a good search engine listing. In fact, some of them are not designed to be listed by search engines at all!

That is simply because each Internet Business Models have different objectives and set up. That also means they require different marketing strategies and tactics to make it work.

Not knowing the different Internet Marketing approaches that are available for different Internet Business Models can be expensive. It will result in spending more time, money and effort than is necessary for promoting your Internet Business.

Here, I share with you seven main ways to generate traffic and get to your target market:
Tracking sales and visitors to your website
The purpose of the last step is to determine your conversion rate of visitors into customers. This
can be easily done if your web host provides a site statistic.

A good conversion rate from a Killer Sales Letter is 1 – 3% (depending on the price of the product). In other words, for every 100 targeted prospects who visit your site, at least one of them will buy your product or pay access to your service. If the conversion rate is higher than 2%, then you are doing very, very well with your Internet Business!

On the other hand, if your sales letter’s conversion rate is less than 1%, then you will need to take quick action to make your site sell more effectively. You may have to do more compelling copy writing, change the layout of your web pages or simply get a better and more attention-grabbing headline (which is so vital that it can make or break a sale!).

Whatever you need to do, you have to increase your conversion rate from poor to excellent!

To track visitors, you can subscribe to counter services if your web-hosting doesn’t have a site statistic feature built in. To track sales, check your Credit Card Payment Processor.